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Chalkie Gerzowski

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Everything posted by Chalkie Gerzowski

  1. 10-4, over and out.
  2. There can only be 5. I like Nanker saying Pucillo should be in there. Pucillo Chevrolet....replaces Allotey. A-OTAY Nails, Spriggs......those should be backups. Rockwood....wasn't that Lurch?
  3. LT - Jerry Crafts LG - Viktor Allotey C - Benjamin Sowbeeski RG - Joe 3 Dollar Steak and Eggs Panos RT - Kris Farris
  4. 11th hour write-in candidate. He is GOD, he will save the city!!!!!!!
  5. The mediocrity is mind-boggling......at least in 84 and 85, you knew the suckitude would be there......2-14 is almost easier to take knowing the team is just brutal. One week they are ok, the next week they stink. They still lack heart, discipline, carry-overs from Gregg Williams. Saddled with a GM who used to retrieve emails at E**N and then wave over to 500 pound Tubs Berman. This is the GM??? It all seems scripted. You know they cannot win an important game. Can't beat the Steelers JV team last year to get into the playoffs. And Ralphie......he is too damn quiet. What the hell is he waiting for anyway?
  6. So after 5 years into his sad tenure, ol Whitey has a rag tag O-Line and a Billy Joe Hobert impersonator at QB??? That is the best ol Whitey can accomplish in 5 years? Get that guy a canoe and send his a$$ down the Allegheny, back to Pittsburgh.
  7. The woodpecker that is a sideline reporter?
  8. I had the audio off most of the game......guess that was one benefit in this charade.
  9. I usually have no reaction also, but I am pisseled tonight! Must have been the ESPN - Tedy Fellatio - An actual lead, late in Patrietteville. Holcomb you bastard! Billy Joe Hobert II
  10. Ralph needs to drop the tennis. He actually plays? On a court? Not a videogame?
  11. New ownership.....ummmmm, someone maybe 30 years younger?
  12. A. Nearest grocery store B. Nearest Walmart C. Any random driver D. Drive up to OP and pound everyone E. All of the Above I have had to be tight-lipped here cause everyone is asleep. I think I better venture out for a little while.
  13. Scripted......bad for tv script......and then you add in ESickA$$PN to broadcast it.......pan to Twitchy, pan to Twitchy's wife, back to Twitchy...... Let me guess......in 2006, the Bills will play a Sunday night game in Foxboro?
  14. I am all for the Russians "accidently" dropping a nuke on Bristol, Connecticut. No qualms at all.
  15. Turned the audio down as much as possible.....still bombarded with Twitchy's albino wife in the stands though.........man ESPN, you are so f*cking awful. The Russians can drop a nuke on Bristol, CT, I will have the biggest damn party.
  16. Man, I really don't want to drive from Baltimore to OP tonight.......really......
  17. What a candya$$. And we wasted time not developing JP, FOR THIS?????? FOR THIS JOURNEYMAN POS!!!!!!! FVUCK HIM.......DRAG HOLCOMB'S A$$ BY HIS EARLOBE BACK TO CLEVELAND!!!!
  18. I third this motion......I am even going to take some time off this week and drive up to OP and kick Kelly Holcomb's nads out his nostrils.
  20. HOLCOMB YOU STUPID !@#$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  21. JUST GIVE IT TO EM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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