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Chalkie Gerzowski

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Everything posted by Chalkie Gerzowski

  1. Can't be motivated for 60 minutes? Mularkey sure has excuses. Sounds like Regier. Well guess Mr. Rogers Whitey Boy got the puppet string head coach he wanted.
  2. "75% off all pitchers of Grape Kool-Aid"
  3. Time for a new direction. Certainly starts with removing the gm, then go slash crazy on all the fat vet contracts. Get way under the cap and do a true rebuilding job with a true NFL gm.
  4. Maybe it is all of the above.....coaches, players, gm, ugly uniforms.....
  5. Cut the fat, get rid of all the old vets, expensive tubs of goo.
  6. Real GMs who didn't spend their off-time zoned out at ESPN looking for emails.
  7. Peter Griffin: Waaah, I love red carpet! Quagmire: :passes out: giggety
  8. Is this about Bledsoe?
  9. Cleveland
  10. Mr. Belding is supposed to interview Bob Kraft tomorrow....in a rather empty Foxboro stadium owner's box.
  11. Donovan's 350 pound McMom will come to the Eaglettes' rescue.
  12. Of course, you could just kick their asses, which would be way more gratifying.
  13. Very Nice! Tom Jackson was amazed......
  14. Getzville? Where is that high school? Amhoist?
  15. No, no, don't be telling him to go down Niagara Falls Blvd. All that is big, fat, crass American commercialism.
  16. I moved my seats this year to the top of the middle light standard, on the visitor's side.....you know to get away from the humanoids....
  17. I can imagine Dianne Feinstein was vehemently opposed to this.
  18. For those of us who are out of town......who is winning?
  19. It will not really matter who wins the AFC East. That team will be toast the first week of the playoffs.
  20. or the 4th period of a Celtics game......and there goes Len Bias! He is running down the tunnel..............not to save puppies from a burning car....but, but to snort several lines.......I think I see Whitney Houston......
  21. Cmon.....they had to catch the 9th inning of the Red Sox game.
  22. Pittsburgh won't move.....Crosby....that place is selling out now. Nashville, I think the owner got what he wanted.....more inexpensive personnel....Kariya has been a hit, Preds off to quick start. Washington....too big a market. Coyotes are getting, or just moved into, a new arena.
  23. Tedi vs the Albino, hair falling out in clumps, wifey.
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