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Chalkie Gerzowski

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Everything posted by Chalkie Gerzowski

  1. Polian insulted Ralph's daughter? What did he do, ask if she was a pin-up model?
  2. "In 2006, I will try to do my best retrieving emails at ESPN again"......Tom Donahoe 12/12/05
  3. I am going to strip naked and run on the field.
  4. LOL, he meant hearse.
  5. he done said you bring da police, an ambulance and maybe a hearst. Yes maam, dere is a football team dat done plum keeled over at da corner of Abbotts and Southeastern. back to mah french frahd pataters......mmmmmhhhhmmmm.
  6. Mike Mularkey = Karl Childers Yes maam, mah team done plum dead. Doyle Hargraves said tah bring a hearst.
  7. The sports environment scenes were the best I have witnessed since the gymnasium in "Saved by the Bell" and also the football field where Al Bundy or someone was "running".
  8. Tom Landry Voight as Bills head coach.
  9. Ah yes, the infancy of the intranet. 10 years ago in fact.....Vancouver fans chanting "Stanley Cup, Stanley Cup"....because the Sabres (Muckler) had traded Alexander Mogilny to the Canucks. That din died down rather quickly. An unknown named Michael Peca, a burgeoning draft pick by the name of Jay McKee.....and another guy named Mike Wilson who was traded for Rhett Warrener. The Vancouver fans don't look too kindly upon that trade anymore.
  10. I think it will get quite ugly, and don't believe a Patriette fan would be wise to show up at Ralphie Wiggam Stadium on Sunday. Next week? Even WORSE!
  11. He looks a bit like Carl from Slingblade. "Ah wuz sittin in da shaid....juss starin at da wull."
  12. I think buckeyemike is entitled to do as he pleases. And some of you should quit treating him like Julius Rosenberg.
  13. Eagles.....Jeff Lurie reclaims his gold standard.
  14. Patriots are in trouble this week. They are facing a fired up squad.
  15. Yes, a string of 4 consecutive conference championships!
  16. Bickering Bills Part 2 Nick Nicolau is angry. Where is Bresnahan, I want to pop him in the forehead again. :madface:
  17. And wasn't Coughlin with Jacksonville just a bit longer than 2 years?
  18. Dick Butkus is doing a better job with that Pittsburgh area high school.
  19. Has he been a part of the team where they won even one playoff game? Moulds was good, unfortunately, the play I will remember of him will be the Dolphins playoff game where he had the Chambers like stat-line. All I remember though, he ran way down the field, and fumbled.
  20. I think the reactions of Donahoe himself will be what people remember. His end of 2003 rant was really humiliating....for Donahoe. Showed to me a guy out of his element, and I don't believe Ralph will put up with another outburst.
  21. Donahoe is quite the kool-aid salesman. He talks out both sides of his ass. Ridicules fans on one end, entices them into the stadium on the other. He should be spending his time looking for Bennie Anderson Jr. for 2006.
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