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Chalkie Gerzowski

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Everything posted by Chalkie Gerzowski

  1. Ralph and Marv are scouting the Shriners Bowl? OY
  2. say a prayer for the pygmies in New Guinea
  3. She doesn't know what bad fan behavior is.
  4. Not on this day. People were sitting on the roofs of a few cars.....friends and I were watching this cause we parked off-site at a friend's house on Abbott, so we watched the traffic go by for hours.....people yelling out of the buses, the limos.....15 years ago, but I remember it like yesterday. I remember some guy giving my friend's father a 20 after the game for parking behind his house all those years.
  5. Just a few more blocks and we can catch up to Philadelphia. I hear they don't really like their bad reputation anymore.
  6. I sat under the upper deck.....near the Marcus Allen hanging in effigy figure if anyone remembers that. Halftime was nuts. Went down to the tunnel endzone area where friends have tix and saw a whole huge group of people from high school. When Talley had the TD, I knew the game was ovah. Even on a bad knee I was jumping up and down like a maniac on that play.
  7. I remember all the traffic on Abbott Road after the game, the horns honking and people generally freaking out.
  8. Have you ever been to Philadelphia? Then you know why they act like that.
  9. The MadDog is a former champion glue sniffer of Brooklyn.
  10. You mean it's going to be more like the days of John Stephens.....Leonard 8 Ball Russell, Ronnie Lippett and the gang? How bout Vincent Brisby and Michael Timpson.
  11. it's the way you tell the story is all
  12. With the names of all high school coaches presently employed in the greater Appleton-Fon du Lac-Osh Kosh metroplex.
  13. The Pats have a new o-coordinator too.....straight from the Moscow Marauders. Yuri N. Sample
  14. Think it has to with those of Roman descent who migrated to Ireland. I think.
  15. Basically it is down to the Grimm Reaper or Haslett. Cmon Millen....Haslett, Haslett!
  16. Poindexter just said that Haslett is the probable hire in Detroit. Thank you Matt Millen.
  17. I don't want Haslett as head coach.
  18. The Celtics and Bruins should provide some Good Times over the winter.
  19. I read the comments of one Patriette fan some weeks ago who hoped the Patriettes would not make the playoffs, because tarnishing Brady's zero playoff losses would be too difficult to take.
  20. He's from Detroit, has jugears, and his daughter looks like Paula Poundstone.
  21. ah yes, the former Steelers legend. Kordell Jr.
  22. Mah career is startin to rezembull mah daddies.
  23. All stats, all passing, all glamour, all commercials......playoff schlub. Peyton Marino
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