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Chalkie Gerzowski

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Everything posted by Chalkie Gerzowski

  1. If the FBI did show up at his house, that kid would crap himself like Chef. I also realize these are most likely idle threats, but this is Philadelphia, and anyway to make their lives even more miserable is just fine with me.
  2. That particular a-hole has been reported to the Philadelphia FBI field office on many occasions today.
  3. Are retail places going to still sell throwback jerseys? Those are great. Last Bills item I bought was an old white and blue Moulds jersey about 4 years ago.
  4. I have been in Baltimore for quite a while. I didn't give a rat's ass when the Ravens won the Super Bowl. I don't follow the Orioles. Clapped one time I was at a game when Ripken had two home runs as his career was winding down. If the Bandits were playing here in Baltimore, I would be rooting for the Bandits.
  5. Like Seth, or Enos, or even Moses. Maybe he can part 18 mile creek.
  6. Bob Rich and Jeremy Jacobs are each billionaires as well. Although neither seems to have the drive that Golisano has.
  7. Aye, high-class alcoholicziz stories aren't as good though.
  8. A lot of people who live in that area are low-class alcoholics.
  9. Maybe Adam next? Cain? He's able. The guy with the raft and the animals.
  10. What is Reggie Rogers up to these days?
  11. Tough to do when law enforcement and the INS look to be complicit in this mess. Talk about a golden opportunity to ask for green cards.
  12. I can understand Erie County politicians not understanding what Ralph is saying.
  13. I would have thought Wayne Weaver (Jags owner) would have been a bit more vocal. Wonder what was up with that.
  14. If people in Green Bay can afford an average ticket price of 54 dollars, I don't see how Bills fans can't afford an average ticket price of 50 dollars. Ticket prices though aren't going to determine whether the team stays or not. I think people would pony up to pay more if there was/is tangible evidence the team will remain in Buffalo. The idea of haves and have nots in the league though, that could be the fatal blow to more than just one small market team.
  15. I think Ralph is taking the best approach on this that he can.
  16. Pro sports continues to lose the idea that it was a nice diversion for fans to be spectators of. For me, I don't need all the news that ESPN spouts 24/7. The sports media has gotten out of control. Maybe the big 3 networks should have a sports show after their evening news programs. And where the Bills are concerned, with the threat of moving in the future hanging over the franchise, that unfortunately takes away attention that could be placed on the team itself, the upcoming draft, etc. I agree, it grows tiresome hearing of this yet again. Even after the new agreement in 1998 with the Bills/Lease/Whatever else it was, I had sense that we would be hearing about more problems within a decade. You could see the handwriting on the wall with these mega-rich a-holes like Jones, Snyder and Kraft. It is easier to just be a casual fan of sports these days.
  17. Green Bay has an average ticket price of 54 dollars. Buffalo has the lowest at 37 dollars. Green Bay must have a lot of high techcheesenology going on. People in Buffalo can afford 50 dollar average seats for a NFL game. Don't confuse whining with cheap as dirt, couldn't s*** out a nickel to save their lives type people.
  18. Because downstate sucks. F Long Island.......pay up, punks!
  19. Can Golisano own both the Bills and Sabres? Golisano should bring in Rich, Wegman and Jacobs as minority stakeholders. Tell Jacobs to sell off the Bruins.
  20. I don't think people will view things in that way. The area will be just another Toledo, Tulsa or Hartford. The one thing Buffalo has over cities its size IS a team in the NFL.
  21. I was hoping for some Houston BBQ myself.
  22. I was wondering what all those Mayflower trucks were doing in OP today.
  23. No, they should trade Losman to Houston for their 5th round pick in 2007 and a 7th round pick in 2008. Eight games is enough. Let's go with Gregg Knoll and Telly Honeycombs.
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