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Chalkie Gerzowski

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Everything posted by Chalkie Gerzowski

  1. Without Polian there are no four Super Bowl appearances. He told ol Ralphie, you gotta spend the money if you want to win. He wanted Kelly here to help propel the franchise in a better direction. He took on the media in Buffalo. So what if he wanted Flutie's legs broken. It's Polian's slight ruthlessness that helps him to turn programs around wherever he goes. I am glad he was part of the Super Bowl winning Colts. In all the time I have watched the Bills, not one person was more responsible for improving the product on the field than Bill Polian. He lit a fire under Ralphie's ass for a while and the Bills franchise had its best years.
  2. Wasn't that one guy, his mother was the school nurse? Yes, I remember OP beat West Seneca Least at Rich Stadium the one year.
  3. Affliction Especially the part where Nick Nolte sets fire to the garage, with his dead father inside of it.....Nolte goes in the house, sits in the kitchen, pours himself a shot of whiskey and then looks out this gigantic window at the inferno, almost admiring his handiwork.....people who have been beaten down so badly both mentally and physically that they have lost all concept of normalcy and common sense.
  4. Prolly Bears vs Patriettes. I remember a bit from some earlier ones.....Remember that one Raider running for a lot of yardage (and touchdown) past the Eagles. Kenny King?
  5. May I suggest about 50,000 Aqua Teen Hunger Force Lite Brite pictures???
  6. 1996 Bills at Eagles About 5,894 F-Bombs dropped. Each fanbase ridiculing the other so much, and in such heinous terms, both sides started LTCAO. (laughing their collective asses off).
  7. Actually the Patriettes sort of Jew their way down the field on offense. All that nickel and dime stuff.....Tom Bradywitz, the Irish Jew QB of the Patriettes really gave Rashay Caldwell a thrashing..... "OY, RASHAY, BOOBUHLUH, YIZZ EYES IS GOIN CWAZY......you should go up to da Empire State Buildin and git some glassis....."
  8. How do you Jew your way down a football field???
  9. That's a bunch of hooey.....I moonlight at an out of state newspaper, in the sports dept.....guess what the "Buffalo" discussion" is 75% of the time.........the uniforms......and not initiated by me. But I'll use your analogy........no one else talks about them.......
  10. A point that seems to be making its way around the ol internet tonight.
  11. 1. Steal Promo's 5 billion dollars. 2. Purchase team from Ralph Wiggam Wilson. 3. Hire a few separate engineering firms to scope Ralph Wiggam Stadium on the viability of the continuation of playing football games in said stadium. 4. Negotiate new 20-year, iron clad (no move) lease with crooked County Executive. Team remains in comfortable, well-weathered blue collar stadium. Change name of stadium to "Buffalo Bills Stadium". 5. Remove all benches from upper decks and replace with individual seats/cupholders. 6. Remove fake turf and replace with natural grass surface. 7. Remove craptastical uniform and replace with permanent throwbacks, retaining present logo to be place at mid-field and on white football helmets. 8. Install beer kegs in the Rockpile section to keep fans happy. Install Port-a-Potties in Rockpile section for soused fans who cannot make it to the bathroom. Also provides entertainment for the more sober fans sitting elsewhere. 9. Chalkie G. proclaimed greatest savior of WNY since Tom Golisano, or possibly the visit by the Marquis de Lafayette.
  12. Preaching to the choir here.....my interest level in the NFL has dropped year after year for quite some time. The Patriettes.....whatever, they won, they find a way to win. Almost seems a bit pre-fabricated, Black Sox-like to me.....how year after year they continually confuse defensive coordinators with their incredibly complex passing game.....which consists, of drop back, throw 5-10 yards to the right flat......drop back, throw 5-10 yards to the left flat......It is like the Patriettes are more science than skill. Then we have another fly-by-night team like the Chargers.....all of a sudden today they degenerate into a Pop Warner team, penalties, mistakes topped off, of course with Grim Reaper Schottenheimer at the helm. Hopefully Vinatieri will end the Patriettes season next week. Then we will have a Colts angle in play here......beat former city, beat arch-nemesis with new clutch player. I am thinking of tailgating each week at the ol Ralph, but never buying tix and watching the game on the tube in a parking lot......hehe. Save money, plenty of beer and food, no pee lines, and the first one out of the parking lot.
  13. years and years of dink and dunk passes now pan out when your receivers are so mediocre, you don't want them to run after the catch...... ah yes, another day in the National Boring League......and the league's most boring team will probably win it all again.......wow, hooray, fantastic...... where's the sleeping icon?
  14. niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice
  15. The home schedule for next year looks pretty sell-outish. Patriettes - sellout Gints - sellout Jits - sellout Dolfelons - probable sellout Cowgirls - definite sellout with bandwagonners galore showing up Ravens - probable sellout.....isn't this the first time the Crackmores make a regular season appearance in Richie Ralph Stadium..... Bengals - possible.....offensive dynamo who is the other? Broncos? ehhh, maybe.
  16. I like it. Adds more weight to home field advantage. Bilk those Patriette fans as much as you can.
  17. Could just have an NFL hat like those dorks on the sidelines holding the markers........therefore every year you would have a Super Bowl winner............go league, go go Goodell!!!!!!!!!
  18. Throwback uniforms with the Frank Lewis/Jerry Butler era helmet design.
  19. Why not just have one game at the Ralph and seven others around the globe????? It could be a goodwill tour......games in London, Moscow, Jakarta, Shanghai, Calcutta, Rio de Janiero and Brisbane........ yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, go league..............go you not Not For Long ambassadors......no more rooting for teams, just root for the league.
  20. I am not even asked about the teams anymore......just the rapidly declining style of uniforms......
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