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3 left feet

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Everything posted by 3 left feet

  1. bump....lemme know folks
  2. could you imagine the espn report if the jets or giants signed him? whatever... GO BILLS!!!!
  3. Im drafting trent in my fantasy league this year....championship
  4. michael smith was cool
  5. bottom scroll has a program alert
  6. on the bottom scroll of espnews, it said theres a programming note about the upcoming presser. i expect any minute....
  7. the douchiest part was when he said that buffalo couldnt sell tix and thats another reason why....toronto game maybe
  8. exactly goodbye mediocre, non-relevant Bills.
  9. Im sure a guy and his preggo wife were just dying to start trouble...
  10. WOO HOO!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. link dare i ask?
  12. i said yes.
  13. I don't know how many games you've attended, but I've seen Bills fans start crap for no reason. I witnessed a man dump beer on some kid (who looked 12 max) who was wearing chargers gear this year. That's one of several examples I could give you. The drunkeness is a problem. I drink. I just don't act like a tool. Not everyone can say that.
  14. And the bills are doing soooooo well without him.
  15. Hilarious. I take it you listen to the radio. This isn't the jim rome show and you made a stupid point.
  16. Wow. Good one. That's an old person joke, you're gonna die soon. Haha
  17. In two years Leo will have made you forget all about the artist formerly known as Greer. Put it in your siggy. The bills didn't miss on him. He may not be better than Jabari now, but he's better than him at this point in his career. BTW, just because a rookie doesn't speak with your tempo, accent or vocabulary, it doesn't make him unintelligent. I'd like to see you discect that playbook.
  18. You simply can't take a guy 11th overall and not start him the next year. It's neither fiscally nor psychologically repsonsible. McKelvin had to know that the Bills are confident in his abilities and McGee, despite his injury, is still a better overall football player than Greer. Dockery was obviously a mistake. I applaud the Bills for cutting ties, despite the flubbed trade, and admitting error. McKelvin, however, is too young and too impressionable and too valuable not to invest in for the long haul....which in B-lo is 3 years from now when we don't re-sign him and he leaves for greener pastures.
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