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3 left feet

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Everything posted by 3 left feet

  1. okay, time to trade up for sweed....now
  2. nice observation. thats pretty strange company.
  3. i dont understand all the clamoring to move up when there are 3 guys that are all close in skill level. too early to move up.
  4. happy tourney time...didnt see a forum to stick this in. please move if needed, thx. the more the merrier! http://tournament.fantasysports.yahoo.com/...87&P=wilson the password is "wilson" LETS GOOOO MOUNTAINEERS!!!
  5. whos brian mooreman?
  6. leaping leonard will blow his knee out before week 9. you can jump over guys from central florida but try that in the nfl and youre gonna get mcgahee'd. i dont want him.
  7. i dont think that holcomb wouldve been traded had the front office not believed in nall's ability to back up jp. but thats just my deductive reasoning. i say that qb will be one of our 7th rd picks.
  8. my bad, youre a puss and an idiot
  9. youre an idiot and i mean that in the worst possible way.
  10. that was pretty damn good. if i could give you a kudo i would.
  11. oh nothing malicious. all in good fun. i tivo'd it and im proud of him. btw, didnt mean to post this in this forum. sorry. or as they say down the street....my bad
  12. yeah...eye of the tiger dah dah dah dah dah dah dah dah dah dahhhhhhhhh i have to admit, that song still gets me ready to see a fight or good tailgating music...which was funny considering the juxtapose of a dancing competition. you would never see any ex-bills on that show...i hope.
  13. my uncles band....'survivor' just played on dancing with the stars. hahahhahaha. cant wait to rip on him sunday.
  14. michael turner was tendered for a 1st and 3rd. so why is there speculation that a trade involving mr. turner would not involve those picks? are they negotiable? dont murder me, just trying to understand. thanks
  15. wow. classy. cosby's huh? thats a pretty !@#$in horrible thing to write. congratulations, i hope you giggled while typing.
  16. that crossed my mind too. brady quinn anyone? landry though is a better fit for them, given mike browns injury. just dont touch willis, he's ours to pass over!
  17. http://www.nfl.com/nflnetwork/story/10033511
  18. The Washington Redskins and Chicago Bears are considering a trade that would send the sixth overall pick to Chicago for Bears linebacker Lance Briggs and the 31st overall selection.
  19. "I'm gonna make up for it!"
  20. i know they just signed monte reagor last week. however, dont know if that had a direct influence on the decision. btw, does anyone else find the AFL unwatchable?
  21. you really think theres a chance spikes is here this year, even with his current salary and performance the past two seasons? i'm thinking that the worst thing that could happen is that we get less than a 5th for him. i think him staying is too far beyond the realm of possibility.
  22. ill be in the endzone then, preferably across from the scoreboard.
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