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3 left feet

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Everything posted by 3 left feet

  1. dude….ug….that…..ug…..
  2. youre being a contrarian, right?
  3. perfectly played, sir. Whats Merriman's relationship w/AJ Smith? Was Merriman waived b/c he's completely spent or was there also an immendable fracture in the relationship? i.e. Tomlinson
  4. 1 game and as soon as possible. i just clicked that link and it hurt my brain. i took the day off and now i'm crunching numbers…egad
  5. It's funny. I'm 31, and when I first loved football the Pats were such a laughingstock that I actually don't mind them. What do I care? They were a joke made into a really impressive team. F the Dolphins 3LF
  6. i still go to p2p4u.net, was able to watch cincy game last week.
  7. ok, i totally read that as, "...with their 3 blacks" wow back to your regularly scheduled progamming
  8. come on o! jeezus spiller, nice audible trent
  9. or he was honorable, in that he didnt steal from the team. he apparently has a higher calling than the NFL.
  10. names fine, logo is crazy.
  11. Just thought I'd express myself and vent for a moment. I can think of no more disrespectful and derogatory team name in all of American sport. Could you imagine the Harlem Blackskins or the San Francisco Yellows? I cringe every time I hear their name....oh well.
  12. love the handsome boy modeling school avatar
  13. http://flashwarner.com/images/cushingnow.JPG here he w/B word breasts
  14. rookie. pay. scale. best part of the NBA financial structure
  15. sad. in most cases the individual was molested as a child. learned behavior....like a spreading cancer, hopefully he never touched a child, although one could argue that the purchase/downloading/possession of child pornography perpetuates the problem.
  16. im done here. never again
  17. if the bills dont win this game, i will never post here again
  18. STFU hater. go to the pats board w that crap
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