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Dr. Trooth

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Everything posted by Dr. Trooth

  1. I think it's the fallout from the Matt BarkleyPinup Fan Boy club. Their sexy qb didn't do a damn thing in his pro day help himself in is much ballhooed Pro Day and quiet the dowbters so they're takin it out on the unsexy non pinup guy that is slow and played in a dome... I mean Nassib never played a damn game outside or in cold weather. Those games at Yankee Stadium in January and the Missouri game in November never happened. I recall a certain QB by the name of McNabb that played in a dome... and Batman had Robin (Marvin Harrison). McNabb turned out to be an OK NFL QB... even started in a SB (something no USC QB ever did). Nassib broke most of McNabb's passing records... and Batman had no Robin thi time... but, he made everyone around him better.
  2. Why is it that everytime a QB has been released there is an knee jerk reaction that somehow he could end up being on the Bills? There are some, for whatever reason, that seem to think everytime some team takes out the trash it's time for the Bills to dumpster dive. I ain't getting it... maybe I have to lose a few more brain cells and a light will go on.
  3. Strictly referring to USC as Hollywood. UCLA has nothing to do with it. UCLA QBs rarely get the acclaim that USC does. If you go to USC, it doesn't matter who you are and how bad you suck... you are football royalty From way back in the days of Pat Hayden to Rodney Peete to Matt Marinovich... and now Barkely. They two things they all have in common is that they are highly acclaimed and they all suck.
  4. Lotta hype for a 3rd rounder. Only question left... which USC qb bust does he remind you of? Leinart, Rob Johnson, Sanchez, or Salisbury? Side note: no USC qb has ever started in a super bowl. That's 94 qbs and not one starter from Hollywood.
  5. In other words, keep flingin s#it at the wall and wait to see which one sticks.
  6. Sheesh. Flynn or Kolb? WTF? That's our choices? I know the Bills organization has descended into sub mediocrity, but now the fans too? When will we at least dare to be adequate? When boarders talk qb trade, how about showing some balls. How about conjuring up a trade for Rodgers, Brees, Eli, Roethlisberger... I mean someone who has done something. Why always some loser retread or caddy with a low ceiling? Damn I can't wait for this offseason to end.
  7. The ghost of fitz lives on. Honestly, I cannot fathom why the Bills would even consider this after the failures of Johnson and Bledsoe. Anyway...Read this. Toward the end. Flynn compares to fitz. http://www.nfl.com/combine/profiles?id=367
  8. It ain't just Buffalo. It is New York State. And most certainly any and every community west and north of Albany. New York State is easily the worst run state in the country When a business gets lured or wants to come to NYS, the first thing they want are tex and energy breaks. Why? Because NYS taxes, energy costs, and workers comp. insurance are the highest in the country. Their property taxes rate in the top 5. Their gasoline tax is the hghest in the country, cigarette taxes are the highest in the country. They are ranked last in being business friendly. The population is aging and high school and college grads are leaving the state in droves... that's all fact. To make matters worse, the one big thing that could jump start the economy, hydrofracking, the populace in upstate is so dead set against it's insane. Especially when you consider there is no scientific evidence that it's harmful. Every piece of so called evidence these anti frackers place on the table is simply theory, bulls#it, and emmotional. I'm already in the process of laying the ground work to exit the s#hithole state I've called home for my entire life in 3-5 years. Bottom line... in NYS Business doesn't jerk us around. The NYS government jerks businesses around. No business has NYS state on there list to locate to (unless it is NYC). Bass Pro aint jerking aynyone around... they want to make a buck like anyone else... and they can't in this state.
  9. Adam Schein throwing more fuel on the fire. Hey... just sayin http://www.nfl.com/news/story/0ap1000000153564/article/buffalo-bills-primed-to-reenact-florida-gulf-coasts-cinderella-run
  10. Cosell has produced for NFL films for over 25 years. Producers and film types, like artists, see things in a dimension that the average joe doesn't ,nor has the ability... it's just in your dna. The things their eyes see and process are God given gifts much like an athlete is gifted with abnormal speed and quickness. The dimension that NFL films has added to the game is legendary. They show visuals that capture tension, emmotion etc reveal an element that we all feel but seldom can articulate. Cosell has been around the game for a long time, up close and personal with football, football people of all types, all levels. He's seen a gazillion qbs and players. He knows what it takes and his eyes don't lie. He's job is film and looking at it at a level that not many do. When Cosell talks about things like slow eyes, ball location, identifying & processing info, he's talking about "it"... that elusive component we all would want in our qb. He's talking a bit out of the box.. from not only a person who's observed pro football up close but as a person also outside observing through film as an artist that sees things in a slightly different dimension. That's a unique and valuable assessment. Listen to his interview with Murph if you haven't. You will come away with a different appreciation. There are measurables and there are immeasureables. It's the failure to see the immeasureables that teams overlook when they select qbs like Jeff George, JP Losman, Akili Smith, Matt Leinart. The measurables have to be there. But, it's what's between the ears that seals the deal. Guys like Cosell may not know what's in a person's head, but he knows how that is manifested and how it translates to the intracacies of the game. Bucky sees it his way in a traditional sense where it is all about the measureables. Cosell sees the measureables too but he has a perspective in addition to that. So, when he says he sees a little Brees in Nassib ... his eyes aint lying. And the Bills head coach has been up close and personal with both Brees and Nassib.
  11. What a waste of perfectly good bandwidth. Have you ever seen Nassib? CBS compares Nassib to Jake Locker, Jeremiah compars him to Andy Dalton.... yada yada yada. Take a look at Nassib's throws... if you can't see a clear difference in the velocity on his throws over Fitz, then you need to see an optometrist... badly. Why would Cosell, who is way more qualified than Brooks (who isn't qualified at all), say Nassib is better than Geno?
  12. So what? What is this infatuation you have with speed in a QB? On the scale of 1-10, it's probably a 3 in the grand scheme of things. I'm guessing you's pass on Brady and Peyton Manning in your fantasy draft. These two suck because they are slower than 90 weight oil in the frozen tundra.
  13. It would be a blessing if Geno is gone before the Bills select.
  14. Simply productive is not what you expect froma 1st rd. RB. The Bills got poor value and s#it production from McGahee. It took him 4-5 years to overcome that injury he sustained in college. Taking him in the first round and not getting a single game out of him in his first year is an example of stupidity and incompetence on the Bills part. He never lived up to his hype no matter where he played. Even in the year he gained the most yards of his career with the Bills he didn't avg. 4 yds/carry. 8100 yds. in a 10 year career aint exactly my expectations of a running back drafted in the first round. Rosenhoser hosed the Bills... he tried to bait every damn team in the league into believeing he was better than ever after suffering the injury. Naturally, the Bills, exhibiting their stupidity, took the bait. If history repeats itself with Fred Davis, the Bills haven't gotten any smarter or better... and they just learned a lesson with Merriman.
  15. Rosenhoser is a jerk. He took the Bills big time on McGahee. He's a master of pitching damaged goods and making them out to be better than new. I cannot believe any team is gonna sign him, even for the minimum... he aint gonna play this year... and if he does it aint gonna be for more than a handful of games... and he aint gonna be the same.
  16. And, Nassib has better numbers than the two QBs that were drafted at #8 in 2011 and 2012. Nassib at #8 would not be a reach.
  17. 6-1 down the stretch with 15 tds two pix and a rushing td and a cherry on top over geno... with no supporting cast mind you. Meanwhile Barkely was sippin maitais down the stretch. PS. There aint a lineman in the universe that can't outrun Brady. Remind of how he's doing? And, remind of the last USC qb that wasn't a loser? Like I said... there's at least two publications that put Nassib as "the #1 prospect" in the draft regardless of position. Plus PFW says he's the #1 qb prospect period. Those damn homers. Find a rag that is as favorable of barkley. NASSIB 2.5 barkley 0 .
  18. Medically cleared to do what? Put weight on his foot? He has only been medically cleared to rehab only. Great... sign him. Now the Bills will have two TEs that won't play this year. I don't think Two TEs, each with a bum leg can be combined to make one healthy one.
  19. Being the best te in Buffalo in a while aint sayin much cuz there hasn't been a legiimate on since Reimersma. Chandler Mid tier? I'd say more realistically bottom third. He doesn't stretch the field. There isn't a LB in the league that can't run with him. His only redeeming value is that he can block and because of his height he provides a target in the redzone.
  20. Ah yes. Barkely, Mr. cement feet... the kid that wished he had been more "assertive" and then Scott Pioli says that he wishes Barkley had been more assertive. Translation: Barkley's a weeney in the huddle. Then Greg Cosell goes on to add this ... "When I look at Matt Barkley, here's a couple of things I immediately see," Cosell said. "Number one, he has average arm strength by NFL standards. Number two, his feet are not particularly quick, he has slower feet. And three, he's a little shorter. So then I go beyond that and think, 'OK, how can he be successful in the NFL when you got certain limitations?' And I think those limitations are the things I notice immediately and it's very difficult for me to look at him as a first- or second-round pick given those limitations and given what I know works effectively in the NFL." http://www.nfl.com/news/story/0ap1000000147121/article/matt-barkley-is-a-fourthround-talent-greg-cosell-says Barkley?
  21. Stop trying to embellish his stats. He caught 59 balls 2 years ago and 24 before he was injured last year. It took him four years in the league to catch 59 balls after being hyped out of college. Now, he's coming off an achilles.... an injury in which no NFL player is ever as good as they were, let alone better. Minimum wage at best and a gift card to Anchor Bar. If he's still got it, let him prove it. If the Bills bring him in for more than that, it's a clear indicator of status quo... always dumpster diving and never learning from passt lessons.
  22. It was a classy charity move. Even when Davis was healthy he wasn't much of a factor. He was a lot more sizzle than steak. With a torn achilles, his sizzle is gone and even less steak. Bottom line, if he passes a physical, accepts the veteran minimum, and understands he's only coming in to compete for a job... no guarantees, then ok.
  23. I don't see Kyle as a good fit for the 3-4 either. And, if he's not in the base 3-4, that would make him a 'package' player that probably gets less than 50% of the snaps. I can only see him in 4 dl alignments and as a nt only in certain situations. To me he'd be a good candidate to trade with his $5m salary. But, you'd be lucky to get a 4th rounder.
  24. In a 3-4... 1) No way Kyle can be a de 2) Darius is not a nt and needs to play around 315 and is a good 3-4 de and that is was exactly what he was drafted for.
  25. Well, you've got 6 picks to blow. Thats it. One pick is a qb for sure. That leaves 5 picks left. There are glaring needs at wr, nt, te, lb, cb, s. Knowing what I know right now, this minute, I'd think that the bills would have to believe beyond a shadow of a doubt that the second qb is an absolute no brainer steal. We don't know what free agents the bills are going to sign, if any, in the next 4 weeks. Who knows, they could sign or acquire a qb, wr, te, lb before the draft... if for no other reason than to keep the teams guessing as to who they might select at #8. To me right now, the 2nd qb in draft said to be a bad one for qbs would not be a wise choice. But they might pick up two qb rookie free agents after the draft if they don't bring in a qb before draft day.
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