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Dr. Trooth

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Everything posted by Dr. Trooth

  1. Fabulous. " Harbaugh Coaches Bills to Super Bowl Win. Fitzpatrick Named MVP".
  2. Geezuz god you are insane. Please, like I need your help. You can't even help yourself. Yeah... Smith played a lot better the past 2 yrs.... duh!!! but Exatly as I stated... due to harbaugh, a killer defense, ol, and offensive weapons.... SUPPORTING CAST!!!! all of which Fitz does not have. Before that he was a total POS. And like I said... Fitz driving that niner car would yield the same results as smith. Get over the fact that Fitz is likely going to be driving the Bills car this season Smith = Fitz Fitz = Smith the only difference is one was driving a Ferrari and the other Taurus.
  3. 17 % of Cuse's completion this year were to TEs vs 18% for the Bills. However, a bit misleading because Cuse was wr heavy and TE light due to loss of Provo plus TE injuries. Conversely, the Bills were wr light and they completed a lot to rbs + TEs out of necessity. In 2011 28% of Cuse completions were to TEs when they had Provo. Coincidently, the 28% number is exactly what the Saints completed to TEs in 2008 when TEs accounted for 119 receptions in Marrone's final season as the Saints OC. I won't say that Marrone is TE crazy. But, the TEs have been a bigger part of his offenses than the Bills offenses. I would look for the Bills to be a player in FA for either Cook or Keller because Chandler doesn't stretch the field nor will he be ready to play before mid season. Chandler's value is really only inside the red zone because of his height.
  4. If anyone is discredited it is you. In your world and man love for Smith, he would have been 25-5-1 with the Bills. You believe Alex Smith was the reason SF went 25-5-1 the last couple years. But, are somehow blind to him going something like 15-100 the previous 5 seasons. Alex Smith didn't do spit til Harbaugh became HC and even Harbaugh realized he was spinning his wheels with Smith and couldn't wait to replace him. If Fitz had SF's HC, oline, TE, Crabtree, Moss, Gore, and their killer defense, the result would have been the same for SF and Fitz would have, just like Smith, been ulfimately replaced with Kaep. Under Harbaugh, Mark Sanchez or even Matt Leinart couldn't have made SF look bad. The supporting cast and coaching is there. In Buffalo it has not. That's a fact. Fitz, like Smith, is merely a fringe NFL starting qb and caretaker. Whether he sucks or not isn't the arguement. We know he sucks, we know he's not the answer. But, he is, and will be the Bills starting QB until they bring in someone better. That's a fact. And so far, neither Thigpen, Young, or Jackson have presented any challenge to him... that's a fact. If he restructures he restructures. If not, and whether or not he's cut or plays under his current contract this year it counts the same under the cap. That's a fact. Fitz has nothing to gain by restructuring. He's gone whether he does or does not. The only question is, does he want to stay here one year, or two? One if he doesn't restructure, two if he does. Lastly, mark this down... Bills are not going to release Fitz this offseason before they have a new starter in place... and there is absolutely no one out there besides Flacco that is an upgrade to Fitz... and that includes Smith, Flynn, Campbell, Grossman, Stanton. And any vet comimg in sees the writing on the wall... Bills are drafting their 2014 starter in April.
  5. Don't look for Chandler to suit up before mid season. He's gonna start the season on the PUP list. Even if he's healthy at mid season, Bills could decide to sette up with him and send him packing. He's a good guy to have as a backup, but not at his salary. Bills need an athletic TE that stretches the field and in Marrone's offenses TEs are not an after thought. They are actually part of the offense and are thrown to. I would be stunned if the Bills did not either bring one in via FA, the draft, or both.
  6. Good teams keep their "core" players. The reality is a core player is one that is not expendable. A good team maybe has 5. And, they are allpro caliber. Right now, the Pats have 3 players sucking $35m of a $121m cap (all pros) and Gronk is comin up for contract in a year, Welker's a FA, Vollmer's a FA. How do they keep em or will they be able to, and how do they continue to improve. You've got to balance that. Bills have $28m counting against the cap in Fitz, Mario, & Stevie. They gotta pay Spiller soon. If Levitre gets $10m then how much is Spiller worth. What about Byrd? What a out wood comin up in a contract year? What do they do at TE... Chandler aint playin til mid season? What do they do at NT, LB, etc.? Core players are leaders on your team. Wood and Urbik show more of that than Levitre. If the Bills let Levitre walk, it's ok. But the FO will be excoriated if the LG spot is not addressed appropriatley and competently.
  7. Why, should I be? 1) Marrone clearly stated he wants a physical offensive line. Of the five Bills starting Olineman, which one would you consider to not be in that category? Levitre is a technician and an athletic guard, not a physical one. So, does Levitre even figure into the Bills plans? Why didn't the Bills consider re-signing him before he entered his last season? 2) If top end $$$ for a LG is $10m, do you believe Bills will pay more than $6.75m? That's more than double what Urbik signed for. And, Logan Mankins is making close to $10M. Levitre aint in Mankins stratosphere. He aint even an all pro. 3) Options: Free Agency are Slausson, Vasquez, Legursky, Lutui, Rinehart. Any of those guys would be a competent replacement for Levitre. In particular, I like Legursky a lot. He is one physical dude, and Slausson would also be a good aquisition. Draftwise, Warmack and Cooper are considered top 10ers... Bills could select one. They could also elect to draft an Eric Fisher at LT, another top 10er and perhaps move Glenn in Levitre's spot. Letting Levitre walk is not an issue if his $$$ demand is above 6.75M. What is at issue is the Bills not covering their a$$. I've got to believe if the Bills haven't signed him before free agency, then they weren't comfortable with the salary risk vs. the reward and must have a plan in place to keep the LG position solidified. If they don't come the end of April, it's a clear signal to me that it's the same old Bills. Not addressing the a clear void at LG is incompetent and is gonna get your QB killed... and whether that be Fitz or a rookie, there's money and a high draft pick invested there.
  8. 1) He's not gone anywhere. 2) He's not an allpro but wants to be paid like one. 3) So what if the Bills let him walk, as long as the player that ends up playing LG for the Bills is at least as good, or better than Levitre.
  9. Right. "He was told the Bills have an interest in Michael Vick". Appaerently what wasn't mentioned is that it was the greeter at Walmart that gave him this inside gem.
  10. Nassib in rd. 1 & sorenson on 4 or 5
  11. Dmso was used as far back in the 60s. In fact, I recall reading a news story in which Daryl Lamonica, then with the Raiders talked about this miracle substance dmso and one of his offensive lineman talked about how he hated being in the huddle with Lamonica because his breath stunk so bad as a result of his dmso use. It was described as a strong garlicy smell.
  12. Question. If the Bills do carry over the 9.8M, that would mean a $130M plus. Do they have to spend to 90% of $130M or 90% of the $121M?
  13. Fitz restructure and now Jones & Bills taling contract. Layer of analytics kicking in? If they are talking contract in any way shape or form with anyone, can we assume that they have evaluated and come to a conclusion on several players?
  14. Think about this a minute. Say the Bills cut Fitz. #1, Fitz is gonna have a job real quick... and even if he drops to $3m/yr. he could put himself in a warm weather climate or dome and doing exactly what he'll be doing in Buffalo... immently backing up a youngen. #2, If the Bills let him go, what qb worth one tenth of a s#it would sign on with the Bills knowing full well there is no committment to them whatsoever and the Bills qb of now and the future will be set in stone on day one of the draft. #3 All this talk about Alex Smith is bull****. Why would they dump Fitz to get another loser and in the process have to give up a valuable draft pick? Lastly, if they want someone to restructure, how about Mario. Or, do the Bills have a double standard. Had the Bills defense been just average this past season, they could have easily won 9 games. Everyone that has no knowledge of the game doesn't even acknowledge the fact that 4 starting olinemen went down with injuries for significant time during the season... and the tackles were extremely vulnerable. Not to mention two of the top three receivers missed virtually the entire season and the third played practically on one leg. Let's get real here. Fitz is not an overly gifted qb. But you put any qb in that situation, especially with no defense and no qb is gonna do well.
  15. Fitz is in the driver's seat. What are the Bills options if he doesn't renegotiate? They gonna let him go? Well, great. Now who is QB? They got nothing. FA qbs are bad and with no qbs on the Bills roster, they'd have to overpay for losers like Stanton, Grossman, Campbell, Quinn, or Cassel, Smith, or Orton, if they were available. And, there are at least 4 teams that draft ahead of the Bills that need a QB. So... anyone feel warm & fuzzy that the Bills end up with "their guy" @ #8? Bills just might want to have a QB significantly better than Fitz before they they stare down the gun barrel on this one. As I've stated previously, it ain't so much the Bills cutting ties with a player. But it seems so often the Bills do not have a good plan going forward nor do they usually fill that void with a player that is a significant upgrade... making the release of that player pointless and totally a financial decision. Exactly why they've been losers spanning two decades.
  16. Hmmm. You mean the same D. Bell that most wallers thought the Bills should re-sign last year?
  17. It's only his arm that's broken, not his spirit, craving for contact, or his will to party it up. If only Chandler could follow his example on and off the field.
  18. Waivers are only good for 48 or 72 hours. If hr clears waivers he is a free agent and his contract is null and void. So, once he clears waiver, pay him minimum wage and give him a $25 gift card to Mighty Taco as a signing bonus. Make him earn every penny of that minimum wage contract. How this is likely going to play out is that some team is gonna pick him up. Then at some point before the season is half over he is gonna piss the HC off and get kicked to the curb. Then at some point he's going to have an encounter with the wrong cop at the wrong time in the wrong place and get his azz taised and the snot and feces beaten out of him, and likely spend some time in the slammer. If he's still stupid after that, he can't be fixed.
  19. But... did the wings ever get cooked and served up? That is critical.
  20. You too? Damn, that was a God awful performance and I left before that too. All I brought with me to California was Bills shirts. If it wasn't humiliating enough to have to wear that stuff after the game, it sure was the next day wearing that stuff on Venice Beach killing time before my red eye flight back home.
  21. I have zero problem bringing in an !@#$ or problem child as long as he's brought in at minimum wage and then has to earn a job. Considering Titus' behavior, any team that does differently is incompetent and deserves exactly what they get.
  22. Dude. Cutting Fitz saves only $450,000.00 So, where are you finding all that cap money?
  23. Na. It was those guys at Buffalo Wild Wings again.
  24. This just in... Buffalo Wild Wings was responsible for the power outage at the Superdome. They'll do anything to prolong a game.
  25. The one thing that pisses me off is the Headline on BB.com "Reed again overlooked for 2013 Hall of Fame class". It's classless to even suggest that. Reed wasn't overlooked. Those selected were clearly deserving and were more prominent individuals. Reed will get his induction in due time, as will Tasker.
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