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Everything posted by mannc

  1. Not to mention Panthers fans, assuming there are any left...
  2. I think Kincaid had his first drop Sunday night, on a 95 mph fastball from Josh in the first quarter. I'd also like to see us mix in some more downfield throws to him...but yeah, one of the few bright spots on offense this year.
  3. Correct. The current Bills team’s only chance to make the Super Bowl is if the Ravens or some other playoff team knocks off Cinci in a wildcard or divisional game. The Bengals would beat this Bills team 10 times out of 10, even with Taylor’s bad game-day decisions.
  4. The Rams didn’t have a quarterback…they had limited options…teams with bona fide, top three franchise quarterbacks shouldn’t have to mortgage their future like that to make a Super Bowl run…they’ve already hit the lottery.
  5. Ok, that makes more sense. I wasn't in favor of signing Hopkins, for various reasons, but he seems to have plenty left in the tank...it would be nice to have him. I actually like our mid-season deals this year...
  6. I don't really get this. Just because the Rams once upon a time mortgaged their future to win a super bowl doesn't mean it's the only, or even the preferred, way to do it. Did the Chiefs ever "push their chips in and go for it"? Did the Eagles? The problem with the Bills isn't that they didn't "push their chips in"; it's that for four seasons they have failed to capitalize on having one of the three best quarterbacks in the league. They didn't need to make any kind of huge, risky trade...all they needed to do was be competent and smart
  7. Exactly. Josh Allen will be here long after McDermott and Beane are gone. Job One for Beane/McDermott is to maximize the franchise's return on this most valuable asset and they have been failing badly. It can't be allowed to continue.
  8. The Eagles are an interesting comparison. I don't think the Eagles ever "went all-in." I would argue that they've gone down the same path as the Bills, except they've executed better. The AJ Brown trade was exactly like the Stefon Diggs trade, first round pick for a veteran WR looking for a new contract; it's worked out well for both teams. The difference is that (1) the Eagles have had a few more high draft picks to use, thanks to the Colts foolishly taking Carson Wentz off their hands; (2) being able to land Hurts with a late second round pick (think he's still on his rookie deal); (3) developing a great offensive line, which has been done without the help of high draft picks, other than Lane Johnson, who's been around forever; and (4) better coaching, and not being afraid to move on from a previously successful coach who wasn't cutting it.
  9. That’s part of it, but the Bills have not added impact guys on defense either…they have had a lot of day 1 and 2 picks who have become average starters, and sometimes not even that, and they have whiffed on a lot of FA signings, as well. Just not good enough, even though, with Josh Allen, we’ve had a huge leg up on the competition.
  10. Everyone here likes to dump on the national media, with some justification. But, while national media types of course don’t follow the Bills as closely as we do, guys like Simms know a lot about football and have connections around the league who know even more, and Simms isn’t the only one who’s been saying it. There has been a consensus developing for the last couple years that the Bills outside of Josh Allen just aren’t a very talented team. People who have said that stuff here have been shouted down, but we’re starting to see that the national media weren’t wrong. It’s not one thing of course…it’s a roster with really only 2 elite players, combined with uninspired coaching, especially on offense, that has put us in a tough spot. It’s not magically going to come together over these next 8 games…big changes are needed.
  11. But that would still leave McDermott in charge, right? So what’s the point?
  12. Judging by McDermott's demeanor last night when interviewed at halftime by the sideline reporter, I doubt he could inspire anyone to do anything, other than perhaps to run for the bus.
  13. That's a fair point...of the teams you mention, how many of those "bad" years happened after reaching/winning the Super Bowl? Trough years are easier to absorb if your team has already reached the promised land at least once...this Bills team, on the other hand, has never fulfilled its promise...
  14. A little closer to home, the Bills under Jim Kelly never had a "trough year" from 1988 to 1996...
  15. For example, when McDermott was asked why the team abandoned the no-huddle he said he had no idea and “would have to look into that”. He made some other comments that seemed to point the finger at Dorsey…
  16. And yet Taylor made the awful decision to punt on 4th and 2 from inside Bills’ territory in the third quarter. That decision kept the Bills in the game.
  17. Looks like Dorsey is finished…the post-game comments by Allen and especially McDermott point in only one direction. I think they look at the tape today and make the announcement tomorrow. It’s not too late to salvage something from this season, but changes have to be made now.
  18. The offensive problems could very well be Josh Allen’s fault, and it’s possible he’s not as dedicated to his craft as he should be, but it doesn’t really matter. Josh has proven what he’s capable of and Dorsey and McDermott are ultimately responsible for getting the most out of him. If it’s not happening, they need to go and we try something else. There are about two people on the planet with Josh Allen’s skill set; guys like Dorsey and McDermott are a dime a dozen and there are plenty of talented coordinators and coaches who would love to work with Josh Allen. We need to get rid of these clowns now, before they further de-value the franchise’s prize asset.
  19. We’re missing no real offensive starters…
  20. It depends who’s available, doesn’t it? With Josh Allen, we’d be the most desirable landing spot for a top coordinator…I mean, how often does a team with a superstar quarterback have a coaching vacancy? Most coaches who get fired are trying to work with guys like Tyrod Taylor and Carson Wentz…
  21. Remember, change can be good. The Eagles did not win a Super Bowl until they fired Andy Reid… teams do move on from coaches who are ostensibly “successful “
  22. I swear to God, I saw tears welling up…
  23. Don’t hold your breath…McDermott and Dorsey are actually really stupid. They do not have the mental capability for the job.
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