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Everything posted by mannc

  1. I’d go one step further…he’s acting like a coach who is afraid of losing the locker room, if he hasn’t lost it already. Once that happens, a coach can’t be salvaged. McDermott had some goodwill in the bank coming into this season, but it’s eroding fast….
  2. McDermott is acting like a guy who is under a lot of pressure and is not handling it very well. Not a good look for the franchise.
  3. I just don’t understand football fans complaining about the fact that there is football on TV on a night when there didn’t used to be any.
  4. And that is the firing offense, although I don’t actually think Josh has been destroyed…just damaged and badly used.
  5. I don’t know why you think that’s “much more plausible.” If they miss the playoffs, McDermott is gone. I think he could even be fired in-season, depending on the circumstances.
  6. Pretty sure McDermott is on the verge of losing the locker room and a few more brutal losses will seal that deal. Don’t think 12-men on the field and the benching of Cook went over too well in the locker room. What we are watching is not a one-year anomaly, but a mounting pile of evidence, going back to 13-seconds and the last few games of last season, that McDermott is incapable of getting this team over the hump. Brady is his only hope.
  7. Let me simplify that for you: Brady succeeds and Bills make the playoffs (McDermott stays) or Brady can’t turn the offense around, McDermott is gone and Bills hire an offensive-centric HC. Even more simple: Brady succeeds, McDermott stays; Brady fails, bye-bye Clapper
  8. Your low standards are showing. Some of us are not satisfied with "being relevant" and I damn sure hope Beane and Pegula aren't either. McDermott has proven that he can't get it done. And of course, hiring a current NFL HC is far from the only option. This year alone at least two teams have hit homeruns by hiring young up-and-coming coordinators. At the end of the season, the Bills will have their pick of potential new head coaches...it's not often a vacancy comes along complete with a certified franchise QB.
  9. Low expectations are probably a good thing at this point. Mine are somewhat higher than they would have been if no change had been made…
  10. I don't know exactly what happened, or who did what, but the number 1 job of the Bills coaching staff and front office is/was to develop, nurture and maximize the franchise's rarest and most valuable asset...they have totally failed at that task. Dorsey's departure is, hopefully, the first step to holding them accountable.
  11. Now that people are finally being held accountable, can we get rid of Martin?
  12. Targeting Harty on a deep out was ridiculous to begin with. Just seems like this offense is built on a lot of low percentage throws….absolutely nothing is easy. There is something fundamentally wrong with this scheme.
  13. Without Josh Allen, McDermott would have been fired four years ago. He is every bit as bad as Mularkey, Jauron, Gailley, etc.
  14. Neither is Dorsey, which is why we never throw the ball downfield on 2nd and short.
  15. There’s certainly a pattern here…
  16. I hate to break the news to you, but the only difference between McDermott and those bums is Josh Allen. He’s as bad as any of the drought era losers.
  17. I have zero confidence that he’ll make a sound decision. Not the sharpest tool in the shed…
  18. Should have happened two years ago…No accountability
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