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Everything posted by mannc

  1. I think you're confusing McDermott with Josh Allen. Without him, McDermott is just another drought-era bum, indistinguishable from the likes of Dick Jauron, Gregggg Williams, etc.
  2. It would be sadly ironic, given all the injuries this teams is fighting through, that their precious bye week might come after they are effectively eliminated from playoff contention...another poor McDermott decision (he had the option of taking the bye week immediately after the London game).
  3. Same with the TD to Johnson on 4th and short…where has that been all year?
  4. I’m kinda surprised Matt Barkley hasn’t played for someone this year…he’s better than a lot of the bums who’ve been taking snaps around the league this year…
  5. Is it legal to fire a coach at halftime?
  6. Can someone explain the QB run for 2 yards?
  7. With McDermott, it passes for high level strategy…it’s really all we can expect from him.
  8. Am I missing something or is this a bad afternoon so far for the Bills’ playoff chances?
  9. Aaron Rodgers’s career is over…failing to acknowledge that is just going to make things worse…the Jets have an incredible defense, they don’t need a great QB, just one who’s better than Zack Wilson.
  10. I’d love to see the Jests double down on the AR gamble instead of trying to rebuild the right way…
  11. Am I the only one who thinks the Raiders have a chance against the fish today? 14 points seems like way too much…
  12. For these same reasons, the Bills will have their choice of head coaching candidates…
  13. I don’t know why people believe MCDermott is safe until next year, no matter what. He certainly doesn’t think so. He looks and acts like a dead man walking.
  14. Agreed, huge opportunity missed, but if we can sneak into the playoffs, I think we have a real shot at making it to the Super Bowl…no Bengals, Chiefs seem diminished, and we’ve always played well against Baltimore and Miami.
  15. It’s not. We play another backup this week and then three tough games. That’s it. The schedule has nothing to do with us being 5-5. If we actually had a tough schedule we’d be 3-7.
  16. Brutal schedule???? They’ve lost to Zack Wilson, the corpse of Russ Wilson (at home) and Mac Jones, and they tried their damndest to lose to Tyrod Taylor. The Bills have had an EASY schedule this year, up to this point. They’ve played three good teams.
  17. Reminded me of the halftime interview in Cincinnati…I thought he was going to cry.
  18. Guilty and Not Guilty. Guy looks like a nervous and incoherent wreck at the podium...not that he was ever particularly articulate or interesting as a speaker.
  19. There is absolutely no evidence to support this statement. Plenty of Sunday and Monday games are duds too. No reason to believe that Thursday night games are any better or worse. And at any rate, what are your criteria for determining whether a game is good or bad, other than the obvious criteria that non-competitive blowouts suck? There are only so many games you can watch on any given Sunday. Moving one of those many games to Thursday night is a win-win. No downside whatsoever.
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