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Everything posted by mannc

  1. As talented as he is, taking Gibbs at 12 was egregious, especially for team in such dire need at CB, and especially when the guy they traded away to make room for Gibbs has been just as productive this year as Gibbs. The Lions are already paying the price…they look like a team that’s headed for an early playoff exit, largely because their defense is mediocre. No one has any idea where Gibbs would go in a “re-draft” (because of course there is no such thing), but I suppose it’s possible that some team would do something equally dumb in a (hypothetical) redraft. The only worse pick last year was Atlanta taking Bijan Robinson at 8—a firing offense if I’ve ever seen one. The best way to measure the success of the Gibbs pick is whether Detroit picks up his fifth-year option, and we can already say that the odds on that are long.
  2. As they say in Hollywood, nobody knows anything.
  3. It doesn’t matter. If you miss the two-point try on the second TD it’s over, as well. You’re no less likely to convert on the first chance. Plus it leaves you the chance to win the game with two 2-point conversions.
  4. It was absolutely the right call. They needed at least one two-point conversion to tie, so why not get it on the first opportunity?
  5. Or during any Thursday Night football game…
  6. I’ll never understand why teams kicking off from midfield after a penalty don’t attempt an onside kick…high upside, very little downside. But no, they mindlessly bang it through the end zone every damn time.
  7. Yeah, not hard to understand at all. Other than a few college games, it’s the only game in town tomorrow and will draw nice ratings. People like to watch the NFL on TV.
  8. The problem is that, unless they call a time out, the defense has no opportunity to substitute, because the Eagles use their regular personnel for the play.
  9. As I pointed out, McGee did not return punts. And Hines is just as good as McGee as a KO returner.
  10. Hines was a great return man for the Colts for several years and he returns both punts and kickoffs, unlike McGee. The Bills have never had anyone better.
  11. Hines is the best return man the Bills have ever had, and the team has lost five one-score games. I don’t understand the argument that he would not have made a difference this year.
  12. On what basis do you say that? I'll confess that I can't tell what's going on in the pile-up, but to me it looks a lot like a collapsed rugby scrum, which is how many serious neck injuries occur in that sport. I'd be curious to hear the opinions of defensive lineman who have actually had to defend it.
  13. Agreed…especially roughing the passer, but this was tried with DPI and the results weren’t what people had hoped for…
  14. Always used to be illegal, until a few years ago…”aiding the runner”. It’s a matter of time before someone (probably a DT) gets his neck broken in one of those scrums. It needs to be outlawed now, but the NFL cares nothing about player safety.
  15. The fact that the Chiefs have such an awful WR group is an enormous front office fail. It should not be that hard to surround Pat Mahomes with a few decent receivers. It’s probably going to prevent them from winning another Super Bowl.
  16. Their RT is useless, and they know it.
  17. "One of the coaches previous to him may have pulled him or had a quarterback competition." McDermott thought so highly of JA that he started Nathan Peterman ahead of him😀
  18. You're having memory failure. McDermott's plan was to start Peterman during Josh's rookie season, but Peterman was so awful that that plan never even got off the ground. Giving McDermott credit for Josh Allen's success is the hugest of stretches... The team McDermott took over was a .500 team under Rex f-ing Ryan, hardly a completely bare cupboard...he broke the drought by taking them to 9-7. BFD
  19. I guess if you don’t believe byes have any value then you won’t be convinced…
  20. Impossible to say, because the entire schedule would have changed, but safe to say that a bye at that point would have been better than no bye until brink of elimination.
  21. Teams that played games overseas were given the option of having their bye the following week or later in the season. McDermott chose to have it later.
  22. But if we lose to Philly, it's pretty much over anyway
  23. So you don't think the Bills could have used a bye week sometime over the past month or so?
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