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Everything posted by mannc

  1. I’m guessing they all know he’s out the door. I really hope the Jets rumors are true.
  2. Actually, Rex got the Bills to 7-8 in his last year, before he was fired. After his firing, they tanked the last game against the Jets, and used their improved draft position to pass on Patrick Mahomes and DeShaun Watson?
  3. The Giants might not regret drafting Sequon Barkley, but they should. He's played very well, as expected, but not substantially better than Chris Carson or Phillip Lindsay, a seventh round pick and an UDFA, respectively. And we see this kind of thing all the time. People have mentioned Todd Gurley as an MVP candidate, but the truth is there is very little drop-off between him and Mack Brown. Hell, CJ Anderson, a guy the Rams picked up off the street, ran for 170 yards for the Rams on Sunday.
  4. I don't want to fire him for "giving up a season in order to build a better future." I think his firing could be justified based on his failure to demonstrate that he knows how to build and coach a modern NFL football team. He's not terrible; he's just not good enough and that pathetic display against Belichick on Sunday made that clear. Do you think when McDermott was interviewed he told Pegs that it would take three years to re-build what was then a .500 team? I doubt it.
  5. The team McDermott took over was .500 under Rex Ryan, an utterly incompetent, checked-out coach during his time in Buffalo. it wasn't a great achievement to get them to 9-7. And of course, last year is last year. Marrone got the Jags to the AFC Championship game less than 12 months ago and now he's on his way out of Jax.
  6. Yeah, the Saints have had a couple bad games, but it's a long season and everyone is entitled to a bad game or two. They have home field throughout and they are still going to be very hard to beat there. Gotta be the hands-down favorite at this point. And I thought you are allowed to extend first round picks after their third season...has the rule changed?
  7. It had better not be. It would be a terrible use of high first round pick. It's a lesson that should have been learned with the Dareus pick. As we proved this year, good DTs can be found cheaply in free agency or even on the waiver wire.
  8. Yep. Anyone who thinks we’re going to fix our WR problems in free agency are kidding themselves. We’re going to need to draft a minimum of two WR and a TE.
  9. I’m sure others have said this, but Kyle is easily the best Bill of the post-Super Bowl era.
  10. I don’t strongly disagree. But i believe McDermott shares a significant part of the blame for the week roster, and i just haven’t seen any evidence that the guy is anything more than a defensive coordinator who got promoted beyond his abilities. I don’t see anything smart or innovative about his approach and I see very little, other than his rhetoric and hand-clapping, that separates him from the previous 6 or 7 crappy HC hires this franchise has had to endure. That was the most beatable NE team I’ve seen in 20 years and McDermott just wasn’t up to the task; in fact, it wasn’t even a competitive game. If McDermott were fired on Monday, do you think he’d get another chance with a different organization? I certainly don’t.
  11. There really isn’t any question about that. Tons of teams are getting huge production out of young, mid-late round RBs. No reason for the Bills not to have taken a shot at even one the past two years. Much better potential return than Ray Ray or Proehl.
  12. I hate to say it, but sac flies don’t “extend the inning.” ?
  13. Well, that would be a problem if Allen does not show major progress next year. The Bills only have a four-year window with Allen on a rookie contract. Personally, I see him taking a big step forward next year (like Trubisky did this year) but if he doesn’t, that would be a big concern.
  14. Brady played worse than JA did and it was still a laugher. McDermott is 0-4 vs NE and hasn’t even made Belichick break a sweat. Can you say ? in headlights?
  15. I think this situation calls for a one-game tank job this Sunday, similar to the one vs the Jets two years ago. Could mean a difference of six or seven draft slots, which is nothing to sneeze at. Unfortunately, we don’t have an EJ to put out there at QB this year to ensure the L.
  16. When a coach has shown that he is not up to the job, it’s dumb to keep him around another year for the sake of continuity. For example, although I supported the hire initially, I felt there was no reason to give Rex a second season in Buffalo. After Sunday, I’m starting to feel that way about giving McDermott a third season. I don’t think there’s any way he’ll ever win a game against Belichick unless the Pats are resting half their team. He’s in over his head.
  17. Look around the league. There are a lot of absolutely awful offensive lines. The Bills’ line is actually about average. There are guys starting through the league who have no business playing pro football. Good FA o-linemen are going to be very hard to sign, if they hit the market at all.
  18. A bit off topic, but who is Tepper and why are you so bullish on him?
  19. He inherited a .500 team. His record as a head coach is 14-17, and the Bills have been blown out or non-competitive in at least half of those losses. McDermott is, at best, a mediocre coach, no better than any of the Bills’ coaches over the past 20 years. Like all of them, he’s completely overmatched by the guy in NE. If he were fired tomorrow, he’d probably get a job as a DC somewhere, and that’s about it. I’m pretty sure he’ll get another year, but the case for keeping him around isn’t very strong.
  20. Yep. The Ravens picked Mark Andrews, the Oklahoma TE, one slot after the pick we dealt to Carolina for Benjamin. That would have been nice...
  21. The lack of offensive playmakers on this team is nothing short of a scandal. Other than Foster, who Beane cut earlier in the year, I doubt a single Bills TE or WR would make the 53-man rosters of the Chiefs, Steelers or the Saints. Probably true of our running backs, too, before Connor and Hunt got sidelined. Someone in charge doesn’t know how to evaluate offensive skill players, or is completely clueless about how the modern NFL works.
  22. Correct. Foster looks promising, but no one is giving up more than a fifth or sixth for him at this point.
  23. Robbie Anderson, Kenny Still, Kenyan Drake, Gesecki, Ballage and probably quite a few offensive linemen who I couldn’t name. I think Dawkins is worth a fourth. You’re kidding, right? He’s not worth a 7th, at this point.
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