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Everything posted by mannc

  1. How do you know this? From the extensive game film? Have you been at training camp?
  2. Thank you. From what I read on NFL.com, it sounded like the Bills could not put him on their 53-man roster this year. I hope what you posted is correct.
  3. How about this...when is the last time Frank Gore made more than one tackler miss? 2003?
  4. There are a lot of similarities between a golf swing and a placekick. Maybe one reason a lot of kickers are good golfers.
  5. He’ll be 29 years old next year...it’s now or never.
  6. I think the odds are against him, but there is most definitely a chance Wade makes the roster. Obviously, he needs to get more touches in the next two games and continue to make big plays. If he does that, he’s got a shot. It’s not like there are a ton of playmakers on this offense. And I would also say that playing running back in the NFL is probably the easiest thing to learn how to do in professional sports, assuming you have the necessary physical skill set, which Wade clearly seems to have. Rookie RBs from small colleges routinely become starters in the NFL from the first game...It’s a very instinctual position. Also, Wade is 28 years old...How much sense does it make to relegate him to the practice squad for an entire year?
  7. I love when people on this site say there is zero chance something will happen, when in fact they have zero idea whether it will or not...
  8. Well, since they had a top 3 defense last year, that would be a bit disappointing...
  9. I guess I don't understand what the author is ranking. The likelihood that these coaches are fired before the season starts? That's not going to happen to any of them so as of now, they all have 100 percent job security (except maybe Jay Gruden). Mid-season? Seems ridiculous to forecast that now. Is he ranking the likelihood that these guys will be fired after this season? If so, then he's trying to predict (1) how their respective teams will do this year, and (2) how able are they to withstand a bad season. I think McDermott is relatively safe because I think the Bills will win at least 9 or 10 games this year, but if the team finishes with 6 wins or less, all bets are off. But that's probably true of most of these coaches.
  10. It's always been a college football town, and always will be.
  11. You need to do much better. This is almost as bad as your legendary takes on legal matters, of which you know less than zero. You’re still quoting the alleged stat that the Cowboys’ offense went from 14th to 22nd. Whether that’s true or not, the Cowboys’ passing offense went from 189 YPG to 250 per game after acquiring Cooper. Yes, Cooper had games in which he only had a few catches....So what? Julio Jones had two games last year with less than 30 yards receiving...it happens. Cooper averaged close to 100 YPG (including playoff games) with the Cowboys, all while having to catch passes from the—according to you—thoroughly mediocre Dak Prescott.
  12. Your M.O. is hilarious but tiresome: Stake out an absurd position (usually that some NFL player sucks or is overrated) and fight to the death. The Raiders made the exact same calculation with Cooper that they did with Mack. The only difference is they got only one first round pick for Cooper. It doesn’t mean Cooper isn’t a very good receiver. And your assertion that Cooper didn’t help Dallas much last year is laughable. He averaged almost 100 yards receiving per game and played very well in two playoff games. The team was 3-4 without Cooper and 7-2 with him. Passing offense went from 180 ypg to 250. Please do better.
  13. But what’s the harm of making him eligible for the 53? If he’s good enough, he should be on the squad.
  14. Which is why “stashing him on the practice squad” might not be such a great idea.
  15. As I understand it, Cooper is playing under the fifth year option this year, correct? If I'm Dallas, I make him play out the year and if he plays well, then try to sign him or franchise him. Is Cooper threatening to hold out? If he is, I haven't heard about it.
  16. Do you really think Elliott will continue to hold out if he doesn't get a new deal? I don't. He's in a perfect situation in Dallas and has way too much to lose by holding out. And I hate Jerry Jones, but I doubt it sucks to be him?
  17. I feel confident that Dallas will be good this year. I'm not going to try to predict who's going to win specific games, but there's no reason to think they couldn't beat any of the teams you've mentioned. They could also lose to any of them. What's certain is that there is more than zero chance of them willing the NFCC.
  18. I never said Cooper was a superstar, only that he's better than mediocre, which he clearly is. The only season he did not surpass 1000 yards receiving was when he played only 9 games. He's a 1000 yard per season guy. And you did a game-by-game analysis of Cooper's season with the Cowboys, but ignored his playoff game vs. Seattle where he went over 100 yards and scored a TD. He played pretty well against the Rams, too. Zeke is a great back, but he's got two more years left on his rookie deal (if you include the 5th year option). He's also in a great position with Dallas. It's the most visible franchise in the league, they have a great offensive line, good QB and a very good defense. He'll eventually report. If he doesn't, they should trade him to Detroit or Cinci and see how much he likes it. He's a running back and he can easily be replaced, without too much problem. Yes, there will be a dropoff, but it's not something they couldn't live with. He's much easier to replace than Cooper or Prescott, even though he's a better player at his position than either of them. Elliott's also got off-the-field issues that should factor in to a team giving him a new deal three years into his career.
  19. The problem with debating you is that you make blanket statements with zero to back them up. Amari Cooper is not mediocre; he's averaged 1000 yards per season since coming into the league. He significantly improved the Cowboys' offense last year after he arrived from Oakland. And the Cowboys with Dak, Zeke and Cooper won a playoff game last year (in which Dak and Cooper played very well). To say that they have "no chance" to win the NFC is just an absurd statement and barely worth responding to.
  20. Well, they went 3-3 without him in 2017, and that was without Amari Cooper. Elliott is a great back, but he''s still only a RB and therefore highly replaceable.
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