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Everything posted by mannc

  1. Idiotic to take a knee in a game like this. Why not get a look at guys??
  2. Not so sure. He looks like a playmaker, although the drops obviously are a concern.
  3. Barkley’s arm strength looks more than ok to me.
  4. Folks, we’re going to be watching a lot of 13-10 football games this season. Get ready for more stone-age football.
  5. Bad analogy. The rules prohibit teams from extending a rookie deal until after year three, so the Bills couldn't tear up Oliver's contract after this season even if they wanted to. The selective outrage at football players for holding out is misplaced. People in all walks of life renegotiate contracts all the time. Elliott has three options: play under his current deal, negotiate a new deal, or don't play at all. He's got every right to use whatever leverage he has to negotiate a better deal for himself. The fact that holdouts are rare these days shows that the players typically have very little leverage.
  6. Yep. The game is tough and dangerous enough when played strictly by the rules. That kind of garbage has no place in the sport. Landry should have been suspended for the rest of the year.
  7. No one is fitting them for green jackets yet. It's a ranking of rookies. How many rookies do you think are playing against first-teamers in pre-season games? I just don't understand posts like this.
  8. Which players claim to be “justice warriors”? What makes you think that?
  9. Actually, rookie contracts are currently better for drafted RBs than for other players because the amount they are paid is based upon where they are drafted, regardless of position. This means that Saquon Barkley will be paid more on his rookie deal than Sam Darnold, even though Darnold's market value will FAR exceed Barkley's (assuming Darnold were to become a quality QB). Thus, Barkley will be paid much closer to his actual market value on his rookie deal than Darnold will. This is one of many reasons why teams should avoid drafting RBs in first round.
  10. Why would you give up a first for Zeke, as good as he is, when you could have signed Lev Bell in the offseason for no compensation? I'm assuming Zeke will want a contract similar to Bell if you were to trade for him. Granted, Zeke is younger, but they are very similar backs.
  11. Hey, at least the Cowboys have three very good young offensive skill position players (including QB) who merit a second contract. A lot of teams can't say that. It's a First World problem, even though Dak and Amari are probably not considered "elite" players at their positions. I would be inclined to trade Elliott if he doesn't report (because he probably has the greatest trade value and because he's a RB) and make Amari and Dak play this year under their current deals and see how it shakes out. The Cowboys have most of the leverage here...they are the most visible franchise in the league, they play in a city where NFL players want to live, and they have a good team. These guys don't really want to leave, or at least, they shouldn't.
  12. But I read here that Wade absolutely, positively, 100% won't be on the Bills 53-man roster. The guys who said so were sure of it....and they are steely-eyed realists.
  13. And are you sure he won't get more reps during the next two games? Are you privy to the Bills' future plans?
  14. Very helpful analysis. Do you know how many carries Wade will get in the next two games? How will he do? I recognize that the Bills are already so stacked with offensive weapons so there’s really no need to even consider a guy like Wade...
  15. That’s what I thought too, based on what I read at NFL.com, but the Bills recently said otherwise.
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