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Everything posted by mannc

  1. Interesting. Is sporttrac reliable in such things?
  2. To my knowledge, Wade has not been released.
  3. I don’t either, but the chance is greater than zero.
  4. I read here that there was zero chance he makes the 53.
  5. Well, there goes that third round pick we were going to get for him....
  6. Correct! And of course, the Jags also passed on Ben Roethlisberger in favor of WR Reggie Williams.
  7. Nothing can compare with convincing the Browns to give up pick 65 for Tyrod Taylor.
  8. This is a welcome sign—the Pats are giving up assets to acquire our scrubs.
  9. I’ve heard that Ed Oliver has been told he is safe, as well.
  10. How would that happen on a FG or extra point attempt (unless Richard Sherman is on the other team)? There have been some tiny, fragile kickers in the NFL over the years and to my knowledge, they all survived.
  11. Flags and anthems are inanimate objects. They aren’t capable of being “disrespected”, nor are they capable of feeling anything at all. And by the way, “Oh Canada” is a much better anthem than ”The Star Spangled Banner”.
  12. I have questioned some of his moves, but Beane gives off an air of competence and professionalism that has been sorely missing from the Bills front office for a long time.
  13. All good, Dunkirk. I'm definitely not against kids (or anyone else) playing football, but I think we (parents, coaches, society) owe it to those players to make the game as safe as possible, without fundamentally changing the nature of the sport. Drills like the one depicted are downright stupid and don't teach kids anything worthwhile. It's a shame that some coaches in charge of youth football still haven't gotten the message. The NFL and NCAA have cracked down on unnecessary violence--during games and in practices--and it hasn't hurt the popularity of the sport, at least from a spectator standpoint.
  14. I don’t care about your ignore list, but I apologize for getting personal.
  15. The video posted by Bubba Gump showed kids playing in an actual game situation. The hit was brutal but clean. Nevertheless, it was not the kind of hit I would want my six-year old son to take. The Fournette video was different. It showed six-year old kids in an “Oklahoma” drill, designed to encourage head-on collisions, presumably to “toughen up” the kids, who appeared to be no more than six years old. (Drills like this are no longer allowed in NFL training camps.) The hit was dirty and the six-year old victim had to crawl to the sideline. The coach who allowed it should never be allowed to coach again. It was disgusting, and so are you for applauding and promoting it.
  16. I don’t know where the Fournette video went, but it was despicable, and the coach who put six or seven year old kids in a drill like that should have been arrested. The fact that you posted it (and apparently enjoyed it) would earn you a ban if this was my forum.
  17. Understood. Bottom line is, I'd rather give a practice squad spot to a guy like Jackson who has NFL-caliber tools than a more polished guy like Jeff Tuel, who might be more game-ready, but has a very low ceiling.
  18. I agree 100%. I don't understand the hatred for this guy, who obviously has a number of NFL-caliber tools and was a productive college QB. As you point out, he gets few snaps in practice and he's thrown out there with third stringers. Not saying he's played great, but for FFS, there's no reason to write the guy off forever.
  19. Your first mistake is thinking Gregg Williams is a good defense coordinator.
  20. Firing coaches too soon had zero to do with the drought. Zero. Hiring bad coaches and GMs in the first place was the problem.
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