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Everything posted by mannc

  1. People have been dying from viruses for thousands of years. Even though we now know more about viruses and how they make people sick, some people will continue to die from them. People who die from viruses have not been killed by others’ stupidity, but from their own misfortune. It sucks, but stopping life as we know it won’t change any of that.
  2. It’s not hard to comprehend. That’s why he’ll be kept away from others for a while. Not a big deal, or any reason to cancel anything... Of course, your worst case scenario hypothetical also assumes asymptomatic persons can spread the virus...
  3. Big surprise...healthy 52-year old is “infected” with The Deadly Virus...and is still healthy. Quick! Cancel the season!!! Imagine if we routinely tested healthy people for the flu or any other virus...
  4. Rodriguez is expected to make a full recovery and his symptoms were described as “mild”. I’m not sure how the decision was made to shut him down for the season, but yep, while we’re at it, let’s shut down MLB based on some “cases”. And there is zero evidence that 300-pound 25-year old NFL linemen, as opposed to 45-year old 300 pound couch potatoes, are at elevated risk. I’d be shocked if that were the case, regardless what the ridiculous BMI “formula” says.
  5. Ok, my language was a little sloppy. It’s the mean, not the average, but I’m not sure it makes much difference here. It does not appear that the survey was multiple choice, but it’s a little hard to tell. The overall point is that the general public VASTLY overestimates the danger from this virus, and the blame for that lies squarely with the mainstream media, and some disgraceful politicians, which have inundated us with stories meant terrify, while downplaying, ignoring or downright censoring stories that suggest it might not be so bad after all. The clearest example of that is the media’s refusal to honestly explain the demographics of the disease and the fact that the overwhelming number of the seriously ill and dead are very old and very sick, and that the virus is significantly LESS dangerous to the young and healthy than the seasonal flu. How many media outlets have reported the fact—easily ascertainable from the state’s Coronavirus website—that not a single one of the 9 MILLION kids under 18 in California has died of CV 19? Instead, they endlessly report dubious stories about extreme outlier cases and “outbreaks” of “infection” in which few if any “victims” actually came down with anything worse than a cold. Lastly, the media and politicians have seriously underplayed the economic and other costs of the shutdowns that have been forced on us. Most have never even attempted to weigh the costs vs the benefits of the draconian approach taken by most Western countries. IMO, these costs are profound, difficult to measure and quite possibly irreversible. People are quick to point out the possible (although entirely unproven) “long term effects” of the virus, but no one wants to talk about the incalculable long term effects on society from, for example, keeping young people out of school, discontinuing organized sports, and convincing a generation of kids that their fellow citizens should be regarded as biohazards.
  6. Interesting, and makes sense. I doubt very many guys who risk life and limb every time they step on the field are overly concerned about a virus from which, statistically, they have very little risk.
  7. Why would Stafford opt out if he’s already got the disease and is asymptomatic—or even if he did have symptoms? That means he’s at basically zero risk for the foreseeable future...makes no sense.
  8. Here you go: https://www.kekstcnc.com/media/2793/kekstcnc_research_covid-19_opinion_tracker_wave-4.pdf
  9. Thanks. There was no “misinterpretation”, but as I acknowledged, it was a small sample size.
  10. I’ll see if I can find it. It was a pretty small sample, and included results from other countries as well, but the results nonetheless give a sense of the extent to which the public has been conditioned to believe things are far worse than they really are.
  11. Medical professionals and scientists recognize that the whole BMI thing is nonsense when applied to larger scale humans. Even jumbo NFL linemen are highly fit when compared to average people. I’d be shocked if they were at elevated risk for CV19.
  12. There are lots of things we don’t know, but it’s insane to close schools and ban organized sports out of fear of something for which there is very little hard evidence. The media has disgracefully exaggerated and misrepresented the scope of the threat to healthy young people. A recent poll showed that the average American believes that 9 percent of the population has died from COVID 19–that would be 30 million people. Here’s a stat I’ve never seen published in the MSM: in the entire state of California, not one person under 18-years old has died from CV19. Not one, out of a sample size of 9 million kids. I’m sorry, I do not believe that a disease that is incapable of causing even one death in a population of 9 million is somehow leaving young people with mysterious long term health damage...
  13. UK has more CV19 deaths per capita than the USA. How is that doing a better job? The fact that they have it “under control” now is probably because they are approaching some form of herd immunity, similar to what seems to be happening in NYC. At any rate, the US is much bigger and diverse (in every way) than the UK and it’s difficult to generalize about the current course of the disease in the country as a whole.
  14. You don’t need a PhD or an MD to understand the demographics and risk factors of this disease. Much about the disease is not known, but we do know that young adults and school kids are at far less risk from CV 19 than from other diseases and perils that we readily allow them to be exposed to. The media has done its best to misrepresent this, in part by focusing disproportionate attention on extreme outlier cases and in part by just never mentioning it, and focusing on “cases” ...
  15. Oh FFS. The Eduardo Rodriguez thing has been WAY overblown. The so called “complications” are very mild and he’s expected to play again this year. And it’s ONE player.
  16. Based on the known demographics of the disease, I’m going to say zero.
  17. There is a ton of stuff out there on herd immunity at 20% or lower. This article cites one such study and explains why it may be lower than previously thought .https://www.northsidesun.com/herd-immunity#sthash.WsvtUqBU.dpbs
  18. The governor’s discussion of herd immunity is way off. Many experts believe effective herd immunity with this virus is 20% or below, not 40 or 80%. And you are vastly overstating the extent to which lockdowns are a proven scientific technique for controlling viruses. They had never been done before on anything close to this scale, and for good reason. Prior to CV 19, the CDC had recommended against such measures as a method of combatting viruses like this one.
  19. That’s highly debatable and not scientifically proven. Many states and countries that imposed fewer restrictions have “performed” as well or better than counties or states that locked down harder. And at any rate, it’s not an argument between zero restrictions and full lockdown. Certain restrictions made sense for some period of time, and few if any countries imposed none. I haven’t read every post in this thread and I don’t intend to, so enlighten me, if you will...
  20. Nothing I said is statistically wrong, and you certainly don't point to anything I said that might be. The nonsense you posted, on the other hand... 1 in 5 "people" require hospitalization? What utter nonsense. In my state, with 4.2 million people, a grand total of 1500 people have been hospitalized since the beginning of the "pandemic". That works out to .035 percent of the population, or about one in every 3000 people. If you were only talking about the percentage of people who tested positive, which of course is only a small percentage of people who have actually contracted the virus, then it's 1500 out of 18,000, which works out to just over 8 percent, not 20 percent. And of course, there is zero evidence at this point of long-term effects from the virus, much less people being "permanently damaged." Any such talk is nothing more than panic-mongering speculation. Lastly, you have no idea whether I or anyone else in my family has been "impacted by it." In fact, I have two members of my immediate family who have been severely impacted by the insane and scientifically unsupported forced school closures, business closures and travel restrictions. Do they count too? Are we even going to consider them? I'm guessing there are many more people like me than there are people who have close friends or family members who have died from CV19.
  21. LOL. What on earth do you think that proves?
  22. Life is uncertain; we voluntarily encounter all sorts of risks every day. With regard to COVID 19, our society's ability to rationally assess and respond to risk has gone right out the window, largely because of dishonest and incompetent media coverage of the virus. And BTW, i've never heard of these "asymptomatic athletes that haven't fully regained their ability." Who are you talking about?
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