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Everything posted by mannc

  1. Well, Gase is doing his best to kill any chance they have with that fg, but yes
  2. Yes, but it never should have come to that
  3. And just like that...one horrendous, inexcusable play call and the Jets have life...Hand it to Singletary and kick a FG and game’s over.
  4. Nah, none of them actually wanted to play football.
  5. I don’t disagree. It’s just nice having real fans at sporting events, to distinguish them from soap operas and movie sets....
  6. I’m all in favor of filling the stadiums to capacity right now, so i have zero concerns about any of the above.
  7. I don’t know...I think it’s good to have incentives for organizations to have fans at their games. There is no reason Bills Stadium shouldn’t be at least 1/4 full on Sunday.
  8. Was it a Bills decision, or Erie County?
  9. Yeah, it was great having live fans there. It’s a disgrace that there won’t be any in Buffalo on Sunday. Insanity.
  10. No COVID-19 rules make sense. Not a single one. All are based on superstition, the need to control others, and the desire to virtue signal. But you’re right; this one is particularly asinine.
  11. Nice draft pick. A RB at 4, with Mahomes and Watson still on the board...But hey, they already had Blake Bortles...
  12. It’s a risk. K is a very important position these days and if the Bills are wrong, this could cost them a game or two. On the other hand, Bass could well be an upgrade, and a star in the making.
  13. Yep. It’s a self-inflicted wound.
  14. There is absolutely zero evidence to support this statement, especially if we are talking about a quarter full, outdoor stadium, where people are spaced apart. Pure superstition. With regard to your statement that this sad state of affairs "can't go on forever", well, I wish that were true, but the current restrictions no longer constitute a reasonable response to any actual public health threat, and they probably never did. The population has been driven to hysteria by massive disinformation and flat-out scare tactics from the media. Things will not be returning to normal any time soon...
  15. We don’t “have to open with no fans.” There is zero science behind any of it. If we don’t have fans at Bills Stadium, it will be because someone in the organization CHOSE to lock out the fans, for no good reason.
  16. Yep. Seven months in and they don't even have a reliable test yet. Imagine what that says about how close we are to having a safe and effective vaccine. Time to move on with life...
  17. Wow, all those "infections" among the supposedly more vulnerable cohort, and yet apparently no one seriously ill, much less dead. Hmmm....
  18. Now let’s see if he can win a game against Belichick...
  19. And many are marginal guys who probably would not have made a roster anyway...
  20. You mean back when Fauci and the CDC were telling people not wear them?
  21. Other than the people who died because of Cuomo's disastrous nursing home policy, there isn't a scrap of evidence that any American has "died [from CV19] when they didn't need to." And I'm guessing there will be far, far more people who will have permanently lost their jobs and businesses than families "bankrupted by astronomical medical bills from battling coronavirus." The notion that people living their lives without masks is "deliberately putting another person in danger"--like driving drunk or indiscriminately firing a gun in public--is frankly just insane and is not supported by any scientific evidence.
  22. Seat belts are proven beyond a doubt to save lives; masks aren't, and neither are forced closures of schools and businesses, which have never before in history been imposed on such a scale to contain a respiratory illness. There is zero cost associated with wearing a seat belt; that's not the case with masks and the other measures that have been mandated by our rulers. In fact, there was never a serious effort to try to measure the short or long-term costs of school and business closures on those effected by them or on society at large. The main problem is that the media has been entirely dishonest about how this virus affects different demographic groups. Although there is still much that is unknown, the evidence so far is that, for the vast majority of people, CV19 is no more dangerous than the seasonal flu, and for the group of people we obsess over on this website-- healthy people 35 and under--it is far less dangerous than the flu. The relatively large number of healthy young athletes opting out of the NFL season shows that the media's campaign has succeeded, and/or that a lot of guys didn't really want to play football.
  23. I disagree with virtually every “fact” asserted in this post. The greatest damage that has and will have come from this virus (or rather our response to it) is the baseless fear has been instilled in a generation of humans, who are being trained by the media and by brain-dead politicians to regard their fellow humans as walking biohazards. Fine. Then shelter at home for as long as you like, and wear a mask every time you emerge from your “shelter”. Just don’t try to force others do likewise.
  24. He’s not retiring, and is expected to make a full recovery.
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