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Everything posted by mannc

  1. Haven't we learned that it is a mistake to trade two first round picks (which is what LA would want) for a defensive player, no matter how good? Any any rate, we need our picks to help our offense. We already have a top 3 or 4 defense (despite that display on Saturday).
  2. We played them tough last year, but the games weren't competitive? How's that possible? (I agree, BTW, that we weren't competitive v. NE last year.) But I do admit I was probably being overly harsh. I can't help it, though. I despise that franchise and it just sucked to see them dominate us on both sides of the ball on Saturday. I know it came down to the last series, but it was really discouraging to see their offense, which has been lousy the last six games, move the ball up and down the field against our vaunted defense. I'm sorry, but nothing less than putting our foot on the Patriots' throat and crushing them will make me happy. It's great to make the playoffs and all, but until that happens, we've fallen short. What I saw on Saturday didn't give me confidence that things will be different if we see them in the playoffs, and I really thought that wouldn't be the case.
  3. 0-6 vs Belichick, and no sign of a breakthrough. Still coaching no to lose—and losing. It’s a concern.
  4. No thanks. I’m sure he’s good, but unless he can be had in round 3 or later, hard pass. There will literally be dozens of good RBs available in this year’s draft. And Wisconsin RBs perennially underperform in the NFL.
  5. Makes sense. I’m not sure what incentive Houston has to win the game, other than possibly avoiding Buffalo in round 1.
  6. For some reason, the Texans are 4.5 point underdogs at home v Titans. I think maybe they are planning to rest guys.
  7. Why do people feel the need to start these asinine threads? We aren’t swapping QBs with anyone.
  8. I thought they looked like the same old Patriots last night. They dominated on both sides of the ball. I have no idea how we had a chance to tie it at the end. That being said, I’d probably rather go to Foxborough in the second round than to Baltimore.
  9. Don’t underestimate Darnold’s ability to put points on the board for the Stillers.
  10. Yep. It’s possible that the Bills could go on a run in the playoffs, but it’s unlikely. When you can only score 10 to 17 PPG against good teams, your margin for error is just too small. Everything has to go right, and that rarely happens, especially on the road against a good team.
  11. “Number 34 was in the area” will go down in NFL officiating infamy, along with “Just give it to ‘em.” An absolute disgrace. We did get one break that mattered. I thought Sanu had the first down on that third down pass play at the end of the first half. Johnson stuffed Harry on fourth down, and the Bills scored a TD a couple plays later.
  12. That was bad. When they decided to assess it on the KO, I thought they were going to onside kick.
  13. Can Seattle get the first seed with a win (assuming they beat the Cards today)?
  14. I ca t think of specific examples, but I’ve seen several teams do it this year. It’s generally a pretty good idea.
  15. It was a figure of speech. Obviously, it wasn’t zero chance. It’s never zero chance until final whistle.
  16. You’re right. Plenty of teams have lately. Although I’m usually in favor of going for 2, I probably would not have there. We ran the ball poorly all night and I think the odds would have favored the pats stuffing it.
  17. I never said zero chance. I said I knew it was going to end like all Bills games against NE do. And it did.
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