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Everything posted by mannc

  1. Actually the hawks do have some talent aside from Wilson. But without Carson and Penny, they’ve got no running game whatsoever right now.
  2. They’re in the Joe Burrow sweepstakes without him.
  3. Russ Wilson singlehandedly keeping the Seahags alive. Incredible.
  4. He was a running back. He wouldn’t have changed the trajectory of the Bills franchise one iota.
  5. Wow, O’Brien’s stupidity is off the charts.
  6. One thing is for sure: Deshaun Watson is not giving up.
  7. If they punt, I’m shutting off the TV.
  8. I don’t think Houston can afford to punt again. Their defense simply cannot get a stop.
  9. I’m trying to recall the last time Romo’s been wrong about something....Coming up blank.
  10. Both. And I think they’re tired, too.
  11. I know KC has a good offense, but Houston appears to have ZERO chance of even holding them to a FG.
  12. I’d look for a long return of a missed FG here
  13. If LOS is the 5, then he was past it.
  14. Chiefs’ longest drive was 30 yards
  15. Maybe he’ll go after a Chiefs fan in the tunnel at halftime.
  16. O’Brien really f**ked up not going for it on 4th there.
  17. Hill is a great returner, but there is very little chance of any punt return from that part of the field. Made no sense to put him back there in that situation. Panic move.
  18. He’s amazing. My favorite non-Bill in the league. What a gamer.
  19. First ball (pass or kick) I’ve ever seen Hill drop. Wow.
  20. I would say "get after the passer". They really do a good job of this, especially when they have the lead.
  21. Man, Henry is a beast. When they were standing in the huddle last night I was noticing that he's every bit as big as Conklin. Still, I worry about the beating he takes, week after week.
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