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Everything posted by mannc

  1. 1. Zero impact on Bills franchise. 2. Yep. Disaster. Two lost years. 3. Zero impact on Bills franchise. 4. Big problem. 5. We'll never know. 6. Still waiting for a solution to this one. None in sight.
  2. Because we want him, and other NFL teams are always looking for ways to help out the Bills? And this isn't even the stupidest thread that was started today. It's going to be a long offseason...
  3. Your comment was that you didn't want Beane to shell out big money for any WR. My comment was addressed to that, not to Cooper specifically, although I would not have a problem if the Bills made a run at him.
  4. We’ve got a poll/thread on whether to trade our first round pick for some WR on the Carolina Panthers who’s not even on the market. It’s gonna be a long offseason.
  5. I’m not advocating a trade up. Too many good receivers this year. I just wish Jeudy could somehow fall to us...like I said, pipe dream.
  6. I’m sure he’s good. I’d definitely take him on day 3. And I’m pretty sure the Saints also had a Hall of Fame QB and a stable of receiving talent...
  7. Agreed, but I just watched some film of Jerry Jeudy and now I’m salivating. Guy is going to be a WR1 from day one. I know he’s a pipe dream for the Bills, but he’s going to have a great career.
  8. I didn’t say Garappolo can’t or won’t improve. I just said he’s not very good. And I do think he’s got a low ceiling. I think his lack of running ability hurts them and makes their offense much easier to defend, especially when the Niners are behind. I would much rather have Josh Allen, even though there are some things Jimmy G does better right now.
  9. I agree. I also think Garappolo was exposed tonight. He’s unathletic and has at best an average arm—rich man’s Matt Barkley. I think Shanahan got them as far as he could with Jimmy G at the controls.
  10. I’m not sure why, but I actually think our defense matches up better against the chiefs than the Niners’ defense does. If we add a few offensive weapons in the offseason and Josh takes a step forward, we can go a long way in 2020.
  11. I don't disagree that Rivers will probably get in; the question is, should he get in? This concept has been eroded over the years, but for me, the minimum HoF requirement should be "Was this guy one of the 2 or 3 best players in the league at his position for a significant stretch of time (meaning more than just one season)?" I don't see how Rivers passes this test. I'm not going to go through all the numbers, but I doubt there was more than one season in which he was one of the two or three QBs in the league. The top QBs of his era were Brady, Brees, Rodgers, Roethlisberger, and P. Manning. Rivers is somewhere in the next tier, along with Matt Ryan, Eli and maybe Matt Stafford--good--often very good--but not great.
  12. You’re mistaking me for someone who thinks Eli belongs in the HoF...
  13. If Rivers makes the Hall of Fame, then the honor has pretty much lost all meaning.
  14. And it’s also a pipe dream. Dropping back five slots at the end of round one isn’t going to net you a second round pick, even a late one.
  15. I remember a few years back when Ross Tucker (former Bills OL) wrote an article for SI about the attitudes of some of the players he played with. According to Tucker, there were numerous guys who hated football and couldn't wait for the season to be over. I think he was writing about the 2004 Bills specifically (although he didn't name names). That was the year the Bills lost to the Steelers' backups in the last game of the regular season, when a win would have put them in the playoffs. Tucker talked about one veteran starter who treated Tucker like he was insane for wanting to win that game and get to the playoffs. The guy had all his belongings driven to Pittsburgh in a trailer so he could bolt out of town as soon as they lost the game. To me, this shows the value of a franchise seeking out high character "process" guys who actually love the game. Coaching is absolutely huge in the NFL.
  16. “Your honor, please allow us to cover up the emails that show us helping to cover up the child abuse committed by that ring of pedophiles....” Yeah, good luck with that argument. Unbelievable.
  17. Yes, but you are projecting someone as a pro bowl player at a position he’s barely played.
  18. I must have missed the part where Ford became a pro-bowl guard...when did that happen? In fact, I don’t remember him playing guard at all in the regular season...
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