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Everything posted by mannc

  1. I understand how pandemics spread. But this virus hasn't been behaving that way. Why haven't millions (or even tens of thousands) died in Iran or China where the disease has been around for four months or more? Why are there only seven deaths in the entire state of Texas two months into the "crisis"?
  2. that's the point. There is no evidence that it will ever cause "millions and millions of deaths". It's been in the US for at least two months and its caused barely 500. In China, it's been around for the entire winter and it's killed only 4000 out of a population of 1.4 billion. It's nowhere near reaching even the number of deaths from seasonal flu, even in Italy, which is one of the worst countries in the world for seasonal flu deaths. If in fact CV is more deadly than seasonal flu, then it's MUCH harder to transmit, based on the much lower number of deaths. It depends how you define "cases". If "cases" includes everyone who's infected, then yes, but it is probably only people who have shown fairly serious symptoms. "Projecting" doesn't make it so. What I'm saying is that the numbers so far don't match the projections of the "experts".
  3. We’ve been told that this disease is ten times deadlier than the seasonal flu and twice as easy to transmit...So where are the deaths? China (the epicenter) has only 80,000 cases and less than 4000 deaths. Some states have zero deaths and states like Texas (7) and Arizona (2) have only a handful. Half the counties in Oregon have zero cases. The numbers and the hype don’t add up.
  4. I'd want to see what they do at QB first, but that does seem like a good bet. Hell, they won 5 last year and their talent level is going to be MUCH better.
  5. Not necessarily, because Tua might not be there at 5 and I doubt they make that trade with Miami and then trade up from 5. If they make that trade, they probably would take Herbert at 5 or perhaps they're fine with taking whichever one is available there.
  6. In other words, this will be Anthony Lynn’s last season in LA, unless they can land Herbert.
  7. And thank you Two Bills Drive!
  8. I'm not sure Brady held them back, either. He was very limited in a few areas, but he still throws a really nice ball and makes lightning quick decisions. Stay tuned...
  9. I'd make a friendly bet that the Dolphins will finish ahead of the Jets this year. Darnold is out of excuses and is going to be exposed this year as a journeyman level QB.
  10. I'll celebrate the Pats' demise as soon as we take the division from them, and not a second sooner. Beating them head-to-head once or twice would be good, too. I think they will be highly competitive this year and will be much better than the Jests. It will be interesting to see what they do at QB.
  11. Does anyone else think the Jests are going to be the worst team in the AFCE by far this fall? Obviously we still need to see what they do at QB, but I think the Phins are going to be highly competitive this year.
  12. Correct. The team is also in a position where Diggs is expected to be one of the last pieces of the puzzle, and we're not in the market for a QB. It's unlikely that a guy taken at 22 is going to match Diggs's production over the next two years, which are the last two years of cheap Josh Allen quarterbacking. It looks like a good trade for both teams.
  13. I don't see him retiring anytime soon. Belichick strikes me as the kind of guy who has very few real interests outside of football and will not retire until he's forced to. I also suspect he believes (rightly or wrongly) that TB held the team back last year and that the Pats can do even better in 2020 without him. And I'm sure he's the type of guy who would love to prove that he can win big without Brady. He might be right.
  14. So we never beat him...exactly what I was afraid of when we lost that last game in NE...
  15. I will never understand that play. Never. Have you ever heard any of the three “blockers” explain themselves? I’m going to predict that they don’t stay at 54.
  16. Yep, I was rooting hard for that pick not to be used on another defender. Hurts to give up that first round pick in such a WR-rich draft, but this shows that the Bills are in “win now” mode, which is exactly where they should be going into Josh’s third year. I hope they don’t ignore the possibility of taking another WR at 54 now.
  17. Addison is seven years older than Shaq. Is he better than Shaq?
  18. I think the Niners will be looking to trade back, since they have no picks in rounds 2-4. 13 is the perfect spot for someone who wants one of the top 3 receivers.
  19. This aged very poorly. As usual, people vastly over-estimate the amount of draft capital that high-priced veterans can command.
  20. It shows how deep the 2020 WR draft class is. Texans think they can replace Hopkins with a second rounder.
  21. I thought it was too soon for Reed to be a F/A. He would be a great signing for someone...
  22. Very few scouts have Taylor rated ahead of DeAndre Swift, so to say Taylor is the best back in the draft and “it’s not even close” is simply foolish. He was a major fumbler in college, on a very large sample size, and guys like that don’t magically learn to hang onto the ball in the NFL. Then there’s the whole Wisconsin RB thing, which is very real, I’m afraid. I’m not saying Taylor will last to pick 54, but I wouldn’t take him there.
  23. No way. Taylor is a very good back but he has a lot of wear on the tread, fumbles WAY too much, reportedly is very poor in pass protection, and is not a good receiver. I doubt he’s even a consideration for Beane at 54. There will be a ton of good backs to choose from when our third and fourth round picks roll around.
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