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Everything posted by mannc

  1. The hysteria needs to stop. There are few cases in my area and the number of new cases is stable, as are the numbers of new deaths and hospitalizations. We have been sheltering in place for almost three weeks now, so that’s not going to change. It’s not not time to adopt new fear-mongering requirements.
  2. Well, except there were only 48 states then, and Hawaii wasn’t one of them.?
  3. A few days ago, according to the Oregon Health Authority, there were 770 ventilators available in the state and less than 40 CV19 patients who were using one. They’ve now stopped publishing that data. Maybe they fear appropriation by other parts of the country...
  4. I agree. More people are going to start wearing masks around town. I won’t be one of them.
  5. That would be extremely difficult to prove. That’s not why they are adopting those policies.
  6. They can’t. They are limited to collecting workers comp. And only if they can prove they got the virus from work, which would be tough to do.
  7. That part is true, but it’s not why grocery stores are limiting the number of customers who can enter at any one time.
  8. I disagree. More than half the counties in my state have 2 or less cases. Wearing a mask in grocery stores in most of the country is absurd and I guarantee very few people will do it. Those masks should be used by people who need them, like employees and residents of senior care facilities.
  9. So? It was FICTION. It was a Hollywood screenplay. And nothing in the article suggests that he knows the first thing about public health.
  10. CDC telling 330 million people in this huge country that they should walk around in public wearing masks over their faces does nothing but erode that organization’s credibility. It’s like recommending a nationwide 25 MPH speed limit—it might make sense for certain parts of New York City or Chicago, but it is an asinine idea for most of the country. And once again, to his credit, Trump refuses to bow down to this kind of virtue-signaling nonsense and stands up for common sense.
  11. So Burns wrote a screenplay nine years ago about a fictional virus outbreak? Please explain why we should care one wit about his opinion regarding the Coronavirus...
  12. Tua, without a doubt. He's injury-prone, undersized and had the luxury of throwing to NFL receivers his entire career. I would love it if the Phins took him and I'd love it even more if they move up for the privilege.
  13. I think mass transit is the key to the spread. Those systems should have been shut down weeks ago.
  14. You lost me when you said Burrow wouldn’t be drafted ahead of Darnold and Mayfield. That is a ridiculous take. It makes no difference what he did in 2018. Cam Newton was in JuCo the year before he was drafted 1 overall.
  15. Can’t believe Sam Bradford was drafted in 2010. Seems like he was in the league forever. He certainly made a lot of $. Is he OOF now? This mess is is just dripping with hot takes.
  16. You're either being willfully obtuse, or you don't understand the term "best case scenario." I would have thought that everyone here understands the meaning of that term.
  17. I still don’t believe there will be 100-200,000 deaths. There is still a lot we don’t know about the virus, but social distancing measures are already arresting the spread of the disease—or at least reducing hospitalizations and deaths—and at this point, the fatality rate is mostly speculation, because we still don’t have widespread random testing anywhere, except maybe Iceland. There will continue to be hotspots but I believe the doomsday predictions of medical facilities all around the country being overrun are never going to come to pass. Despite having said some dumb things, Trump is going to (rightly) get credit for not panicking at a time when many other politicians and the media were losing their minds.
  18. In a way, by leaving things up to the governors and mayors, this IS the approach we are taking. (You can argue whether some of the state and local measures are too weak or over the top.). And Trump is doing what the President should do in this situation: encouraging reasonable precautions, while considering the short and long-term costs of a general shutdown. What we really need is more reliable data about the virus so that we can truly understand how it works and how great a risk we would be taking by re-opening certain segments of the economy and society. The alarmism and panic being promoted by the MSM is distinctly unhelpful in this regard.
  19. Vancouver and BC are in good shape...relatively few deaths/hospitalizations and no danger at this point of "overwhelming the system".
  20. Regarding mutation, that would be good news indeed. I have always assumed this virus was just going to be part of our landscape for the foreseeable future. It might be growing exponentially (whatever that means) in NYC, but that does not mean it is doing so "across the country". In my neck of the woods, it most definitely is not.
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