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Everything posted by mannc

  1. No way they would have been able to stop a little run up the middle.
  2. Down and distance makes no difference. Easy yards all day
  3. But there has to be SOME limit to what an offensive lineman can do, right?
  4. What the hell happened to this defense? I haven’t seen a regression like this since the Ryan brothers came to town.
  5. I don’t remember any false positives, but I do know that the testing technology has improved significantly in the past few months, and I’m pretty sure NFL’s is state of the art.
  6. Just read that Colts-Bears is being moved to the late slot, so you might be getting that one instead.
  7. Realistically, this kinda stuff is probably going to happen every week. The good news is that, from what I’ve read, the NFL is using the very best testing technology, and false positives are pretty unlikely. Hopefully after all these players make fast and full recoveries, the fear factor will start to recede.
  8. I would think that’s made easier by the fact that there are few, if any, fans at these games.
  9. I agree. It’s not going to be a normal season, but so far it has been as normal as one could hope. We need to understand that this virus is highly contagious, we don’t really know how it spreads, and testing positive is not a moral failing. The good news is that it’s highly likely that all these players who get it will recover quickly.
  10. No one watched the games, and the players absolutely hated being in the bubble, so much so that certain teams may have tanked just to get home early. I’ll grant you that it was a different situation, in that those leagues were hit mid-season. I think we can all agree that MLB is a joke.
  11. Agreed. Unless it’s a full-on outbreak, like in Tennessee, it should be treated just like any other illness or injury. Luck of the draw...
  12. So what? Not sure what their complaints were. They wouldn’t be very happy in a bubble, I’ll tell you that. I think the NFL’s Covid plan is by far the best of the lot. So far it’s actually worked really well. There were (and are) bound to be problems along the way, it’s worked better than I expected.
  13. Chiefs-Pats now off the board. Would be nice if they switch us to Bills-Raiders for the CBS afternoon game tomorrow.
  14. As much as we gripe about Roger, NFL is by far the best run of the major sports. Not really close, either.
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