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Everything posted by mannc

  1. You mean he successfully turned the card in all seven times? 😄 But I do like Hodgkins and would love to see him get a shot.
  2. I’ve got news for you; the last two drafts have been “meat and potatoes” and there’s little to show for it...
  3. Interesting point, and probably close to correct, although there seem to be teams with much higher hit rates at certain positions, like Pittsburgh with WRs. What sinks bad GMs is failing to land a franchise QB and misusing high draft picks on non-premium positions (those two flaws are often closely related). For example, the Giants and Jags, teams that are still looking for a franchise QB, recently used top 4 overall picks in RBs. Washington and the Jets have drafted a lot of good defensive players over the past five years, but it’s gotten them nowhere.
  4. It was worse than the Saints no-call. And that was AFTER a video review!
  5. That’s three players out of 22 starters. It hardly disproves my point.
  6. I’m still not seeing where you’re disagreeing with what I said—that minus JA, the Bills’ overall talent level is below average.
  7. I’m not sure what your point is. I would acknowledge that the Bills have better WRs than they did in 2018, when that group was historically bad...Do you think that without Josh Allen this is a better than average NFL offense?
  8. I actually think the Bills’ overall talent level is average at best. Josh Allen’s remarkable ascent to top-5 NFL QB has covered up some truly lousy drafting by Beane. If anything happens to JA, we are in Jets territory.
  9. I remember the 1998 fiasco, which was Ryan Leaf’s first win as an NFL QB.
  10. Meaningless. Same was true of Sam Darnold, and he blows. Just be thankful that the Dolphins picked an undersized, injury-prone QB who was handed the keys to an insanely talented Alabama offense.
  11. Every week I’m more thankful that the Dolphins passed on Justin Herbert...
  12. Great story. I knew nothing about where Waller came from. Gotta give Gruden credit for recognizing his potential and snatching him away from the Ravens...
  13. People who talk about all the amazing weapons Allen now has at his disposal are delusional. Yes, the WR group is far better than it has been, but it still lacks a consistent downfield threat, especially when Brown is hobbled. Combine this with the fact that we have no running game and no TE to speak of, and it makes Allen's performance even more remarkable. The Bills need to continue to add offensive weapons at every opportunity, just like the Chiefs do for Mahomes.
  14. But Darnold won’t beat out Big Ben next year and there’s no way they would pick up his 5th year option at this point, so how does it make sense for the Steelers? Makes no sense unless Roethlisberger retires, and I doubt he will.
  15. Cleveland traded a high 3rd for Tyrod and Miami gave away a 2nd for Rosen, so anything is possible, but I think you’re right. I personally wouldn’t trade anything of value for Darnold, but some team will probably give up a 3rd. Colts would be a great landing place for any QB. They have a very good defense, excellent OL, pretty good offensive weapons and a very good offensive-minded coach.
  16. Simms talks a lot about context when it comes to evaluating QBs; you have to look at the teams surrounding them. The three guys you’ve mentioned play for outstanding teams with a ton of talent around them. How do you think Brady or Brees would do playing for the Bengals or Chargers? (I think you have a better argument with Roethlisberger; the Steelers are a totally different team with him.) The Chargers have been crushed by injuries, bad coaching and a general lack of offensive weapons, and the Bengals are not much better. Brees, meanwhile, is a shell of his former self, although he’s still good enough to win games on a team with a great defense and running game.
  17. Until this year, no one would have batted an eye if the Cards folded...
  18. Neither has the second round....or the first, really, other than one pick...
  19. Because according to the OP, testing positive for a highly contagious respiratory virus is now a moral failing—just like coming down with the clap.
  20. That’s actually true, which makes it all the more maddening that Beane has used two third round picks on the position and we still don’t have a good one.
  21. That’s exactly correct. I think it gets knocked down if Poyer doesn’t come in late.
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