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Everything posted by mannc

  1. I would think a mid-round first would get it done; maybe less. Probably makes sense for the Colts. He's a (small) step up from Rivers...
  2. I don't think that's true. Let's say the Jets have to give up both ones this year, a first next year, and Darnold. That would leave them with a second and two third-round picks this year, and picks in each of the first three rounds next year. That's hardly a bare cupboard, especially when you've added a franchise QB to the mix. I don't know what their cap situation is.
  3. Becton was an absolute home run, Mims looks like a good pick and I think the safety from Cal that they took in round three is going to be good. And the Adams trade was a steal. Not sure who the second receiver was that they passed on...So far, so good.
  4. I don't think the Jets are so inept anymore. They have a good GM finally, and may have gotten themselves a competent coach. Watson immediately makes them a wildcard contender, at least.
  5. Yep. And the Jets have 4 in the next two drafts. And 3 seconds, I think. And they now have real GM to make the picks.
  6. The Jets could make the trade and still have plenty of draft picks left in the next two years. With Watson, they will be a serious threat. They are not as bad as Gase made them look.
  7. The Broncos’ regret over that awful decision is going to grow greater every year.
  8. I disagree. It sounds like the relationship with Watson is not salvageable. They went 4-12 with him this year and have no premium draft picks and no cap room. Trading him is a big risk, but it’s worth taking if they can get three firsts (including number 2 overall) a QB (like Darnold) and a mid-round pick or two. If I’m the new GM, I make that trade—and I love Watson as a player. SF would be great for Watson; I just don’t know if they have the ammunition to make it happen. What would they trade them? Bosa and a first? I don’t think that’s enough...
  9. Again, if you watch the video, the issue isn't whether Josh Allen has had a better career than Mahomes to this point (of course he hasnt'); it's whether a hypothetical GM, given the choice, would take JA over Mahomes for his team right now.
  10. I'm really liking the fact that every single "expert" is picking the Chiefs, even the ones who generally like the Bills and JA, like Chris Simms. I like the Bills as the hunter instead of the hunted...Has anyone seen any national "expert" who's picking the Bills in this game?
  11. You're missing the point. No one is saying Josh Allen has had a better career than Mahomes to this point; he hasn't won a Super Bowl and he hasn't been league MVP, and this is only JA's first truly outstanding season. They are saying that, right now, Josh Allen might be a better, more dynamic QB. Having watched Allen the past two months, I have to say I think it's a real possibility. Allen is doing things that no other QB can do, including Mahomes, and has been almost impossible to defend. We'll learn more on Sunday, but my money is on Josh Allen.
  12. Agreed. McDermott has been appropriately aggressive on fourth down all season. No reason to change anything...
  13. Well, that hand injury to Bass is certainly a concern. Hope he doesn’t have to pass the ball...
  14. That’s not the one, but the analysis is similar...the one I read was written after the KC game.
  15. Depends how high the picks are. Obviously the 2 or 3 overall pick is worth quite a bit more than a first from the Seahawks or Rams...
  16. Maybe someone should ask the Bears, and Jets, and Jags, who all passed on Mahomes despite having needed a QB for decades. And who still need a QB 4 years later.
  17. The joke’s on us...This clown has made tens of millions of dollars in this game, despite being unable to coach his way out of a wet paper bag...
  18. I think read it on ESPN or NFL.com. The author concluded that the Browns probably will pick up Baker’s option, but that it was not a foregone conclusion..
  19. I don’t know what happened to Wentz, but he can’t play anymore. He was the worst starter in the league this year and everyone in Philly knew it. He seems to have had a mental crack-up and the stories coming out of there now are pretty bad. I mean, it’s possible he’ll play well again, but I doubt it. He appears to be broken.
  20. Wentz is finished. He will be OOF by 2022.
  21. I may have been wrong about my assessment of Mayfield and the Browns. Apparently the Browns aren’t even sure they are going to pick up Baker’s 5th year option. Fact remains, they would have to send Houston a lot more than Mayfield (if Houston even wants him) to get Watson.
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