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Everything posted by mannc

  1. Yep. We actually would have been better off trying to run the ball more, take time off the clock and prevent KC defense from pinning their ears back. Rumors that Josh Allen kills the blitz are greatly exaggerated.
  2. The FGs were inexcusable and the gameplan was flawed, but that’s not why we lost. They have Mahomes, Hill and Kelce and we don’t. It was a wake up call.
  3. That looked familiar...Glad we’re not the only defense in the league that does that...
  4. Well, it’s looking like in good weather, good NFL defenses aren’t really capable of stopping top level NFL offenses.
  5. Well, a Fournette-type running back was available for free and we weren’t interested. Come to think of it, so was a Kareem Hunt-type RB.
  6. A touchback controversy...brings back memories. Maybe they’ll just make up a new rule again.
  7. Still waiting for Brady to throw a ball that’s not right on target... thank god for the sack
  8. I did. He does not appear to have been touched, and he didn’t think he was touched either
  9. No one touched Evans at all and they called him down by contact. Of course Aikman and company don’t even mention it...
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