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Everything posted by mannc

  1. This may be an unpopular opinion, but I might be inclined to take Goff over Stafford, straight up. I think Goff will win as many games in Detroit as Stafford did the last two years...Awful trade for Rams
  2. Can’t forget—those Rams first rounders will both be late in the first. about equal to 6 or 7 overall.
  3. How can you rule out the Jets? Same amount of draft capital plus Darnold. Tua has very little value; maybe less than Darnold.
  4. Good lord. This means Watson is worth at least 4 first round picks.
  5. No, but it’s the way Watson runs that I think exposes him to injury. Guys like Russell Wilson seem to run all the time but never take hits. Watson is more reckless (courageous?) in the way he runs—not unlike Josh Allen—and of course the sacks expose him to injury as well. He’s already torn his ACL during his time with the Texans.
  6. My only concern about Watson is that his frame is relatively slight. With his propensity to run and to take sacks, you have to worry about how his body will hold up over a long career.
  7. Seems highly unlikely that team would regress with Watson, no matter how much draft capital they gave up. They have two firsts and two seconds this year and a full draft next year, and of course they are already a borderline playoff team. I don’t know how they regress by adding a top 4 quarterback to the mix. In fact, they would be downright scary. Every Bills fan should hope this doesn’t happen.
  8. Not crazy, but I would not trade 12 overall plus Jimmy G for Matt Ryan, and I doubt SF would either.
  9. How do you square that with the fact that Watson has a no-trade clause in his contract? They can’t just ship him to Detroit or wherever.
  10. You apparently have a lot of inside information...What’s your source?
  11. I hate to break the news to you, but if NFL owners ran the Electoral College, we’d be settling in for Four More Years right about now.
  12. Well, Watson reportedly has a no-trade clause in his contract, so he doesn’t have to accept a trade he doesn’t like. As a lawyer, maybe I’m just cynical about contracts. They aren’t sacred; good upstanding people try to negotiate their way out of or around them all the time. And at any rate, Watson’s not really trying to get out of his contract; he’s trying to convince the Texans to trade their rights under the contract to a different team, where his performance will still be subject to the terms of that same deal. Watson has a long history of being a good guy and a good teammate; the McNairs, not so much. I’m giving Watson the benefit of any doubts in this pissing match.
  13. Well, I guess we’ll see, won’t we? If Watson. gets traded, will you admit that he had leverage? And why are you backing Texans’ management, anyway? They have burned that franchise to the ground and appear to be terrible people, to boot. Deshaun Watson is one of the bright young stars of the sport who by all accounts is a great guy. So why the hate?
  14. Watson has a ton of leverage. He’s the only valuable asset the franchise has. He’s the unquestioned leader of the team and the face of the franchise. He’s also has built up a ton of goodwill by being a great player from day one, and a model citizen off the field. I don’t know for sure, but I would be willing to bet he’s very popular in the locker room. A franchise that has done everything wrong lately simply can’t afford to have a disgruntled leader like Watson. The only way out for them is to get as much as they can for him and hope the can land another QB.
  15. Can't see the Pats having enough ammunition to make that deal, but Texans GM has connections with the Evil One, so who knows...
  16. I don't necessarily disagree, but if you look at Brady's numbers this year, and what he's done with a team that missed the playoffs last year, you can certainly make a case for him.
  17. If we're talking right now, maybe Brady? I think I'd actually put Watson ahead of Wilson, but that's just based on how poorly Wilson played the last half of this season. In terms of which QB you'd take over the next 10 years if you were starting from scratch, it's got to be Mahomes, Allen, then Watson, right? Too soon to tell with Herbert or Burrow...
  18. Good point. It all depends on what they think of Tua. I’m not sure why the Texans would be excited to get him, but who knows?
  19. I say Jets or Niners makes most sense. Jets have four first round picks in the next two drafts, including second overall. They can make the trade for Watson and still have plenty of picks to help rebuild their roster. SF would have to trade two firsts plus a young star player or two... You have absolutely no idea what went on there. He may have been entirely justified. What we do know is that since the day he was drafted, Watson has been a great player and a model citizen. We also know that the Texans are run by morons. So draw your own conclusions.
  20. And that’s to Watson’s advantage; means his new team won’t have to cripple itself to acquire him...
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