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Everything posted by mannc

  1. Yeah, Wentz has negative trade value. Not sure about the second part; Falcons are in teardown mode, aren’t they? Why not roll with a rookie in 2021? But Ryan definitely has trade value, although hard to say how much.
  2. Dumping multiple first round picks for 1 guy is a bad strategy and it almost never works out for teams that do it. I believe the Rams may be headed for a Texans-level franchise meltdown in 2022 when they wake up and realize they mortgaged the future for a barely above average QB on his last legs... Trading one first rounder for a star player, like Indy and Buffalo did last year, is much more defensible, although both SF and Minn hit big on the picks they got in those trades.
  3. You missed the point. Milano’s a really good player but his body just isn’t going to hold up for many more seasons. I hope we re-sign him.
  4. He should try to get as much as he can because this will be the last contract he gets...
  5. I think that’s always been the minimum. I think this means Watson commands 4 firsts, and there are only 2 teams that can pay that.
  6. Or maybe having spent the last few years in the Rams organization, he thinks those first round picks from LA are going to be higher than some people think. Or maybe he likes Goff, and what QB did Carolina have to offer?
  7. With this deal, I see the Rams as having a 1-year window, and if it doesn’t work out, they may find themselves in a Houston-like situation, without a Deshaun Watson to bail them out, and Detroit may end up with a very high draft pick or two, courtesy of this trade. Sure, the Rams have a very good defense, but Aaron Donald is going to be 30, they really don’t have a lot of explosive weapons on offense, and they are in a tough division that’s going to get tougher, as SF gets healthy and Kyler Murray develops in Arizona. And of course the Rams will have very little draft capital with which to improve things. It seems to me they are putting a lot of chips in on the idea that Stafford is going to break out at age 33, even though his weapons are arguably less dangerous than what he had in Detroit this year. With SF getting healthy, and probably improving their QB situation, it’s hard to see the Rams even winning their division, much less making a Super Bowl. If it doesn’t pan out in 2021, I could see things going south in a hurry there.
  8. To me, the numbers look pretty similar. I just take issue with the knee-jerk assumption that LA just got a massive upgrade at the position.
  9. I’d say their ceilings are identical...they have nearly indistinguishable numbers during the four years Goff has been a starter.
  10. I'll throw this out there, too: Stafford has never been in a situation where he's expected to win, and win big. He's now in a major media market, albeit on a team with no real fan base, and the expectations are Super Bowl or bust. It's not clear how he'll handle it, especially if things don't go well right away...
  11. Unless they tricked the Rams... Fans don’t get paid to be right
  12. No question that the Rams think that, but I would argue that NFL teams often are pretty lousy at evaluating QBs—even their own QBs.
  13. How about just wins? And if you want to talk about yards, Goff passed for more yards and YPA the past four seasons (Goff’s only ones as a starter) than Stafford.
  14. The article offers zero evidence in support of its main premise—That Matt Stafford is a MUCH better QB than Jared Goff. Lot of competition for that title... Stafford has hardly been without weapons in his career in Detroit. The absence of a great running back is a weak excuse for his lack of success...
  15. He played the most important position on the field for 11 seasons...At what point can we say he was part of the problem?
  16. Seems like a terrible reason to give up a ton of assets for a guy who’s never won squat in 11 seasons in the NFL.
  17. Well, obviously there was more of a market for Stafford than for Goff. I’ll be curious to see how both do in different systems. I just don’t think there’s much evidence for the notion that Stafford is better than Goff at this stage of his career. As someone else said upthread, NFL teams are notoriously bad at evaluating QBs—even their own QBs.
  18. I think for some reason they wanted Stafford, a guy that other teams were interested in. I also think the relationship between Goff and McVay was broken and Goff just had to be moved.
  19. It’s cool that Buffalo might now be a place where aging stars want to go to “compete for a ring”.
  20. Please look at their passing statistics the last four seasons and explain to me why Stafford is a huge upgrade from Jared Goff...
  21. So the Rams don’t give up their first this year? I had not seen that reported anywhere. Just assumed it was ‘21 and ‘22. That does make a difference, although the Rams still massively overpaid.
  22. Well, there’s no question which QB the Rams prefer, so what do I know?
  23. Well, it’s not just wins...The last 4 seasons, Goff has thrown for more yards, more TDs and more yards per attempt than Stafford. It’s not at all clear to me why Stafford is considered a better QB.
  24. And yet Goff seems to be much better at winning football games...
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