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Everything posted by mannc

  1. You literally stated that there is no criminal investigation, apparently based solely on the fact that none has been publicly announced, which of course they would never do anyway. And from the above, it appears that, yes, you are doubling down on your absurd contention that some deranged General Manager might try to trade serious assets for a guy who (1) probably won't play next year, and (2) might have to register as sex offender when he does join his new team. 😀 I'm sorry, I can't stop laughing.
  2. You most certainly did. I bolded it in your previous post. In light of today's Watson revelations, do you care to double-down on your ridiculous statement that some team might trade for him before the draft?
  3. And even luckier that Elway was too dumb to draft Josh Allen instead of a defensive lineman, at a time when the Broncos really had no decent QB.
  4. I think the OP's point is that, yes an actual franchise QB is worth giving up a ton of picks for, but identifying said franchise QB coming out of college is not so easy, so it's not necessarily a good idea to trade, say, three number ones for the right to draft a college QB, because those making the pick are wrong far more often than they are right. I can't think of a single team that's given up multiple first round picks to move up in the draft and then hit on a franchise QB with that pick. The Texans, Chiefs and Bills all gave up far less to get their guys. But maybe I'm forgetting someone.
  5. How are you able to make this statement, unless you work for the Harris County District Attorney and know something non-public? Do you doubt that the district attorney might at least start a criminal investigation of someone accused of sexually assaulting 20 or so women?
  6. I guess if they truly think he's their guy, it makes sense. They must be pretty sure about the first two picks...
  7. I would imagine the calls completely evaporated once the allegations started coming in. He is radioactive. It would be flat-out irresponsible (and arguably, reprehensible) for any GM to trade for Watson based on what’s known right now, regardless of how low the price. Unless between now and the draft all 24 women simultaneously confess that they were involved in a conspiracy to extort Watson, you are dreaming. No one is offering so much as a fifth rounder for him with these allegations hanging over him.
  8. Two years ago, he was a terror. I remember watching film on Frank Clark and Reed kept popping on the screen, causing havoc all over the field. I'm not sure what's happened to him since then.
  9. I'm not complaining about it, although I do think it's a silly post. I responded to it with my own viewpoint, which is what I thought we were supposed to do on this board. And my post was well-articulated (as usual 😀). The idea that Watson could be traded before the draft is flat out crazy. This is 2021. Until the situation changes substantially, no organization is going to spend any significant asset to acquire DeShaun Watson. For all anyone knows, he might very well be facing criminal sexual assault charges this fall. FFS, Kareem Hunt was released and almost had his career terminated based on far less serious allegations. Do you really think any organization is going to trade a couple first round draft choices (or even one) for a guy who might be forced to register as a sex offender in his new home? Watson is more likely to be released by Houston than traded to another team under the present circumstances. And Houston certainly isn't going to be entertaining any bargain basement offers for him right now, either. You don't sell your prime asset when it's at its lowest value. They really have no choice but to wait this out and hope for the best.
  10. There were reasons other than health that guys like Sewell and Chase opted out. Those guys had little to prove and, in Sewell’s case at least, they may have viewed the 2020 college season as a farce, which it clearly was in the PAC 12. It was in most cases a strategic decision.
  11. Do you agree that until much more is known, he is untradable? I mean, that seems inarguable.
  12. Bill, with all due respect, I think you're well out of your lane if you are commenting on what might or might not be the basis for a criminal prosecution. He's accused of serial sexual assault. I don't know how strong the evidence is and neither do you, but there's at least some non-trivial chance of a criminal prosecution here, especially given the sheer number of the allegations and the consistency of the alleged victims' stories. With regard to the bold, we are talking about a franchise QB here, not a RB or DE. No team is going to give up a ton of assets and make Watson the highest paid and highest profile player in their franchise's history with these allegations hanging over him. They would get absolutely massacred if they did.
  13. I'm starting to come around to this view. By previous standards, they didn't get much back, but the trade still makes sense for them if they can get their guy at 6. They don't need more draft picks this year.
  14. Bill, there are just too many unknowns right now. No one is trading for Watson unless and until there is some resolution or it appears that the charges are not particularly serious. Right now, there are new allegations every week, so a resolution is seemingly a long way off. Teams like the Jets, Niners and Dolphins, who were mentioned as likely landing places for Watson are moving on, as we saw this week. And by the way, the bolded is not quite true. Information has been turned over to the district attorney and there is presumably some sort of criminal investigation ongoing.
  15. Obviously, I did not mean it was physically or legally impossible for him to be traded. He is likely facing a substantial suspension and maybe more. No team--none--will trade for him right now, unless it's for an insanely discounted price (like a third round pick), but of course the Texans will never trade him for something like that. Any GM who gave up anything near what Watson was worth before these allegations came to light would be fired, and rightly so. He is untradeable right now. Period. And I have no idea what your last sentence means. I wasn't commenting on the consciences or honorability of other NFL teams. It's strictly business.
  16. Dude, pay attention: Deshaun Watson is NOT tradable right now, or at anytime before the allegations against him by the 24 or so women are fully resolved, and even then, only if the resolution is favorable to Watson. There is no way that happens before the NFL draft. Until and unless it is resolved in his favor, he is radioactive and will not be going to the AFC East, the NFC West or anywhere else. Go find something else to worry about.
  17. No QB has “ruined his career because of the Jets”. False narrative. Just as no QB has “ruined his career because of the Bills”. Darnold sucks. He is not a victim.
  18. Dude, Tua sucked so badly that the Dolphins considered Rosening him. He has zero elite QB traits. The cornerback was flat out awful. I suppose Jackson was OK since he started. Obviously the jury isn’t completely in, but those three picks were f-Ing bad, especially when you consider that the passed on Herbert. I was not talking about their later round picks.
  19. Which one of their first rounders last year was good? Tua and the CB they drafted were awful. Do you think Jackson is good?
  20. True, but they had three first round picks last year and, even though it's early, it looks like they might have whiffed on all three--and it was a good draft year.
  21. It's inconceivable that the Jets aren't taking a QB at 2, assuming they don't trade out, and if they were going to trade out, we would probably know about it already; I'm sure the Niners inquired, and probably others. I just cannot believe their new regime is going to roll out in 2021 with Darnold. It's gotta be a QB and, IMO, it's gotta be Wilson.
  22. Disagree. There are a host of reasons future picks are devalued, and you’ve only hit on one of them—the fact that the GM who trades for a future first round pick might never actually get to use it, although it’s a big one. Here are some others: 1. No one really knows how good the talent will be in any particular future draft. 2. No one knows how high or low the pick you are acquiring will be. These first two issues go away if you’re getting picks in THIS draft. Sometimes getting a future pick is better if the team trading it unexpectedly tanks, like Houston, but that uncertainty reduces the value of that pick NOW. 3. Most NFL teams want to get better now, not in a couple years. A guy you draft in 2023, especially if he’s a QB, might not be ready to really contribute until 2025. 4. Human nature. People rationally prefer to have something good now than in the future because who knows what the future will hold. 5. The market says future picks are worth less. That being said, for a team like Miami, which already has a ton of picks the next two years, it could make sense to spread out some of those picks into the future.
  23. At this point, I'd guess Watson will be taking some time away from football...No one is trading for him right now. No one.
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