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Everything posted by mannc

  1. He can’t play. Doesn’t look super-athletic either.
  2. Clemson has their pick of just about any HS QB in the country, and THIS is what they end up with?
  3. It’s no fun watching football teams with bad quarterbacks…
  4. Yeah, I don’t get it either. Ben sucked last year. He absolutely refused to throw the ball downfield, and now, a year older, he’s gonna be a world-beater again? I can’t see this being a close game.
  5. I can’t think of a single rookie QB who’s had a good game against McDermott/Bills. Herbert had one of his worst games against us, and of course Tua stunk.
  6. What are you talking about? The Pats just drafted Jones in the first round and they’re going to see what he can do. And no one is giving up a bunch of first round picks for someone who may have to register as a sex offender when he comes to town.
  7. No, the dumpster fire would have been keeping and starting Cam. This is a smart move by the Pats.
  8. Sure, teams are “interested,” but it’s going to take a favorable resolution of the claims for anyone to give away serious draft assets for him. FWIW, I think there is a real chance Watson is never the same as a player…he’s become kind of a punchline and that’s going to be hard for him to overcome. I do hope Miami doesn’t get him though.
  9. The story that Ross ordered Grier to draft Tua bodes poorly for Miami, if true. It actually would explain a lot of what happened last year…I just can’t see this trade happening until there is a resolution of the allegations that is at least somewhat favorable for DW, like him writing a check, all criminal allegations going away, and the league handing out a 2-4 game suspension. I just don’t think that’s the way it ends. If it was, it would already have happened.
  10. Correct. And no one is going to trade a first (or even a third) for Trubisky at this point. Philly just got Minshew for a 6th. Mitch isn’t worth much more, and the only way that changes is if JA gets hurt and Trubusky comes in and plays great for an extended period. He was a free agent a couple months ago and generated little interest.
  11. Nice town. Oregon Duck football games are a blast. Great place to watch a game. My oldest son just graduated…
  12. Agree that he’s a good backup. Kinda surprised he only garnered a 5/6th round pick…
  13. I don't doubt that they "consulted" with the players, whatever that means, but neither of us knows what actually went into the NFLPA agreeing to the protocols. It may have been based on the union's perception that it was the lesser of several evils. I'm pretty sure the membership did not vote on it. I can't prove it, but I bet if you asked the Bills players (both vaxed and unvaxed), they probably would tell you it was a mistake to sign off on the protocols.
  14. IIRC, he had had both shots and was a day or so shy of two weeks post vax when he caught it. Doesn't seem like a great spokesperson for the vax.
  15. I did not say they necessarily are under fire. I posed the question. The fact that many players are vaccinated doesn't mean they favor the protocols or even wanted the vax; many probably got vaccinated because they didn't feel like they had a viable choice, and many who are vaccinated may nonetheless believe the protocols are silly and counterproductive.
  16. I agree. I wonder if the NFLPA leadership is under fire from the membership for agreeing to the current protocols. If so, that might make them less likely to back down on this issue. I suppose the league could take the position that vaccine mandate is a work rule that is not a subject of collective bargaining and just try to ram it through. I have no idea what the law is on that, but it would seem to be a stretch. Also, I think the league operates in states where vaccine mandates are illegal, like Texas, IIRC. Given that many people (especially in the media) thought the season should be cancelled, I thought last season was hugely successful. I don't think any games were cancelled and no players or coaches got seriously ill.
  17. Nagy's definitely on the hot seat; no maybe about it. Ownership might give him a reprieve if he rolls with a rookie QB and the team struggles a bit; it's a built-in excuse for a head coach. No such leniency if Dalton plays most of the year and they suck...
  18. Maybe. But Nagy is on the hot seat and probably won't survive a 7-9 Andy Dalton season. The only way he survives is if Fields plays and shows promise and the team wins a reasonable number of games...
  19. So they’re just going to hide Fields on the bench every time the Bears go up against a good defensive player? What’s Aaron Donald going to do to him? Kill him? Under the new rules, AD is barely allowed to breathe on him. Anyway, Fields was the starting QB for Ohio State, ffs. I think he can handle it.
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