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Everything posted by mannc

  1. It’s an insane strategy and there is zero chance the Falcons would even consider it. You don’t trade your most talented player on the second year of his rookie deal. Period.
  2. It’s one of those games…every time the Falcons make any kind of positive play, the flags are going to fly. And of course it sounds like a NE home game.
  3. Agreed. Rivers played very well in the playoff game; it was a fitting way to end his career. I don’t think Wentz is capable of playing at that level against us.
  4. Wentz is not the same QB he was last time we faced him. He’s broken. He was the worst starting QB in the NFL last year (narrowly beating out Cam for the honor) and I see no real evidence that anything has changed much. He’s a big step down from the 40-year old version of Philip Rivers we faced last January.
  5. Like arguing over the relative merits of a Toyota Corolla and Nissan Sentra…
  6. Not as good as Tyrod though. No athleticism, even before the injury.
  7. As the lawsuit states, and as we knew all along, Gruden was forced to resign. Not the same thing at all.
  8. Gruden did not work for Goddell or the NFL. He was employed by the Raiders. So he didn’t “piss in the boss’s Wheaties…”
  9. Yep, and Carolina minus Darnold might not be a bad team.
  10. Dalvin’s going to be missing some football games, and some paychecks. Classy move with the gaslighting though…
  11. Always excuses for Darnold. He stinks and wasn't even good at USC, except for his first season. He is a turnover factory. He's pretty close to being OOF...
  12. I guess you could argue that pretty much anything a player does after he makes a big play is "taunting" under the current rule, and that's the problem. Just way too much leeway for referees to make game-altering calls with no real standards to apply and no accountability. And here's the beauty part: these are, by definition, game-changing calls because they happen only after a big play by the team that gets flagged. I mean, why else taunt, right?
  13. So staring is now unsportsmanlike conduct? If not, then when is it ok to stare at your opponent? See the problem here?
  14. What gestures did he make? Why not just make it a 15-yard penalty not to retreat to your own bench area after every play, if it's based on him "walking toward his opponents' sideline"? Are the Steelers such snowflakes that they need protection from an opposing player walking toward their sideline?
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