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Everything posted by mannc

  1. Any evidence that the woman was trafficked? Any evidence that Kraft trafficked her?
  2. Correct. Kraft situation involved consensual sex with an adult female…not in any way comparable to the Watson scenario.
  3. Why would they say hi? I don’t understand. I couldn’t care less about them.
  4. Oh, I think he’ll play again, but I don’t think he’ll ever be close to what he was. I think he’ll be mentally and emotionally shot…
  5. If Watson is forced to sit out another full season, I’m going to go ahead and say his career is essentially over, and the Browns might have made the worst trade in NFL history.
  6. Knox and Davis have a lot of potential, but neither is a proven, top level player yet. It’s reasonable to think one or both will break out this year, but it’s far from a certainty.
  7. Simms is not real high on Josh’s supporting cast on offense…I tend to agree, and think many here overrate our offensive weapons. Josh makes them look better than they really are…
  8. The problem is, Matt Ryan’s tank is empty. The Colts are tough, though…very fortunate to find suckers to take Carson Wentz off their hands…
  9. There is absolutely no reason to believe that Sam Darnold is better than Case Keenum, especially as a backup.
  10. Extremely unlikely, for the reasons you stated. In other words, could be more than 66, could be less. What a colossal idiot.
  11. Oh, I understand what he's saying...And I'm telling you that the Browns would be laughed out of court if they try to void the trade on the grounds that at the time, they only knew about 23 Deshaun Watson victims, while in reality there were 24. I'd love to ask the Browns GM under oath why the team was cool with 23 victims, but the 24th just put them over the edge... No, it couldn't, unless (a) the newly revealed allegations are materially worse than the allegations of the first 23 victims, (b) that Houston knew about the newly revealed, really bad stuff, and (c) that Houston had some contractual or other legal duty to disclose that stuff to the Browns.
  12. So the Browns were cool with 23 victims, but if their new franchise quarterback abused 24 women then that's just a bridge too far? You know that makes zero sense, right?
  13. You don’t see the difference between consensual sex acts between adults and (alleged) sexual assault?
  14. Totally different situation. As gross as it was, I don’t think Kraft’s conduct was ever alleged to be anything but consensual.
  15. I don’t think that’s the way it works. When a team trades for a player, I don’t think there are any “reps and warranties” from the player’s old team, other than perhaps regarding the player’s medical condition. In this case, there were so many bad facts that were publicly known, it would be impossible for the Browns to convince anyone that they got scammed. Plus, the Browns knew that the league had yet to weigh in, so they ran the risk of trading for a guy who potentially wasn’t going to be available…they had plenty of opportunity to vet the situation and they utterly failed.
  16. So it seems like there is no governing body like the NFL commissioner’s office that can step in? All up to the team?
  17. Gunner, how would this have played out if Watson were an EPL star instead of an NFL QB?
  18. How can they unwind it? Houston already used some of the picks they got in the trade. Cleveland is stuck with this guy. It’s “buyer beware” and Watson’s problems were hardly a secret at the time of the trade. The Browns made a guy who should have to register as a sex offender the face of their franchise. They own it now.
  19. I don't know about that, but it's not a good look for them. Whether that could be a basis to void the trade would depend on a whole lot of things, like the extent of their knowledge, what they disclosed to the Browns, and of course, what are legitimate grounds to void a trade under league rules. I mean, just based on the publicly available information, the Browns certainly knew they were trading for a lowlife pervert, or if they didn't, they're complete idiots.
  20. NY Times is reporting that Watson utilized the services of at least 66 massage therapists over 17 months...and that the Texans knew about it and even provided him non-disclosure agreements for the women to sign...all totally normal.
  21. Good point. But if Watson is suspended for a full season—on top of playing zero football for the past 18 months—I think the guy’s career is pretty much in the toilet. As it is, I don’t think Watson will ever be what he was before he was revealed to be a perverted menace to massage therapists. As we’ve learned, playing QB in the NFL is as much about leadership as anything, and a guy like this is never going to lead an NFL franchise again.
  22. And this is exactly why evidence of what he did with the other women will be admissible at trial... I know there are a lot of victims here, but I am enjoying the hell out of seeing this dumpster fire get worse and worse for the Browns, Watson and his laughably bad defense team...Caserio must be laughing his ass off...
  23. Congrats! Love that course, but can't remember the fifth hole...it's been too long.
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