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Everything posted by L.EvansHands

  1. I guess a good question is, are any of these guys somebody we wish we had drafted? And if so, to replace who- draft round being the same...could be a fun exercise
  2. Good to hear! Anyways, looking at his stats he didn't get to play much this year. Too bad, always hoping for Buffalo kids to succeed.
  3. He seemed real nice? Why thank God lol? Yeah man, was huge.
  4. For those of you that follow the University of Buffalo, I was working out in a Tampa gym on my lunch break (located in a small apartment complex) and saw this massive guy working out wearing UB sweat pants and an NFL T-shirt. Using my powerful skills of deduction, I thought he may be a football player for the Bucs. Anyway, as I was leaving I pointed at his sweat pants and said Buffalo is home for me,and asked if he was from the area. He told me he went to Grover High and asked what college I went to. I told him I went to the University of Florida, but my family is from Eden and Angola. He said his team played them in basketball and he always liked going out that way. I didn't know who I was chatting with but when I had time later, I googled Tampa Bay Bucs and University of Buffalo and their 5th round selection popped up with a picture of the guy I was talking to, Steve Means. Just thought you all might enjoy the story. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steven_Means
  5. We actually have better field position after the failed onside kick..
  6. The clock seems to stop arbitrarily. I've watched the sport for 22 years. I always thought the clock stopped when you ran out of bounds but it seems to not always do so. Can someone explain when the clock stops when you step out of bounds and when it does not?
  7. I'm thinking we should all post a pic of what we do in different parts of the country for game day. If you are with some backers or at the Ralph, it would be really cool to see what some members here do for the game- just a thought! I'll be posting some later! Go Bills!
  8. I think he was referring to "your a gentleman and a scholar" which should be "you're"... Not that I care on a message board. This guy does make me raise an eyebrow, not just because he is fast but because of how he cuts laterally. He stops on a dime and accelerates instantly.
  9. LOL thanks We all love free stuff! I hope you enjoy it.
  10. Appreciate it fellas.
  11. Just a follow up for those who were so supportive when I posted about my debut novel, For Nothing, a few weeks back. The first book in the series An Upstate New York Mafia Tale is now the number 1 crime book on Amazon. If you like, give it a look. The whole series takes place in Buffalo, so I thought it might be of interest to those of you from the area. Thanks a lot! http://www.amazon.co...k/dp/B0050WA44K Nick Denmon
  12. Yeah since I know how hard we all work for money, and since I am a new author, I sell the ebook for very cheap. Jim- Magaddino is mentioned in the novel but more as a tribute mention versus being based on his empire. The hitman the book follows, is an old timer who once met Magaddino.
  13. I will check out that link! Tha is awesome to get reviewed in the NY Times! Hopsguy sometimes those of us missing home, just love the Nickel City flavor! Lol
  14. Not yet, mostly inner city Buffalo -though both places get a mention in book 3
  15. Arg it is fiction! I will sit facing the window at all times... Thanks for the support guys. I got some flack for portraying Buffalo as TOO cold once...but other than that most people seem to like the references to the city etc.
  16. Hello, Posting this in the off topic thread, hoping I won't get crucified. I wrote two novels and have a third out this April that take place in Buffalo - all part of the An Upstate New York Mafia Tale series. Each novel mentions the Buffalo Bills because, how can you have a Buffalo novel without our guys in there. Anyway, I have just passed my 10,000 sale of the first one entitled For Nothing and thought maybe my brothers in Buffalo might be interested in taking a look. You can check em out here on amazon if you want to see... Buffalo Mafia Novels FOR NOTHING and BUFFALO SOLDIERS or at Barnes and Noble HERE The cover artist is a Buffalo native too, Jesse Horst. I commissioned him to do artwork of Shea's Theater as well as Bethlehem Steel. The books are fiction, but I did serious research into some people, events, fronts, in the area and am actually from there, so I hope you give it a shot. Thanks for your time. Nick
  17. Hamburg, now Tampa, FL
  18. This is pretty awesome. I rarely post, but ...gotta get in on the action.
  19. Egads. I would like to have come out with a little more spine seeing as how it is a home game..
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