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Everything posted by MattM

  1. I'm listening to the radio feed--how badly did he miss the FG? Close or way right?
  2. Radio's fine for me, thanks, and I found one--WGRF-FM's.......
  3. Anyone know if there's an internet feed for today's game, as I'm out of my normal viewing habitat?
  4. Uhh, perhaps because unlike the Spygate (and as yet unproven, but routinely surmised, worse) caper, the Broncos issues came from the front office's shenanigans in signing players, nothing to do with the coaching. Spygate (and said worse), on the other hand, originated directly from Belicheat himself......
  5. My wife and I got to meet him at the Bills Backers event in June and he did indeed seem like a very nice, down to earth guy, just happy to be playing in the NFL, so seeing what happened Sunday was quite depressing. Really, really hope he can come back from this and wish him all the best on his speedy recovery.
  6. We've seen how well Charlie Weis does with superior recruiting classes, but without the knowledge of what the other team's defense is going to be running. Not exactly inspiring, is it? Casts more than a little doubt in my mind on the those saying the value of the Spygate tapes was negligible, but that's just me. No way I'd want that cheater in B'lo personally.....
  7. Pullman comes by his naturally--he grew up in Hornell in the Southern Tier. My mom lived on his street and used to baby sit him and his siblings.....
  8. Spoken like a true Pats* fan.....still stinging from last week's choke job, no doubt. As to the topic at hand, I'd be ecstatic if we got Dungy. I'm not sure what folks are smoking above bashing him. He had a major hand in building two great winning teams, first in Tampa and then in Indy, taking teams that were perennial losers before he got there and turning them into winners. What's not to like?
  9. Terrible news--I thought I just saw Chris announcing a college game last weekend or maybe the weekend before. Always liked him as a player and he's actually a good announcer to boot. Sincere condolences to Chris and his family......
  10. Your lips to God's ear--I, for one, would be ecstatic if we got Tony Dungy to come out of retirement to coach our team, with or without Vick.....
  11. Let's not rip Scott until we know what the reason is--in the NFL that could be anything from "I don't feel like playing" to "I have a parent dying", so let's withhold judgment please until we know what it was. Remember, these guys are human beings, too.....
  12. If they fire Mauron, Brandon should join him. Our FO is all around brutal and having a non-football man in the head role is a big part of it. Clean sweep is what I want at this point, the sooner, the better....
  13. I love this team, having followed them for almost 40 years, but your post hit the nail right on the head for me as well. I've become a disinterested observer the last few weeks. I'm not sure when that happened, but it has and it's really sad. I'll keep watching, but Jauron's ineptness and the team's just pitiful on-field performances have really sucked the life out of my fandom. I'll always love the Bills and will watch every game, but I just feel like my "fan soul" has been ripped from my body by the assclowns that run this team right now.....
  14. My bad--just saw the other thread. Never mind.....
  15. The $80 million man isn't even good enough to start in SF apparently. Wow--I didn't see that coming. I thought he'd played pretty well for the 9ers...... http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2009/...rback-clements/
  16. I went as well with my dad and we had a great time. Went to the Epicenter for dinner a couple nights and Ratcliffe on the Green another (too rich for our palates!) and tailgated at a Bills-Panthers tailgate we read about on another board--felt like I was about 15 years too old and I'm not all that old, but we had a good time! Nice stadium, friendly fans and folks in the city. Everything was amazingly convenient since the stadium's in the city. Good overall experience.....
  17. Alllrrriiigghhttt, we're the tops of the bottom!!!!
  18. With that payroll it's more of a shock when they don't win the World Series than when they do. When you spend three times what the average team spends how do you lose a single game, much less a championship? MLB and the Yankees are the exact opposite of what Bills fans should want. If those same standards apply to the NFL (I'm talking to you, Jones, Kraft and Snyder), the best the Bills could hope be would be the Montreal Expos of the NFL--a decent farm team for the big money teams who steal their players as soon as their rookie deals are up......
  19. John, I thought I noticed in the AP story last night posted by ESPN that they referenced his first concussion as being something like "against Arizona on Oct. 5" (ie., they didn't mention that it was last year), which struck me as odd at the time. I bet that's the culprit here. I suspect that they misedited your story, which I strongly suspect (knowing you) had the right year date on it originally. Just a hunch....
  20. That's too bad--from what I've read about him he actually sounds like a very nice guy off the field. The "gentle giant" type with a wide variety of interests beyond football. I never root for injuries to opponents, although it's too bad the same thing hasn't happened to someone more deserving instead like, say, Vince Wilfork (and not just 'cause he's a Pat*, but more due to his style of play)......
  21. Fouts mentioned that as well on the broadcast yesterday--I guess if you're not Tom Brady or Peyton Manning they don't throw the flag. What a joke....
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