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Everything posted by MattM

  1. Maybe it's just me, but not enough time has gone by for me to see this tragedy of a team/organization as a comedy.....
  2. Anyone else find it interesting that the first three posters in this "rah, rah" thread all joined in the last few months--two of whom joined in the last few weeks, including the thread's author? Just sayin'......
  3. Folks here don't realize that the current FO plans to spend little or nothing on FA's, so keep dreaming. Anyone else notice Ralph's reference to Nix building "via the draft" in the recent "thank you" card we received. There's your message. If you think we'll be big players in FA, prepare to be disappointed. What's frustrating about all of this is that if they were run as a normal company you'd expect them to have a budget and use that to play with. For ex., there were numerous reports that we were willing to offer Cowher $10 million/year to come here--in a normal case that $7 million savings (Gailey's making $3m) would then be available to pay players. Same with the Jason Peters $9-10m/year that was supposedly on the table to him before he was traded last year. That money seemed to evaporate once the trade was announced--for ex., it could have been used to sign other FA's on the market at the time, as there were still several potential upgrades to be had, like Pinoisamoa and Levi--making me personally wonder how serious they ever were to begin with. Lots of smoke and mirrors to keep us rubes hopeful. My, I've gotten cynical, havent' I?
  4. Gosselin is actually a very good and knowledgeable writer, FWIW (and I'm not talking about this article in particular).
  5. Are you f-ing kidding me? I come home to read this? I hope to God that I'm wrong, but what an awful pick. Are we that far gone that the best we can do are retreads like this? Pathetic......
  6. I just hope he brings that flugelhorn with him when he comes--that would be awesome (although we'll probably hear it a lot less than the Vikes fans at the dome did today, since there needs to be a good play before they blow on it).....
  7. Let's see, the guy is considered a great HC candidate by one of the best coaches/football minds in the game and somehow that's a negative to you? Take off the racist blinders (your last sentence is quite telling--Frazier's never said anything of the kind), please. After watching today's game against the Cowboys, where his D basically destroyed what had been considered a top 2 or 3 O in the League, please tell me you still have reservations about this guy being our coach?
  8. Good move for the G-Men--many thanks and best of luck,Perry.....
  9. My favorite line--"Yeah, I know, man, I thought he looked like a "Carlos", too".....
  10. Remember, too, that Boston has at least 5 times the population of Buffalo and a much higher per capita income. Considering that, it's shameful that they can't sell out a playoff game, if that's indeed the case, high ticket prices or not. Methinks we're seeing the beginning of the end here--look at their roster for next year and you see holes all over. Among them: RB--three guys in their mid-30s (Taylor, Faulk and Morris) and one fumble-prone first round bust (Maroney). How many mid-30s backs are there in the ENTIRE LEAGUE? Anyone else suspect PED use here in New England, based on this stat alone? Seriously, I can't think of another 34 year old back in the League, but New England has two of them and I believe Morris is 32 or 33. WR--Who's behind Moss now that Welker's out until at least late October by most accounts? No one right now.... OL--I've read they may cut Light due to Volmer coming on and Light's salary ($4.5 million). If so, despite today's game, I say "welcome to B'lo", Matt! Their other guys like Koppen and Neal and Kaczur are no longer spring chickens, either. DL--Fat Vince is as good as gone, IMHO, and will probably command the biggest FA contract in the League this offseason. Brace has been a huge disappointment to replace him, not even dressing for most games. Warren's been injured and the rest are pedestrian. Need two to three new bodies here if they can't re-sign VW. If they do, there goes most of their FA budget. LB--Thomas is basically gone, leaving them with Mayo and a bunch of nobodies, since I believe TBC is also a FA. Mayo's looked slow this year (still hurt?) and folks who rip on Poz ought to realize that he's got 3 times as many big plays (INTs, FF, Sacks) as Mr. ROY..... Secondary--this group sucks to begin with and will lose Bodden (another FA), their best player. Springs is ancient (again, HGH only works so long) and the rest have been massively underwhelming despite being 2nd round draft choices in many cases. Where are all the Pats* fans talking smack about Chung over Byrd now? Seriously, absent Krafty Bob writing $50 million in SB checks this offseason (a possibility), I suspect they'll win maybe 8 games next year. You read it here first folks. Unfortunately, it's the Jets who are most likely to cash in on the Pats* weakness, but better the Jets than the Cheats* in my book......
  11. What do you all expect with the refs? That was a complete garbage call wiping out the sack. I just hope that after the refs screw the Ravens out of this game that Lewis, Harbaugh, Reed, et al. let the media know what they really think about the thievery that goes on with the Pats* and the referees.....
  12. ....b-b-b-but, we're a D-D-D-Dynasty.....WAAAAHHHH!!!
  13. I caught most of it on Showtime--really good stuff......
  14. I hate the Pats* as much as the next non-Pats* fan, but I think this award is typically given to the player who came back from injury (i.e., that's what they mean by "comeback" here--not that they guy was in NFL oblivion for some other reason), but I could be wrong. If I'm not wrong, I actually don't have too much of a problem with his selection.....
  15. Dude, you just gave yourself away as a Pats* fan--only Bizarro World Pats* fans have such hate for the Colts, Dungy and Polian. Most other folks just respect them and the job they've done building a team--like, for ex., last year's team having not a single starter that had played a down for another team. All home grown talent. Kinda the opposite of your team, who EVERYONE else in the League hates for being cheaters. That stuff about bad calls and rule changes is such a joke coming from a fan of the team that mysteriously comes up with more late game changing calls or no calls in their favor--BY FAR--than any other team in the League. Just off the top of my head comes the Tuck Rule, "Just Give It To Them", the complete screw job against the Bills in the first game in 2007 that was so bad it was written up as a joke in TMQ, not mention the 2007 Monday Nighter against the Ravens (make no mistake, if they can take your boys to the woodshed this weekend and rub your noses in it on national TV, they will) or worse yet, the Colts AFCCG in which said original Mr. Pollard was indeed held repeatedly with no calls late in the 4th quarter, right in front of refs, no less (I should know, I've got that one on TIVO). There are more, but time is short. Incredible....
  16. That's a little harsh, considering he didn't do anything illegal, immoral or against the NFL rules on either play. He barely touched Welker and he got blocked into Brady. BTW, what did you think of Fat Boy Vince's hit on Losman then? Cry us a river.....
  17. I hate the Pats* as much or more than the next Bills fan, but even I don't root for injuries, so, no, I wasn't happy to see this. That said, I don't really like Welker as a player, for some of the reasons above, plus the way he handled himself on the way out of Miami--he didn't thank them at all for taking a chance on him, and seemed to bad mouth them on his way out the door, which to me at least, showed very little class (similar to his overwrought displays on the field and his incessant whining to the refs, but that part may come with the New England* territory--after all, when you usually do get all the calls go your way, you may get used to that)......
  18. What you're not factoring into the equation is that NE* is just not that good this year. There, I said it. That D will get blown out by the Chargers, who have a real axe to grind wtih the Patsies*, who have stomped them classlessly in the past.....
  19. Me, too, on the GB bandwagon for next year. StubHub here I come.....
  20. Really? Personally, I suspect that if they end up going out to San Diego, the Chargers beat them by about 30 and rub it in as much as possible, considering the bad blood between those two teams. I'm almost rooting for that to happen personally......
  21. For a guy who relies on his quicks--cuts and the like--his career might be over as well.....
  22. Did you see Football Night in America tonight where he said how special the fans here were to him and how they made him feel wanted and he wanted to thank them by giving high fives along the side line after the game? Didn't think so. He's been a model citizen here this year and those of you who say otherwise, I'm not sure what season you watched. You do realize that everyone grows up at some point, no? Maybe it took TO a bit longer than most, but I do think that a lot of his recent good behavior is just a part of that maturation process, but that's just me.....
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