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Everything posted by MattM

  1. Actually, from reading the article, it doesn't look like a publicity stunt at all to me.....
  2. My dad and I will probably be going, doing the stubhub thing. Any suggestions for other places for tickets, or is that the best bet?
  3. Banks was such a joke even before this--he and Peter King, the Pats*' homer duo. They both live in Beantown and, at least for King, lately, that seems to be about all they typically write about. Check out King's MMQB this week for a perfect example--Brady for about half and then a bunch of off-topic non-football Boston stuff at the end. It's getting pretty tired, especially when their favorite team hasn't really done squat (other than SB choking and getting caught cheating) in about 5 years.....
  4. Fixed it for you. That game singlehandedly got me really wondering about what else the Pats* have been up to in addition to Spygate, even before Spygate itself was known (cue Mr. WEO calling me a conspiracy theorist in 3....2....1.....).......
  5. Anyone else notice how "New England"-centric King's columns have become since he moved to Boston? I'm not even talking about the NFL or the Pats* (like leading off with a big story on Brady this week), but even the little things like his non-football thoughts of the week nearly all relate to the Boston area and Boston sports teams. Anyone have any doubt about which teams this guy rooted for as a kid in Northern Conn.?
  6. Better late than never--I, too, bear him no real ill will. We all grow up eventually, some just do it faster than others, and it looks like our boy's growing up, just too bad he's doing it for someone else, after burning his bridges here.....
  7. John, does that bother you that the picture of Tim Graham they superimpose almost into the body of the article might give the casual reader the impression that Tim wrote the article? It would bother me.....
  8. Plus 1, especially if they can lock him up for 3-4 more years with a reasonable extension (being in the ballpark of $10-15 million to sign and $8-10 million per year.)
  9. What exactly is his "much worse track record of being a malcontent and slacker"? Ozzie Newsome and Jim Harbaugh saying they don't like his effort and work ethic after they picked a LT prospect to replace him in the draft? How does that compare AT ALL to a guy holding out until absolutely the last minute and then giving a half-hearted effort the rest of an entire season, all after the team had already renegotiated his deal (a deal he signed) once already?
  10. My father flew back seated next to her from a game a couple years ago and said she was also very nice (in addition to smoking).....
  11. Bless you, my good man (or robot), bless you--you've made me cry tears of joy if this is true!
  12. Who knows how long it takes to get that stuff out of your system--ever see the "before" and "after" pictures for Merriman? Night and day, or "Pro Bowl" talent and JAG. I'll believe it when I see him do it again in his JAG physique.....
  13. Lessons learned, perhaps? No way do they trade a 2 plus for him (likely to be his going rate) without a new extension in place.....
  14. Uhh, did I miss something--aren't those two guys now third year players? McKelvin basically missed the year, but he's still technically entering his third-year, right?
  15. I agree--I think they're likely to get a lot more for him (just not this year) compensation-wise, when something bad happens to someone's starter in camp or early in the season. In the meantime, you ride herd on him in the locker room....
  16. All the talent in the world (former 1st Rd pick), but a bad attitude and no work ethic, IIRC. Last I heard, he was in an NFL program trying to turn former players into coaches.....
  17. Same reason the Commish destroys evidence of their cheating and the refs seem to bend over backwards to give them games.....
  18. Does "home for wily aging vets" equal a blind eye towards HGH use? You be the judge--personally, I think Rodney was the tip of that particular iceberg.....
  19. If Randy Moss gets hurt or starts to show his age (he's now 33), the Pats* will be lucky to win 7 games next season--it's that simple. Who does Tommy Boy have to throw the ball to? Moss, Edelman and who? Welker's out at least half the year and Ben Watson's gone (not a huge part of the passing game (except against us), but still a better target than they have now in an old Crumpler). They've done nothing for a weakening D except resigning their own (and will still probably end up cutting Thomas since it seems there are no takers). Age, too, is a factor--Springs is ancient, as are their RBs (but, as we all know, HGH is a helluva drug--out of curiosity last year I did a tour of the NFL's website looking for backs 32 or over and found 2 other real names league-wide, while the Pats* have 3 alone. There's a reason "old vets" go there, and it ain't just for a chance to win championships). They really don't scare me, even with all their draft picks--anyone else notice how bad their last 4-5 drafts have sucked? And many of those were WITH Pioli and Dimitroff. The Jets on the other hand, have improved greatly on a good core, IMHO. They're building a very good team there, one that I think will not just knock NE off their perch, but kick them squarely in the teeth while doing so. Glad to see someone do it, but too bad it won't be us.....
  20. I'd add OLB (and maybe one depth LB) to the list, but would otherwise agree.....
  21. I agree with your basic point, which is that with two second round picks as compensation (which probably have at least a 50% each of turning into solid starters for cheap until the end of their rookie deals) and then 1-2 above average FA starters for the additional salary cost of Marshall and I think it's actually a fairly risky move for Miami to put so many eggs in the basket of a guy who's probably one strike away from a year off. JMHO. I like the Jets move for Holmes a lot more.....
  22. Ross Tucker (quickly becoming my favorite NFL writer) had a column on how lying is part of NFL front office life on CNNSI.com just last week.....
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