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Everything posted by MattM

  1. I was wondering the same thing. Must be nice to live in a part of the country where $400k buys you more than a garage.....
  2. How so? I give reasonsed responses and I get back grade school name-calling and garbage. Par for the course in political discourse these days, sadly. I'll ask it again--how can ANYONE defend what this guy did? He clearly knew what he was doing was wrong (I suspect he didn't realize that someone else had the tape to find him out and is now spinning like mad to try to not appear to be the complete jerk he's been shown to be) and could inflict serious damage to the person he was wronging, but really didn't care. She should do us all a favor and sue him into the poorhouse. What infuriates me is that if you take the time to read her speech, while you may not agree with aspects of it, it was 180 degrees away from what Breitbart's excerpts painted it as. It was about racial reconciliation and this woman using an example of she herself learning to not be racist and to overcome her own background and prejudices--using herself as an example of what not to do and why--and this guy twisted it completely around. Absolutely shameful.....
  3. No, looked to me, too, like he was trying to defend that POS Breitbart. Simple question--do you repudiate this guy and what he did here? If not, I've got no time for you, since you're so far gone from reality that you can't be saved and I'd hate to live in your bitter and twisted world. PS As you can tell, this guy's got me very worked up--the last thing people in this country need is some racist wannabe demagogue creating racial issues where there were none. What he needs to be is shunned......
  4. I'll say it again--you folks defending him are NUTS and by standing up for this guy you show your true colors. What he did was plain and simply WRONG and his tactics here to any fair-minded, non-bitterly partisan person serve to severely delegitimate any "message" he was trying to send (although it's been fun watching him try to spin this aspect of things). For the record, quit trying to peg me as someone "you know" on these issues who defends things like Al Sharpton, which is what Mr. LA is implying. No, when someone like Sharpton says something nuts I call him out on it, too, as do most reasonable-minded people. Keep setting up some non-existant boogeyman to knock down--works so well for Beck, Hannity and O'Reilly, must work here, right? Absolutely, ridiculous and as I said before, anyone who defends this guy should be ashamed of themselves now that the whole truth has come out.....
  5. After what's come out the last day or so on this story, I have ZERO respect for anyone who can stand up in any way for what Breitbart did here. He basically edited a film to distort and in some ways completely reverse the speaker's message in order to score political points. In doing so it was clearly foreseeable that it was going to have horrible consequences for his innocent victim who he didn't even know, but he didn't give a rat's ass who he hurt and damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead. This guy is a complete jerk and what he did here should completely delegitimate any message he was trying to send. I'm normally a fairly non-violent guy, but there's a part of me that thinks justice will only be done here should Ms. Sherrod have a 6 foot 5 250 pound son who played some D-I linebacker happen to have an "encounter" with good ole Mr. B..... Here's the transcript of her ENTIRE speech, BTW--makes me incredibly angry to read it, but the primary sources are always your best bet for unspinned information: http://www.americanrhetoric.com/speeches/s...aacpfreedom.htm
  6. 7-9, although it could go as high as 8-8 (hope I'm wrong on the low side there) or 6-10.....
  7. Plus One on the Prayers and Best Wishes for a Speedy Recovery....
  8. I love the fact that they don't mention his looming 8 game 'roid/HGH/PED suspension--lol........
  9. ....the upper middle class: http://www.nytimes.com/2010/07/07/business...ream&st=cse Among the gems: “Scott has got to find somebody who knows someone,” the grandfather said, “someone who can get him to the head of the line.” About the young man's dad: "He joined one of those companies — owned by the family of his friend — and he has stayed in manufacturing, particularly at companies that make hand tools." Yet based on their descriptions (a retired stockbroker and plant GM respectively) I'd bet dollars to donuts dad and grandpa winge about how the poor and minorities just need to "suck it up" and "work harder" to succeed, "just like they did". I understand that this is the way the world works, but the hypocrisy is what galls me. Don't just read the article, check out the comments, too. Some of them are priceless. I especially liked number 19.....
  10. Tough break for him--almost always sorry to see a season-ending injury.....
  11. I stand corrected--Vollmer and Edelman are the only two in that class who seemed to impress (at least me) last year. Brace didn't suit up for some games, and Chung and Butler didn't exactly set the world on fire, while Tate was on IR, IIRC......
  12. Plus one--are there any FA's still available at that spot?
  13. Try telling their fans that--I was reading one of their message boards the other day and they were already coronating this year's draft class (none of whom has ever played an NFL down) and last year's (uhhh, besides Edelman, did any of them even play much last year?) as two of the best drafts ever, I sh*t you not......
  14. You hit the nail right on the head--I actually rooted for the Pats* in their first Super Bowl (I just threw up in my mouth a little with that admission), but it really didn't take too long for him and the rest of his mates to become bigtime douchebags (or perhaps they were always DB's, but the media just didn't cover them that way--ye olde chicken/egg phenomenon). Little did we know at the time that they were cheating all along.....
  15. Yeah, and I'm sure that's what he meant--that's BS and we both know it.....
  16. http://www.ritholtz.com/blog/2010/07/24-ty...f-libertarians/ Enjoy. My favorites are "the Island" and "Nepotist".....
  17. ....and BTW, what a non-story this is, as per the following from it: "To be fair to the president, the National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform was created after the Senate failed to pass legislation establishing a bipartisan panel that would have been able to force up-on-down votes in Congress on deficit reduction measures. He pushed for the stronger panel before accepting the current commission, which has no enforcement power. " The guy wanted to create a panel to actually force Congressmen to do something on deficit reduction measures, but, oh, no, can't have that--much easier to just criticize than actually make decisions you can be called on the carpet for (and that's directed at both parties).....
  18. What's with the ghetto slang subtitle? He's never spoken like that in his life and you know it. Reasonable people can certainly disagree with the President, but I read that kind of crap and immediately tune out the message of the "speaker", since it sends a pretty clear signal of what their "real" problem with him is.....
  19. I remember being at the opener against the Saints and I believe he had a sack on the first play of the season that game. For about a split second we all thought we'd gotten a steal. Of course, his career went down the drain from there.....
  20. Just so that you know you're not alone, I also recall seeing flashes of good play from him his first couple of years, so was disappointed when he kept missing his "chance to step up" every year. At this point, absent a fantastic camp he's probably simply cut.....
  21. On the first part, actually, uh, no, didn't Miami win the division two years ago? Expect a similar result this season, except it will be the Jets about 2 games ahead of the Pats*. Can't argue with you too much on the last part.....
  22. FYI, I just booked a hotel room for my dad and I (his annual father's day gift--since I owe him for my curse of Bills fandom!), but they seem to be going fast, as there weren't too many places to choose from. A word to the wise is to book yours now if you want to go to this game. Also got some tix on Stubhub--the middle of section 121 for about $230 bucks each. Now I just need to line up the flights, but looking forward to spending a weekend at a true football shrine.....
  23. I agree with you about what Pats*fans.com will do to anyone who doesn't toe the line to their orthodoxy--I myself was banned several times there in Jan/Feb. 2008 for simply asking questions about their views on Spygate. Part of me would still love to go back under a new name and resurrect my all time favorite Cheatriots thread "Who Else Here Smells a Blowout?" started two days before the G-Men handed their arses to them on a platter. I'm sure it's been locked down or forever deleted, but a guy can dream, can't he? That said, I am NOT in favor of banning people here--let folks like our friends above (one of whom claims to be a Bills fan, but his posts all say otherwise) post here and let us refute them. Simple as that.....
  24. Based on the job he's done to date in KC (Tyson Jackson may be a bigger bust than Maybin, considering where he was picked), I suspect that people have given too much credit to Pioli and not enough to Dimitroff, who was their head of college scouting, I believe, and is now Atlanta's GM. Matt Ryan and Sam Baker turned out pretty well, and he's done a good job there of turning that franchise around. Either way, two of the three main guys who helped build the Pats* are now running other franchises.....
  25. Yeah, a 10-6 team (that as we all know could very, very easily have been 9-7) now quite likely missing one of its best players (Welker) for about half the year or more, a year older (and not in a good sense) at key spots like WR (Moss), QB (Brady) and RB (all of their "over the hill/HGH gang"), with no obvious positive additions in FA and the loss of two starters on D (Thomas and Springs) really strikes fear into the hearts of opponents this year. Did I mention the beating they took at home to end their season? Again, fans, like many in the media, need to quit looking backwards and focus instead on the product actually on the field. If you look at them this way, the Pats* are way more than beatable this year, not that we'll cash in on the chance, but the Jets (and probably the Fins) probably will......
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