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Everything posted by MattM

  1. Depends on how they draft, since they're also about to lose Light and Mankins most likely, as well as Gerard Warren in FA. I also suspect that they'll want to upgrade at RB despite the year Woodhead and the law firm guy had. There's three picks just to stay even, and some of their other stars, including Brady, are another year older. I think this year's Pats* overachieved during the regular season. Credit to BB on that. But we'll see what next year brings, even with that draft pick haul.
  2. Let's also not forget that BB was named in a Giants secretary's divorce suit by her husband as the person his wife was cheating with (while BB was married as well). Character, through and through. He and Rick Pitino ought to start a dating advice website for picking up married women in the workplace. What a couple of grade-A you know whats. Bad enough it's somebody else's wife--even worse when it's someone you're in a position of power over (especially Pitino, as it was apparently one of his assistant's wives). Welker himself is also a real beaut--anyone else remember the "You F-ing suck!" catch caught on Youtube! last year? Talk about an arsehat. I personally can understand Bart Scott's anger last week and last night. Apparently as per PFT Ryan spoke to his team about his "special interest" videos when the story surfaced last month and said he was embarrassed and humiliated by what had happened and felt bad that it was becoming a distraction to the team. So after opening up to his players on his only human foible (see above--at least he wasn't cheating on his wife or worse yet, doing what BB and RP did and going for the twofer), I can see why they feel strongly about him. What goes around comes around, Wes--how did that boot up your arse feel?
  3. Funny that Branch was ripping Jets players for allegedly talking smack and "acting classless"--wasn't he one of the guys jawing at the Jets' sideline yesterday during the game? What about Brady doing the same thing during the 45-3 game last month? What a bunch of sore losers.....
  4. Only cheap shot I saw this game was Wilfork going after Sanchez away from the play after the whistle, but we've already seen the League's idea of punishment for Big Vince, nothing but a big ole slap on the wrist. Don't expect much more this time, either....
  5. You guys are nuts--the Pats* and Belicheat* are all that's wrong with the game. I hope the Jets keep burying them and stepping on their necks in front of their home "fans" (I use that term loosely with those bandwagonistas) and a national TV audience....
  6. If we can sign VY we may also be able to get Bo Scaife to come along at a reduced price. Scaife had 36 catches last year (a down year for him), which is much more alone than the 22 or so that Nelson, Stupar and Martin combined for last year. If we can determine that Scaife is an intelligent, hardworking guy (i.e., a positive influence), that may also help VY's acclimation to our locker room and deal with some of the maturity issues if we can sell this to VY as a "last chance". This, in turn, would allow us to go after a DL in Rd 1, a RT in Rd 2 and a LB in Rd 3, for ex. Combine that with re-signing Florence and Poz and adding a few more depth-type FA acquiaitions and I'd call that a good offseason, as we'd have upgraded at DL, LB, TE and the OL. That team, even with Fitz at QB (ie., assuming VY didn't work out), should be able to win 6-7 games next year, IMHO, and potentially more if things do work out with VY, Merriman and the draft picks. Kind of a less risky approach in some ways than drafting a QB with 3, as I strongly suspect we'll get VY on the cheap (4 year deal, about $5m per with $5 to $8m upfront as my estimate). JMHO....
  7. Not ALL--Marino had a 16 (about 4 less than Mike Vick, BTW). You'd take Dan Marino redux as our QB if he was available wouldn't you? Anyone know Jimbo's score? I'm guessing it's not in the 30s, but could be wrong.....
  8. Marvin Lewis would be great, IMHO, but I'm not sure that he'd take the job when he gets canned in Cinci.....
  9. I'll be curious to see his Bowl game appearance. I was high on him pre-season, but he doesn't seem to have the absolutely killer season to make him the consensus first pick overall that many thought he would have a few months back....
  10. Plus 1--I was up by 18, but my opponent had Peterson starting. Not sure he would have scored 18, but it probably would have been close. As they say, a W is a W.....
  11. What gets lost in the shuffle of the Spygate discussion is that they were accused of things other than the videotaping, including at least two coaches (Marinelli and Del Rio) who complained about the headsets at Gillette going out mysteriously in key situations (like third down plays). The NYT ran an article that year citing several unnamed sources on the NFL Competition Committee as saying that the Pats* were basically the one team that people bought complaints to them about over and over. Where there's smoke there's fire, IMHO. When you have an owner (remember who renegotiated BB's contract right after Spygate and almost certainly paid his fine) and a coach united in willing to do whatever it takes, fair and foul, well, there you are...... That said, they're having a much better season this year than I'd have thought looking at their roster, so hats off to the Cheats* for that. As for a poster above saying that Brady and Company are likable guys, that's a joke. Go read the Esquire interview with him from two years ago, the one where he talks about liking to run up the score and generally comes across as an obnoxious a-hole (from his own quotes, not from any spin), or watch the Wes Welker vid where he's trash talking his opponent and telling him "he f-ing suck" and then come back to me.....
  12. How the heck does a rookie get a 4 game suspension? IIRC (and I may not be), don't you have to test positive twice in order to get this penalty? Sounds like I may either be misremembering or behind the times.....
  13. I've also read that when he and his family go out to dinner (which the story goes is usually not at a fancy place) the kids always get to pick a party whose tab the Warners pick up as a way to help teach the kids about doing good things for others. Everything I've ever read about the guy screams class act.....
  14. I'm not so sure about that--some of the early stuff Tina Fey did on Palin were almost word for word reenactments of Palin's own speeches. I remember watching the Katie Couric interviews on Youtube and then Fey as Palin at the time, and for a while it seemed like old Sarah was about to put a lot of comedy writers out of work.... Which answers (to me, at least) Rob's original question. Anyone watching those Couric interviews, where Palin couldn't even list a publication that she read, among many other examples too numerous to mention here (including her free flowing word association of big sounding words strung together in an almost incomprehensible way), could not help but come away thinking she was dumber than a rock (unless you were incredibly partisan).
  15. That's funny--I logged on specifically to start a thread about how pathetic Kelsay looked today. Far from deserving a contract extension, he looked like he should have been joining Maybin on the bench or even off the roster. He had an atrocious day today....
  16. While their drafts have been a bit suspect the last few years (although the play of Chung and Tate, for ex., Monday night may elevate their grade), it's a bit scary looking at the ammo they now have to reload next season. Still, they'll need at least one (probably two) RBs, one or two LBs, a WR, a DE and an OL through the draft and FA to replace guys getting older or who aren't very good. This does give them the ammo to get at least some of those guys via the draft. Should be interesting....
  17. I must admit it's crossed my mind, too. Things like the Kelsay extension come immediately to mind as things that seem like "let's see what we can do to PO the fans in the easiest possible manner". Fact is, it's pretty self-evident that it is much easier to move a franchise when there's little public support for it in its current home town, particularly for an image-conscious league like the NFL. Much easier when you can say, "Look, those folks don't even want the team" and point to declining attendance. Even if that's the case, I'm not so sure I'd blame Ralph here--he's 92 and I once heard him personally say he'd never move the team while he was alive and call me nuts, but I believed (and believe) him. His wife and various other relatives who may have his ear and/or the real power at OBD may not have that same loyalty, especially when literally hundreds of millions of dollars are at stake, however.....
  18. When you play the Pats* you play "Patriette* Rules"--when in doubt, the penalty is never on them. Egads, man, haven't you been watching the NFL for the last ten plus years or so? That said, the lack of good officiating wasn't why we lost to them this year.....
  19. Plus 1. This team was finally fun to watch again and actually looked like an NFL team today. A big step up even if it was a loss. I was really getting sick to death watching this O move in fits and starts, usually in what felt like a herky-jerky kind of movement, ultimately ending in moving backwards.....
  20. Not enough time in the day for that, as I've got a boatload of work to do today if I want to get to watch the rout, er, I mean game tomorrow, but I can tell you one additional thing, having also done my undergrad at Columbia, as did Obama (who finished there after starting at Occidental). Unlike Harvard and Yale, which award large percentages of their students honors degrees, Columbia does not--it's only about 15% or so, I believe (or at least it was back in the day). That might explain his not graduating there with honors. I know lots of smart and successful Columbia folks who didn't graduate with honors, as you might imagine. If graduating with honors is such a sure-fire sign of real intellect as the article seems to keep pounding from what I skimmed, why doesn't the article mention that he graduated with honors from HLS (which gives about 60 to 70% honors) all while working 50 hours or so a week as EIC of the Law Review mind you, or did I just miss that part (possible, as I stopped reading that agenda-driven drivel shortly after starting to read it once it became incredibly clear that the author was in no way objective)? I must admit that I find it hysterical that people here who don't personally know squat about the guy can so surely in their own mind have this image of who he is as a person, to wit about his intellect or his work ethic, despite much objective evidence to the contrary. BTW, on his work ethic I read recently that for the first two years or so in office that Bush had taken twice as many days off as Obama up to that same point in his Presidency, all the more remarkable considering that 9/11 happened during that time....
  21. For those saying only Bills fans think the Pats* cheated that's a laugh. Anyone who reads a national online publication like PFT for example can see for themselves that fans League-wide despise the Pats* and call them out on their cheating to this day and I don't expect that to end anytime soon (if ever). You're a blind Pats* homer to think otherwise. PS All this talk about the Cheats* made me go back last night before bed and crank up that SB game on my DVR. Best non-Bills game ever....
  22. Those making the argument that "it wasn't a big deal" ought to watch the HBO Sports special on Matt Walsh, in which an unnamed "offensive star on the early 2000's Pats*' teams" is quoted as saying "of course it was a big deal. We knew what was coming 70 to 80 percent of the time and it helped us immensely." Personally, I suspect that the player was Antowain Smith, but could be wrong.....
  23. Probably because the League closed ranks on this issue rather than let it do more damage to their image, like the very good businessmen they are. Privately players and coaches were fuming, as per Dr. Z and Peter King's columns from that February if I recall correctly.....
  24. While reasonable folks may disagree with his views, it's absolutely ridiculous to attack his intellect or work ethic. FWIW, I was in his class at HLS and personally saw him studying late at night (i.e., past 10 pm) most nights in Langdell library. You saw him two places that first year--in the gym and in the library. After he made law review, he wasn't as visible, as those folks spend about 50 hours a week working on the journal in the Law Review's offices, in addition to their normal course load. In terms of his intellect, he was widely regarded at HLS, by conservative and non-conservative students alike, as one of the smartest people in the class. One of my friends, now a tenured professor at Stanford Law School, called his intellect "off the charts". When Obama was a student, he was helping Larry Tribe, probably the foremost liberal Constitutional scholar of our day, write scholarly papers while other students were considered lucky to get jobs working as fact checkers for Tribe. Tribe has called Obama his smartest student ever. You're so way off base on this one that I had to break a personal rule and type this out at work (that and the Pats* thread cheesed me off today). As noted, while people can disagree with his policies and views, attacking him on these two points itself is simply ignorance.....
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