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Everything posted by MattM

  1. Pass rusher, no doubt about it. If we had that and a little more depth.... Who'm I kidding, though, I'm still pleased as punch with this year's bunch of overachievers!
  2. Really? Do you know what you're talking about?! This is the same guy who took out Losman's knee intentionally a few years ago and then went on to be fined like 3 other times that same year, including for poking Brandon Jacobs in the eye (caught on film, BTW). He's toned it down the last few years, but that season alone he did enough to get a suspension and in fact went before Goodell (with his wife, no less) and didn't get suspended, but just warned, probably because he plays for the Pats*--anyone else would have been out for a while.....
  3. What irked me about that one was they'd called holding on Wood the series before for a similar hook move. At least be consistent, but then again, look who we're playing...
  4. Plus one--they have won so many games on garbage calls over the years that it will take years of karmic referee payback to even things out....
  5. I was still nervous until the bitter end and Lindell hit the FG. Then I nearly wept.....
  6. There are some REAL arrogant Pats* fans out there, however, so it's good to see them eat crow for a change. In fact, I'd say that they have the most obnoxious fanbase in all of sports....
  7. Nothin' is sweetah, than a beatdown of the Cheatah*s!!! Way to go, Buff-a-lo!!!
  8. Who else saw that uncalled hold on the play before the TD? WTF--it was the same hook move they called on Wood....
  9. Plus one....
  10. On the couch in Westchester Cty in front of my flatscreen, surrounded by my family all in our Bills jerseys (well, maybe we'll give the dog a break) clutching my 38 year old lucky Bills football....
  11. Solder looked good against Wake, but also looked like he was holding/hooking him half the time, which went uncalled as usual....
  12. Yes, after the season they were caught. They've also been accused over the years of things other than Spygate--go back and read the NYT article from May 2008 that quotes anonymously a couple of members of the NFL Competition Committee (which polices alleged rule infractions) and they said that there was one team that they kept hearing complaints about over and over as pushing the envelope or downright cheating--the Pats*. My favorite part of that article? One of them saying "It was just one team, really, [that they kept hearing about over and over and over....]"
  13. As I said last week, this was a puff piece designed to rehabiitate BB*'s and the Pats*' images. No more, no less. Think about the timeline on which it was made. It shows the 2009 season and on a production timeline must have been in the works for at least a year, ie., in planning right after Spygate. Kraft had a huge hand in setting up the NFL Network and appointing its senior folks (look that one up if you'd like). It all fits pretty neatly for those who stop to think and put the pieces together. Those reviewing it and praising it are remiss in failing to mention this, IMHO, but then again, there's almost no such thing as independent journalists (sorry John and Tim) when the NFL is involved, as too many media outlets have massive ties to the League....
  14. Thanks, didn't see that originally....
  15. From a very quick glance, the thing it seems to be missing is a component going to who your opponent was and how good/tough they are, which to me is an important component....
  16. Want proof Brady is an arsehole? Go back and read the Esquire interview with him from 3-4 years ago in which he talks about enjoying running up the score, including on the Bills. Just once I' d love to see the tables turned and see us beat them by 40 (ok, maybe more than once)....
  17. Wasn't it at 8?
  18. Many thanks for the info. The Raiders' front will be a real test for our O-line this weekend. I hope they're up for it....
  19. How come there seem to be so many prominent Pats* talking heads? I'm sure winning has something (perhaps a good bit) to do with it, but I also think it may have something to do with Kraft pulling some weight with the networks (including NFLN, which he was one of the main backers of, along with Jerrah). I wouldn't put it past them to try packing the airwaves with folks who will glorify their image. Same goes for tonight's NFLN Belicheat* special that's been hyped on the network all month. A little added effort to rehabilitate a team and coach whose image took a big self-inflicted (and well-deserved, IMHO) hit due to Spygate.....
  20. Ross Tucker in his column (which I miss, BTW--where are you now, Ross?), said something to that effect, too, a year or so ago. Said it was the most family-like atmosphere of the teams he'd played for (Pats*, 'Skins and 'Pukes, IIRC)....
  21. He was awful last night. He and Carroll stunk up the joint....
  22. If we can beat them* in 2 weeks wouldn't that be great, Danny?
  23. Bills 24, Chiefs 17. Matt Cassel doesn't finish the game. (For the record, I'm not rooting for this, but simply predicting this will happen.)
  24. RIP, Lee Roy, you were a great player and from what I'm reading elsewhere, a great human being as well. A bit disgusting that ESPN doesn't even really seem to be noting this prominently at all on it's NFL page, but then again, I guess Lee Roy should have known better than to not play in New York, Boston, Chicago or LA. I can still remember Lee Roy and his brother playing--man, am I old....
  25. I would feel the same way normally, too, but for the several stories I read last year of people who'd seen him around (one guy here worked out at the same gym, for ex.) and they made him sound like a jerk....
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