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Everything posted by MattM

  1. There was the usual potential game-changing garbage pro Pats* call (a clear catch by Cards ruled a catch by the closest ref and waived off by another ref), but the Cards overcame it, God bless 'em!
  2. I was at the game with my family yesterday (wooh, boy, that was fun!) and was being ridiculed for not wanting to leave around that time, but I pointed out the exact same thing. We ended up leaving shortly thereafter when the Jets got a first down that was going to allow them to kill much of the clock....
  3. You know, I might agree with your logic if we'd lost a close one on the road against a good team, but we didn't--we got manhandled in almost all phases of the game by a team that I personally don't expect to be anything north of 8-8. That's what hurts today. We thought we had our first decent team in ages and they got exposed today, brutally, and in front of everyone, over and over again. Will it turn out to be an aberration? I hope so, but until they show that it is, they aren't going to be getting the benefit of many doubts, unfortunately.....
  4. Are you a time traveler? Last night was Friday night--games are played on Sunday last I checked....
  5. You're all assuming the OP is male, but "not telling" is the gender in his/her profile......
  6. I watched him in the third game and any time an offensive lineman got anywhere near him it was over. He did, however, have two good plays where he got into the backfield and chased the QB around, to no avail. One was actually a pretty good stunt up the middle. Other than that, however, he was pretty ineffectual when I was watching, and I was specifically watching him. All he's really got is his "quicks"--once a blocker gets anywhere near him, he's done....
  7. Isn't she more than twice as old as his last media-reported "girlfriend" from last summer, the Greenwich, CT HS senior? EL's certainly attractive, but she's almost old enough to be his mom. OK, slight exaggeration, but she is 11years his senior.....
  8. They're all counting on the perpetually injured Vollmer and the return of Brian Waters, who hasn't reported yet and may retire or be asking for more $, to turn their OL train wreck around.....
  9. Anybody else notice Pat Moran glomming onto the tweet breaking this story, trying to make it sound like he's a real journalist?
  10. I was hoping they'd be able to trade him. Good luck elsewhere, Dwan.....
  11. Not quite sure what you mean by this, as I thought Bradham led FSU in tackles his last three seasons there. Sarcasm perhaps?
  12. I'm curious if the League has done background checks on these folks like they apparently do on the real refs, which go well beyond the simple "ever been arrested?". These folks have a once in a lifetime chance (before they head back to DII) to make a huge score by throwing a game. The League really needs to be careful here. Personally, I'm shocked it's gotten as far as it has, as I thought the League was too smart to let it get this far. And to the posters saying the replacement refs' gaffes have been exaggerated I ask what exactly you've been watching this month? They've been atrocious as has been widely reported and as is easily observable by watching almost any preseason game, including ours. One thing that hasn't been remarked on is that I at least have noticed that these guys don't seem to like to call holding--can't count the number of times I've seen O-linemen hook an arm around a rusher's head or shoulder to take them to the ground. Can't believe it, but it does make me wish for the old inept crews back....
  13. Somewhere gamblers and Bob Kraft are smiling at all this....
  14. I think what you're saying is "what happens to Junior Seau when he isn't "Junior Seau" anymore?". I suspect that a lot of pro athletes go through this--they've almost never been "normal people" and for some (many? most?) the letdown is unbearable, particularly when combined with (a) the loss of income/cash if they haven't planned well for life after football which at least sometimes results in (b) the loss of the affections of loved one/spouse, particularly if they haven't chosen wisely in that arena (read gold digger who isn't interested in sticking around with a " has been".) From what I've read Junior may have suffered from all of this, being under both reported financial strain and having gone through a messy divorce earlier and another incident in which folks thought he may have been suicidal after a fight with a girlfriend. Not sure what one can do about this other than the people around him trying to keep an athlete grounded on the way up so that the way "down" isn't quite so hard....
  15. Plus one on the last point. In terms of the accent, one of my old college buddies (from Louisiana, no less!) noticed pretty quickly on a visit that "all the women talk like [our female freshman floor mate from Chili].". To this day he swears the accent is much more pronounced in women and ever since he mentioned it I've always noticed that myself....
  16. Without googling it, I seem to recall him playing safety at NM--am I correct?
  17. Is that the ONLY reason the public views them differently? Somehow I personally doubt it....
  18. You may want to talk to Mitch Frerotte about that--oops, my bad.....
  19. On the Welker thing, that may be what Irsay was tweeting about earlier this week--some big trade going down that was going to require him to open his checkbook. Folks thought it was Mike Wallace (someone worth opening his checkbook for, considering Wallace's age). Looks like Irsay may have taken his "Dan Snyder pills" this week if it's Welker. What a disaster that could be for them--a 31 year old system receiver for a second rounder. We can only hope the Pats* draft the next Chad Jackson with that 2 if they get it.....
  20. I'd like to hear from the doctors on the board--where's WEO when (one of the few times) you need him?
  21. Watch the movie "Bigger, Stronger, Faster" sometime. Documentary on the steroid issue. That's among the ideas the director/writer raises. Not sure if I agree myself, but it was an interesting flick....
  22. As you write it, may it be so....
  23. The Erics each played the first two series, but left after that (folks have ripped our O for scoring only against the Vikes' 2nd tea ers, but (a) a fair number of Vike D starters were still in on that series--at least 4 or 5, I believe, and (b) both Erics were out for us that series.)
  24. That was funnier than h-e-double hockey sticks, and love them calling Romeo Crennel the "Battletoad" in this year's Chiefs synopsis--somehow that just fits (at least to me)....
  25. I agree, but I also think we have no one on the roster behind him anywhere near as good, which concerns me. I'd have loved to see them go and try to pick up someone else this offseason. Have heard that M. Bennett looked good last night in the Giants game, for ex......
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