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Everything posted by MattM

  1. Does Fitz look absolutely beaten to anyone else? The look on is face this half says to me he's mentally checked out and/or doesn't believe he can do it. No fire at all....
  2. Anyone else here think JJ might have a PED suspension in his future? Something about his crazed look and tree trunk-sized arms (plus playing with Cushing, who according to some, has been juicing since high school) just gives me that impression....
  3. I'll let you know after tomorrow. Tomorrow will tell me whether this team has it in them to fight for a playoff spot this year....
  4. He's played enough games to clearly show he's a very special player on the field. Watch an interview with him and he says all the right things and seems like a great kid. With hindsight, that trade is a no brainer....
  5. You must remember that to a fan of the Cheats* 4 penalties seems like a lot--after all, it's about twice what they normally get called for....
  6. Yet isn't it funny how so much more frequently it seemed to happen at brand spanking new Gillette than at other places as per at least 2 head coaches? Something's smelled bad in New England* for a long while now and it ain't just Belicheat's dirty hoodie. We haven't even brought up Rodney Harrison's HGH yet. Only caught because he was dumb enough to order it under his own name. Funny how that team was the place washed up old vets seemed to go to "regain a step"....
  7. You do also realize that they were accused in the NFL Competition Committee of more than Spygate. Things like headsets going out at odd times (third downs on key drives being a favorite as per Jack Del Rio and Rod Marinelli) at Gillette or Ross Tucker's accusation that IRed players practiced with the team, for ex. As per a NYT article after Spygate citing several unnamed members of that Committee it was New England brought before them far and away more than anyone else for suspicion of rules infractions Personally, I agree with the poster above. Some teams are more willing to push the envelope than others and the Cheats* are way on one end of the barbell compared to the rest of the League. Some coaches (and owners) really believe in "winning at all costs" and are willing to push the line on that. I'm always amazed that some folks find that hard to believe. One doesn't get to where they are without taking risks....
  8. No, they just moved on to some of their other alternatives, like the refereeing in last week's Bills game. Good to see that the check cleared this year....
  9. I used to love his columns at SI. Too bad that ESPN pretty much buried his work on like page 12. I'd imagine that doing radio is a lot easier than doing a weekly column, but it's the print reader's loss....
  10. Think of it as a win-win. Either the Cheats* go down, or the Bills' playoff chances go up.....
  11. Kind of hard, though, isn't it to beat the other team and the referees? Look, I don't like it when folks continually winge about the officiating either, particularly in marginal cases that could have gone either way, or which average out over time, but over the years it's been one team over and over and over again that seems to have gotten the benefit of suspect calls against us (and others, I might add). Notice you don't see people here complaining, for ex., about losses to the Fins or Jets (or anyone else) due to poor officiating. When you see something like the Pats* "luck" with the referees on a consistent and predictable basis it should make you think, particularly in a case where said team has already been found to, how shall we say, "bend the rules".....
  12. "Even after a slew of questionable calls that seemed to be stacking the deck in favor of the Patriots, the Bills still had a chance to win the game late." For those who think people who complain about the refs in Pats* games are all just sore losers/conspiracy theorists, that's the intro to Mike Florio's article on the game on PFT yesterday. He was going about as far as he's allowed here considering that he works for NBC, which has an agreement with the NFL....
  13. My favorite was the no call hold on KW at about 5:50 in the 2nd. The guard hooks his arm around KW and grabs his jersey as he turns him upfield, all in plain view of a ref, but of course no flag. I just rewatched that 3 times along with the two garbage PI's on the same drive--incredible that these refs are allowed to work in the NFL. The League needs to investigate these guys and their bank accounts, but we all know that will never happen....
  14. And you know why that is, don't you? Look no further than who he plays for....
  15. Mike Florio noticed this on his site at least--something like "several questionable calls in the Pats* direction". I'm glad to see we're not the only ones seeing this. Today's refs really should be investigated. I mean, when you have so many atrocious calls all in the same direction it really gives one pause about the integrity of the game....
  16. Amazing, isn't it considering it's 11 on at least 15 here....
  17. Seriously--what do we do about this officiating? Send tapes/letters to the League? Start a boycott? I watch lots of Pats*games and this happens WAY too often for it to be coincidence. Today's just a spectacularly bad example of it....
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