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Everything posted by MattM

  1. One or more of Kevin Burnett, Karlos Dansby, Bart Scott and Calvin Pace. My choice would be Burnett (just turned 30 and a pretty good year last year). Brandon Moore and Dustin Keller of the NYets. If we signed these guys and a WR (Gibson or Alexander) I'd be happy....
  2. This team now has so many holes that Buddy has no choice but to pick up 4-5 mid-tier FA's rather than 1-2 top shelf ones, so today really shouldn't be a surprise....
  3. Could be, but I'd wager they have far more fair weather fans than other big national teams like the Steelers or Packers....
  4. I hope I'm wrong, but it's a bit tough to get too enthused about someone who's main accomplishment to date has been turning a crappy college program into a mediocre one....
  5. Welcome to the Board, BL. That description kind of reminds me of Lawrence Maroney, who looked like a HOFer at times during his rookie year, running through or around people, but then seemed to shy away from contact more and more as his career went on. Very odd career arc....
  6. http://www.nytimes.com/2013/03/09/sports/one-way-to-cheer-up-cheer-harder.html?ref=sports&_r=0 About two-thirds of the way through: "A native of Buffalo, she has endured years of disappointment as a Bills fan, though she has lately found herself siding with the nearby New England Patriots. “It’s actually fun to win for change,” she said. “I like being happy.” " That probably describes more than half their national fanbase.....
  7. That's not bad at all. I think that might mean we'd keep our own and probably be able to pick up a quality WR and LB in FA, plus 2-3 other more marginal guys to compete at spots like LB, DE, S, CB and TE, leaving only 3-4 spots to be filled in via the draft, where we should be able to draft at least 2 more impact players. Unfortunately the biggest of those remaining needs for the draft would be QB....
  8. That's doable--the cities aren't that far apart, and makes for an epic football weekend!
  9. Will hit the Saints game unless it's first week of the season (family wedding), X-Mas or Thanksgiving weekends. My best friend from college is from Baton Rouge so have been down there a few times to NO with him, including a Falcons-Saints game in the mid-90's (that was preceded by HS football on Friday night and checking out LSU beating a 5th ranked Auburn team (remember, this was pre-Saban resurgence)) and for the SU-Auburn Sugar Bowl way back. Had tickets to the Bills-Saints game in 2005, but obviously didn't go. Going to see if we can get our fathers to go to make a 4-some of it. Hopefully LSU will be in BR that weekend. Nothing like a non-stop football weekend--last year caught the Stanford-AZ game before seeing the 9ers stomp us and last year caught the Navy-SMU game before the 'Pukes stomped us. Now that I think about it, the Bills just might pay me to stay home this year....
  10. Best part of that Damon Evans story was that the married father of two also had a young chippie in the care with him at like 2 am when he was drunk. I think he initially tried to pass her off as "just a friend" but then the truth came out (some of it quite kinky IIRC).....
  11. Agree with the folks above--good player in his prime and seemed like a class act, too. I recall an interview a few years ago about his drawing skills and his interest in art. Came across as very unassuming and humble. Here's wishing him the best wherever he lands (except New England*!), and all the best in whatever else he does after football....
  12. Due to Chandler's injury and even without that, the fact that many good team's today carry two good TE's, I would love to see us bring in Keller or Bennett this FA period. Jermichael Findley would be great, too, but I expect him to be out of our price range.....
  13. From what I've read, we can be in very good cap shape this year if we carry this $ over--it looked like only 6-7 other teams had more $ than we did, and for the first time in a while, there were a number of teams, like the Jets and Saints, who were in very bad cap shape....
  14. I'd take him for a 3, and maybe even a 2, but I suspect the 49ers may want a 1 for him.....
  15. Part of the reason roided out guys work out harder is because that's what some of those drugs allow you to do--work out more intensely on less rest for your body. Personally, my objection to them is that the medical profession hasn't done enough work on them to guarantee that they're safe for use and thus allowing folks to use them in that situation means an athlete has a choice of either doping to keep up, with all the medical risks that brings, or risk not making the cut by not using them. That doesn't seem right to me. If you haven't seen it, watch "Bigger, Faster, Stronger" sometime--it's a documentary on roids....
  16. Several other teams fit that bill, too--Giants, Packers, Colts (ex-2011) and Stillers all come to mind, you know, teams that are in it almost every year and have WON SB's (multiple in some cases) in the last 7-8 years. Yet they don't seem to get the same love from the networks in terms of coverage. Nowhere near it. Personally, I think that it's been worked up to the point where since there's such hatred for the Pats* in lots of quarters the networks know they generate buzz either way. Look at PFT's comment section for anecdotal proof of that. I'm also floored by folks who don't think it's unusual that CBS has a direct economic stake via Puke's* Place in one of the teams they cover. At a minimum that (and the Viacom directorship) shows that Kraft really doesn't see or care about conflicts or perceived conflicts--I've met the type in business before. Singularly self-focused in a way that causes blind spots on such issues. In fairness to him, more of sn issue for his co-owners who let him get away with it.....
  17. Doubt it--I think it's got more to do with (a) him being married and (b) through all his and his wife's very public charity work being seen as a paragon of virtue and values and most importantly © his keeping this hidden--if you know about the others' you write about's situations I suspect they did not try to cover them up, but simply have different arrangements with their spouses/significant others....
  18. Plus one on the Kraft oddities. I'm still floored that he's a Viacom director and that CBS/Viacom has a direct ownership interest in Patriette* Place and no one in the media had the cajones to report on that --I learned it from Wikipedia. At least that explains the nob gobbling on CBS for Brady, Belicheat* & unholy crew. As for U2, best concert I ever saw was them at MSG in Oct, 2001, from the Fox News booth no less. Emotional as all heck, from draping himself in the US flag to that list of names, not a dry eye in the house. How much the world (and US politics) has changed since then....
  19. One thing to remember in reading that article is that it's from the Post, a Rupert Murdoch publication. They ain't exactly the "truthiest" folks out there (I say that even though I've got a friend who's worked there for ages )....
  20. All this talk of Belicheat and how can we forget the allegations that he was screwing someone else's wife while a Giant assistant. Gave her and her hubby Super Bowl tickets, as I recall, so maybe he has a softer side....
  21. Well, they were known as a team where aging vets seemed to find fresh legs and one of those vets (Sir Rodney) was found to have ordered HGH online. As there was no test for it he was only caught by being dumb enough to use his own name in buying it and then getting ensnared when the pharmacy was raided. Who knows how many other teammates there were using? If that team turned a blind eye or even encouraged such things it would not shock me in the least personally....
  22. And just before that in the early '90's (when I lived there) they sold 19k season tix, in a city multiple times the size of Buffalo....
  23. I I strongly disagree. Like many fans I like/admire others winning teams, like the Steelers and Ravens and Packers. It's the cheating and sore loser attitude (and their insufferably arrogant coach and fans) that make me loathe them. I suspect I'm not alone in that...
  24. Never said that, but it does show someone who is not afraid to get involved in what most would view as conflicts of interest so long as it does indeed advance his interests. That said, who do you think the network covering the SB would want in the Big Game, Baltimore or New England*?
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