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Everything posted by MattM

  1. Good on them for bringing this up--who knows, maybe they even got the idea for this by reading this board. As some of us have discussed here at length, some of the scheduling issues are so ridiculous as to make one wonder whether or not they're coincidence, like the Cheats* typically (although not this year) getting strong opponents or division games after a bye or, like this year, playing no one all year who's had extra time off (I believe they've had similar "luck") in years past as well, while we seem to get reamed by the schedule makers on those issues year in, year out. Good for them for speaking up!
  2. That's what I was referencing in my post. Remember that the 2007 team was 18-1, so Brady may be good for up to 7 wins on his own, 5 in the regular season. Extrapolate that to the 12-4 team last year and you get 7-9. Imperfect methodology here? Yes, but you get the point.....
  3. With a team that went 18-1 the prior year, so that seems to show that Brady alone may be worth 5 or more wins a year. Extrapolate that to their more recent seasons and you get 8-8 or 7-9 without him....
  4. Already been said, but karma indeed can be a biotch....
  5. I'll be curious how they'll do post-Brady myself. I suspect they'll sink back into mediocrity, but we'll see in 1-2 years (I say Brady's got about that left despite his stated desire to play to 40--ask Favre how that worked out for him.) Their drafting has been middling to lousy lately and they don't quite seem to attract the same level of FA (and FA discounts) they once did. I think the League may have also sat on their cheating a bit more since Spygate--not nearly the same level of BS calls they used to get seemingly week-in, week-out. Who knows, maybe Spygate scared off some of the crooked refs, too....
  6. Are Brennan's (and it's cousin, Mr. B's) and Commander's Palace still as good as I remember them? Can't wait for the trip, if for no other reason than the food!
  7. Variations on a theme: The Buffalo Bills.....where "hope" goes to die.... Hope springs infernal.....your Buffalo Bills
  8. Not really--unless you controlled for other variables like W-L record of those playing. That's why things like the 10 year data set linked by Poo above that showed ten years of results (anomalies more likely to even out) that showed effectively a 4 to 5% advantage are more reliable....
  9. I didn't click through the relevant link, but Poo noted above on Saturday that 10 years of data out to 2011 showed a 4.2% increase in chances for a win after a full bye. That's statistically significant and would also follow what one might intuit based on common sense.....
  10. I spit up my drink laughing at this one--good job, man!
  11. Didn't the Cheats* have a similar situation last year--something like one or none against folks coming off Thursday or a bye? I seem to recall us having a very similar discussion last year at this time and a lot of people calling those who pointed this out crazy conspiracy theorists. I wonder what point and what amount of evidence, circumstantial as it may be, is enough for some folks. I mean it was literally 4,000 to 1 odds that the Cheats* would play us off their bye in as many consecutive years as they did, for example.....
  12. I went 4 or 5 years ago and got tix from the box office--single game tix went on sale in late spring I believe and went fast (I bought them at like 10:01 that morning). Call the team and ask when they're going on sale. Have fun--I loved the city. Great fans, great stadium and the Warhol Museum was pretty cool, too!
  13. Nope, we're not enough of a threat to the Cheats* this year to merit that, but they will either get Miami, the Jets or a tough opponent after the bye* if history is any guide....
  14. Every time--and I've visited 10-12 away cities over the years, including the Raiders twice. Never had a problem. Key point is don't be a jerk.....
  15. If true, what does that say about us as a society?
  16. Swap Manuel for Nassib and I'd love this draft....
  17. I seem to recall reading a PFF article right before Glenn got hurt in which he graded out with them as the 4th best tackle in the entire League to that point....
  18. Personally, I think they could still salvage this offseason if they do something like: --sign Brandon Moore at G and pickup a CB in FA (perhaps Jenkins) --if Geno's not there, find a way to trade back (perhaps if Dee Miliner's still there someone might bite --perhaps even SF with their CB needs and multiple early round picks) for a 1 and 2 and take someone like Patterson and perhaps package a 2 and 3 and come back up to get Manuel late in the first and then use the remaining 2 on a LB--finding a trading partner here is admittedly not easy --go BPA (which hopefully includes a TE) after that We'd have plugged most of our holes and if the rooks pan out might have a decent team....
  19. I'm not a big fan of Big Vince (that Losman hit and about 4 others that same year should have earned him a suspension, but guess who he plays for?), but good for him for sticking up for his wife. Loved his response and would love to be a fly on the wall the next time Vince and his ex-teammate run into each other....
  20. I don't really like the Donkos, but I'd LOVE to see them put a real beating on the Cheats* this year....
  21. If nothing else, this added a great story line for the upcoming season. I really can't stand Welker personally (that "F-You! You F-ing Suck!" play against the Colts a few years ago, as well as his general smarminess stand out), but even I would like to see him stick it to the Cheats* and Belicheat* next year, as I think they dissed him big time with that joke of an offer. What I'm hoping is that by the time Brady gets on the same page with little Danny, he'll be another year or two older and closer to retirement. Plus, I heard earlier that they were planning on dumping an aging (33? 34?) Brandon Lloyd--is that still the plan? If so, they're going to need at least one more decent wideout, since among the 3 Glass Bros., you can count on at least one being out for a while next year.....
  22. Problem is, none of those other folks (Searcy, Jackson, for ex.) were able last year to beat out the guys who they've replaced, so the team IS worse at those spots at least....
  23. I'm not sure about your counting. Personally, I count Barnett, Wilson and Fitz as starters, and Kelsay as a key backup, all gone, with no one but Manny Lawson to replace them, granted it's early in FA. If they can bring in another LB z(Burnett orDansby or Connor Barwin, please), a TE (I hope Keller doesn't sign with Miami), Brandon Moore and a decent WR, they may salvage something, but I highly doubt much, if any, of the foregoing will come to pass. It kind of looks like they're not really trying right now....
  24. Take every advantage, fair or foul, ethical or unethical, no matter how small....
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