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Everything posted by MattM

  1. Yes--they're brothers. Here's the Buffalo News article on it--it's towards the bottom: http://www.buffalonews.com/sports/bills-nfl/bills-notebook-marrone-expects-byrd-to-make-smooth-transition-20130821 I take part of what I said above back--looks like his current company handles sports teams' websites, so if the Bills are having legal problems with their website, he's their man!
  2. Maybe because he now has total control of the organization? Gregg Brandon is an IP (intellectual property) attorney as per his bio. Unless the Bills plan on suing folks for trademark infringement or their business mainly consists of IP licensing deals, he has little to no relevant experience to be the Bills' general counsel (his new position). I'd expect such a position to be held by an attorney with labor law, commercial/contract law and perhaps litigation management experience. He has none of the above. Pretty easy to see why he was hired, however. Here's a good article on the phenomenon: http://dealbook.nyti...-scandal/?_r=1 Like many articles these days, the comments are better than the article. A defense of nepotism by Andrew Ross Sorkin (some may know him from CNBC) is hardly surprising, however, considering that his father is a partner at one of NYC's most profitable firms and has probably earned an average of $2-3m a year for the last 30 years, putting him squarely in the top 1/10th of 1% in the parlance of the day. Funny, too, that dad's page on said law firm's website lists the NY Times (where sonny works) antitrust case as one of his biggest cases. Also funny that ARS's mother-in-law is an editor at a major women's magazine, while her daughter (ARS's wife) is a literary agent. See how all this works? I learned all of this from a 3 minute set of Google searches. Ain't technology amazing..... I'm the general counsel and SVP of a subsidiary of a large company, yet based on my experience I'd in no way be qualified to be the Bills' general counsel. Not how the law works. There are practice specialties that one works for years in before being able to actually "do" anything, particularly of that size. I wish him well and luck, since he's part of our team, but believe me, there are many other people who are better qualified for that position....
  3. Looks like the Cheats* are having a rough night in Mo-Town. It's 13-3 Lions, but should be worse considering they've fumbled 3 times and Brady's been picked once and sacked twice. The Lions (w/o Megatron) missed a FG, too, and the Pats* can't seem to get anything going on O. Bunch of 3 and outs. Let's hope this continues on Sept. 8....
  4. That's what I thought when I read his bio--absolutely zero relevant experience.....
  5. Thanks, Astro--these reports are pure gold!
  6. Ward was always a smart guy and class act in my book
  7. I hate Belicheat* as much as the next non-Pats* fan, but he's right on this one....
  8. Considering what it does (reduces recovery time for both injuries and normal workouts), isn't it a heckuva lot more likely to be used by aging vets than younger players/teams, all as I originally noted above?
  9. Some of us know what we know (and it may be more than others on this board) about certain issues--I'll leave it at that. Bear in mind that Rodney only got caught because he was dumb enough to use his own name and address in ordering his HGH from a pharmacy later raided by the DA. It's really inconceivable to you that a team that's been proven to have cheated wouldn't also possibly have, shall we say, "looser morals", when it comes to PED use, and that such a reputation may not help it bring in older players who may be willing to take that chance? One of my gym buddies and I were talking a few years ago about HGH. He told me that it tends to give users an outsized head--serious lifters call it "the bloat". The next week I saw an interview on TV with Vrabel, Bruschi and Seau (it was right before the Giants kicked your arse--the first time!) and they all had heads the size of melons. Coincidence? Maybe, maybe not. Personally, I wouldn't be shocked at all if one or more of them were using at that time, but obviously can't know that for sure. Let's get testing and see who's using. Brain fart above--meant Faulk for Brown in the RB example.....
  10. It really is too bad that HGH testing will come into place about 10 to 15 years too late for the Pats*, I mean where else did seemingly over the hill/washed up vets go and suddenly seem to regain a step or two? Think of Dillon, Moss, Harrison, Seau, Fred Taylor, Brian Waters, among others over the years, and that's not including their own guys who seemed to play better than their age, like Troy Brown, demi-god Bruschi, Vrabel (came when he was younger and played LB into his mid-30's without doing an Eddie Robinson) and McGinest. I remember a couple of years ago looking up NFL RBs of note over 32 and the Pats* had 3 (Taylor, Brown and Sammy Morris) of 5 total in the League....
  11. Anyone know his contract status? I believe he played 3 years in Indy and most 1st rounders have 5 year front loaded deals, so hopefully we have him this year and next at a reasonable price....
  12. I went to the Bills-Fins game that year, where we lost 17-0, I believe, same score as our drubbing by the Johnny U-led Colts the year before, which was my first Bills game. It took me 3 years to see the Bills score a point when we beat Chicago (with Butkus) the next season. Should have realized the long haul I was in for then.....
  13. As a Columbia alum I can vouch for that part. In fact, there was a "Sorrel Booke Suite" in one of the dorms back in the day....
  14. Question--we were missing 4 starters (SJ, Chandler, Byrd and McK); anyone know if the Colts were missing any?
  15. Not sure if mentioned above, but I recall the announcers also saying that due to injuries in camp, the Iggles had not done ANY live tackling drills yet in camp, which might explain some rust. Love the analysis, BTW--as others have noted, I learn more from these posts than the jokers on TV.....
  16. Plus one on the fair refs for a change. The Cheats* O looked like it didn't miss a beat last night despite the personnel changes at WR. Would be nice to beat them, but may still be a tall order....
  17. Interesting Photo Essay showing players with their (or others') friends, including one of Dareus with Moats' daughter. Puts a bit of a more human face on the game (at least for me)..... http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424127887323514404578652182526101480.html?mod=WSJ_hpp_PhotosModule_1#slide/1
  18. Crap--I was really hoping that we'd sign him (particularly after we cut Mark Anderson--his money due this year would have covered Moore most likely).....
  19. You and Astro are my heroes of the day today! Thanks for the reporting. Hope you enjoyed the scrimmage!
  20. For those who haven't had the chance to read it yet, I highly recommend Art's book "Fatso"--great anecdote after great anecdote. You will be missed, Mr. Donovan, may you rest in peace....
  21. I'll be watching Dion Jordan of Miami tonight, too. I'm nearly schoolgirl giddy that football (even if only preseason) is coming back tonight.....
  22. As the guy who said it, I agree wholeheartedly! He needs the time with EJ to get their timing and communication down, so missing any time at all is not good. Obviously better than a blown knee, but still not good....
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