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Everything posted by MattM

  1. Anyone else even more impressed with Pettine as a coach today on that last play? He had our D lineman all shift before the snap to overload the D's left side, which is what caused the pressure to chase Tannehill out of the pocket. I thought that was brilliant. Normally you wouldn't do that because you're opening up one whole side of the D, but in that situation, with 6 seconds and no TO left, that wasn't a worry, and he knew that and made the right call. Very impressive, IMHO....
  2. It isn't just their D--Brady is not "Brady" this year. Did you see his stat line this week (or most weeks this year)? He's been quite pedestrian all around....
  3. If you look at the actual rule (there are PFT articles on it) the play was a textbook example of that penalty. No ifs, ands or "butts".... Just poor coaching....
  4. There's a first time for everything! Just think, only 20-30 more such losses and karma will be about even! I also disagree with your premise--the call against the Cheats* today was apparently a "good call" in the sense that the infraction called was a textbook example of the penalty in question. The fact that it's not consistently called perhaps is a different story than, say, missing a blatant penalty to let the Cheats* win a game (ie, a truly bad/missed no call). Have fun stewing this week!
  5. Anyone have a definition of the rule in question before declaring it a bad call? Big difference between a bad/blown call or no call and a good call that's not always consistently made IMHO....
  6. Now I've seen everything--the Pats* get flagged late in a game that might cost them the game!
  7. Yup--a Saints fan pointed out in a comment thread that there was a ref looking directly at it, too. As we know from our own experiences with the Cheaters* that's just bid'ness as usual for them. I was laughing my arse off at some of the Pats* fan board comments downplaying this, including several "fans" saying that this was legal 'because they'd seen it done many times before without being called' You can't make this stuff up. All of you saying that all star QB's get this treatment, I have to disagree--it's mainly one team, IMHO..... Link please, and to a game changing call. We all know those only go one way in Cheats* games. Want me to link to a bunch more screenshots of non-calls against Cheat* linemen vs the Bengals (you know, the game where the Cheats* weren't whistled once)?
  8. Hey, Drop Kick--still waiting to hear your excuse for this game changing call that gave the Pats* a win (one of many such garbage calls over the years)....
  9. Ask the people who play and coach the game that. I read an article last year where multiple coaches said extra time and lack thereof was very key in how they looked at the difficulty of their schedule....
  10. http://www.canalstreetchronicles.com/2013/10/13/4835644/saints-patriots-2013-referees-holding-tom-brady-junior-galette Check out the video of the blatant textbook hold by the Cheats* that wasn't called last week on the Brady TD. One of many similar we've all seen over the years.... BTW--I'd love to hear Drop Kick's excuse for that one....
  11. Maybe it's stuff like having no penalties called all game in Cinci two weeks ago, or an obvious hold not called on the last, game-winning play this past week that has something to do with all that winning: http://www.canalstre...-junior-galette Watch the video in that one and tell me that wasn't about the most blatant hold you've ever seen. As per some of the commenters from the Saints site, there was a ref specifically watching it, too, but yet no flag. If not that one, how about the phantom false start on the Saints on their prior drive, the one that should clearly have been an encroachment penalty that would have kept the Saints' drive alive--even Pats* fans are admitting that was a bad call. If not that one, how about the obvious time out that Brees called and which was ignored on the play that he went to get picked on? I've never seen that happen in all my years of football watching--a QB calls TO before the snap and yet the refs let them play on. It was truly a motely refereeing crew on Sunday. Sound familiar--it should, as it seems to happen to us and many others against them over and over. It was a beautiful pass and catch on Sunday, no doubt, but also no doubt that "some animals are more equal than others" in the eyes of the NFL (or at least their refs).....
  12. Agreed. Of the real starters, only Jackson and KW are 30 or over (and KW is just 30). This team has some good, young talent. What they need are a few more pieces (LG, CB) and depth in a few spots (OL, LB, TE). Oh, yeah, and for EJ to be the real deal, plus a little bit of Killer Instinct. Get some of that and we're golden..... Thank you--I tried to make a similar point, but you really nailed it!
  13. What was worse was I could have sworn I heard boos from the remaining crowd late in the game after the Brady INT. Talk about "what have you done for me lately" fans....
  14. That was painful to watch-- of course most of the Pats* "fans" left 20 minutes ago as per the announcers....
  15. I disagree with that last point-- when we were coming back I felt we were the better team, especially all things considered ( including injury)....
  16. That's what I'm hoping, too. The kid looked like a gamer today....
  17. No, but his main qualification for the job was being an old friend of Marrone's, if I recall correctly....
  18. And that, my friends, is how those on the right can remain ignorant for so long--let's not even listen to the other side, "I already know what they're going to say". Willful blindness some might call it....
  19. We really need special team points/field position to have a chance while EJ is out....
  20. I said the exact same thing to my wife (who spent a year at Phillip Morris) last night in watching this--"they must have the same lawyers as 'Big Tobacco', since they seem to have taken a large page of their playbook".....
  21. I'm 40 minutes in. Very disturbing and well worth watching thus far. The part about Mike Webster is particularly chilling....
  22. Remember, (a) Kraft is also a board member at Viacom, CBS's parent and (b) CBS actually has an equity stake in the Patriette Place commercial mall/development. How no one in the media has ever really brought them up or focused on those conflicts never ceases to amaze me....
  23. I'm glad others are starting to notice this, too. "Sunlight is the best disinfectant" as they say. Too bad it's been going on for years.....
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