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Everything posted by MattM

  1. So now we're supposed to be taking lessons from the Raiders as examples of great management? Your argument (such as it is) fails right there, much as any argument to retain Crossman is bound to fail based on the voluminous evidence....
  2. Count me among those who think this is a sick joke--they have got to be kidding us that this guy keeps his job. ST (absent Dan Carpenter) were demonstrably terrible this year despite having proven playmakers in the return game. Some of us called this last year when Crossman was hired--based on his "record" even then it looked like a pure cronyism hire. Now that's just been absolutely confirmed....
  3. But doesn't that bring up the broader point that McCarron has played his whole career on a talent-stocked team second to none in college football and his performance should be judged with that in mind? Even with their losses YOY they seem to restock every season with top recruiting classes. I hate Saban, so was glad to see them lose. McCarron doesn't strike me as anything particularly special (didn't watch much of last night's game, but did see his second (awful) pick) and neither did McElroy....
  4. Some of us, in looking at Crosman's less than stellar record pre-Buffalo record and the appearance of his only being hired because he was Marrone's friend, thought he was a bad hire that might cost us a game or two this year. Lo and behold, those folks were right! Let's hope the Bills realize this and correct the mistake this offseason
  5. This^^^^ Personally, the calls will only all go their* way if the game is close. If it's a Pats* blowout, no need....
  6. Plenzmd--the joke relates to the fact that European girls often don't shave their arm pit hair, hence their distaste for Gillette (ie , the razor)
  7. I seem to recall from Hard Knocks a few years ago that Kitna is quite religious. Good on him for the donation....
  8. I suspect it's worse than that--for the reason you mention, namely that it would be an overreaction to something like that. I'd guess that it's more likely being perpetually late even after being spoken to and warned about it....
  9. Looks like there are refs with competing betting interests in the Pats*-Ravens game. There's been a flag like 5 plays in a row now, going each way
  10. Doesn't have to be the League (although it could be)--just takes a few greedy officials, and some cooperation from the folks who manage them, kind of like the Serie A scandal in Italian soccer a few years back. In that case, the guy in charge of assigning the refs to games was involved. It was a widespread scandal that rocked that League. Here, I just know what I see--over and over and over again....
  11. So amazing that it defies logic, unless there are other factors at work than meet the eye....
  12. What's wrong with Dareus--hVen't seen him playing yet
  13. Just off the top of my head, the ones I recall include: Bills (multiple, the worst being the JP game a few years back that TMQ wrote about), Ravens Monday nighter, the Giants game the last game of the undefeated season, Dolphins Monday nighter, Houston game about ten years ago (late, late penalty away from the play wipes a Brady game-ending pick off the board, allowing the Cheats to go on to win--even the announcers weren't sure of the call), the Tuck Rule, the AFCCG vs. the Colts, the Saints game this year, all to go with the Browns. Feel free to add your own....
  14. This--just look at the media firestorm when the Pats* lose a game that a call had a part in. They go bonkers. Yet when the Pats* shtupp someone on a late call or no call it gets little to no press. Only problem is, what the Pats* did on the FG in the Jets game was a textbook example of the penalty in question, unlike on Sunday vs the Browns. Let's not play false equivalence here, please.
  15. That's ticky tack hand checking that goes on on every long pass play--go to ProFootballTalk.com and read the comments section there--plenty of Pats* fans there have admitted just that, but go ahead and believe what you want to believe. BTW, did you even notice the title of the GIF? What's your response on the BS defenseless receiver call that gave them an extra 125 yards on the kickoff, or the Patriot* falling out of bounds on his knees when the timeoutless Pats* needed the clock stopped and the refs doing just that for them? That was another great one where the refs (including the guy looking right at the line play) missed an obvious hold the Saints DE on the game winning TD. You really can't make this stuff up, it happens so often with that team....
  16. No, we saw the same replay--you're just used to getting calls that no one else gets, particularly at that stage of a game, over and over again until it seems like second nature to you....
  17. Completely agree--they bring in Pereira to simply whitewash whatever the call was, good or bad. Folks should also remember that Mike Pereira actually wanted the League to allow refs to be hired by individual teams upon their retirement from reffing, possibly the single worst idea in the history of the sport ("why thank you, Ref A, for your years of hard work calling games in our favor, here's your gold watch and 500k a year sweetheart deal"). That told me all I needed to know about good, ole Mike P..... Sorry, dude, but you're missing the point here--that was not PI at all and that call only gets made in favor of the Pats* when they're down at crunch time
  18. Wow--hats off to Prater, as that's been an amazingly long-standing record!
  19. It wasn't just the PI--there was also a play on the second to last drive when the Pats* receiver was clearly stopped in bounds (he leaned from his knees to put the ball out of bounds!) and the refs still stopped the clock for the timeoutless Cheats*, quickly followed by a ridiculous 15 yarder on the Browns DB on the second to last TD. WWF and its "black hatting" and "white hatting" of wrestlers can't help but come to mind....
  20. I wasn't even talking PI--first off, they stopped the clock earlier when the Pat* was clearly stopped in bounds and second the garbage unnecessary toughness call to give them an extra 15 yards. Complete and utter BS I'm really starting to think this league is fixed
  21. Unreal what the Cheats* are getting away with in this game
  22. Refs trying their best to give the Cheats* a win....
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